Instructions for Completing Course Approval/Change Document
1. Is the course an Addition, Revision or Termination?
2. If Revision: Please list changes being made to course such as title change; or title, CIP, and description change, etc.
3. Course Number: Two letters (choose discipline from drop down menu) and three numbers (i.e., EN 140). For course additions, ask for
a list of available course numbers from the Registrar’s Office.
4. Course Title: Full title of course.
5. If Revision: Indicate previous course number and/or title if change has been made. A new course number must be used if the revised
course is not equivalent to the previous course offered.
6. For Additions and Revisions-First Semester/Year To Be Offered: Indicate first semester/year course is to be offered or when changes
to the revised course will be put into place.
7. For Terminations Only-Last Semester/Year To Be Offered: Indicate last semester/year course is to be offered. For course
terminations skip questions 10-22.
8. College Name: Choose the College Name from drop down menu. UI/IU courses belong to the Provost.
9. Department Name: Choose the Department Name from drop down menu. UI/IU courses belong to the Provost.
10. CIP Code: Enter six digit code number. Contact Institutional Research for information.
11. Fixed Credit Hours: Enter the total credit hours student will earn for course. Lecture, Lab, and/or Other Contact Hours should be
completed as appropriate. Lecture contact hours should equal the student credit hours earned for the lecture component of the
class. Lab contact hours will in most cases be entered as a 2 to 1 ratio (2 contact hours equals 1 student credit hour) for the lab
component of the class. Other Contact hours will be entered for field experience courses, internships, practicums, etc.
12. Variable Credit Hours: If course is variable credit hour, indicate total minimum hours and total maximum hours for which credit can
be received. Indicate minimum and maximum lecture, lab, and/or other contact hours as appropriate. See 10 for more detailed
13. Can This Course be Taken for Additional Credit: Indicate if students will be allowed to enroll in this course more than once for
additional credit. NOTE: If the course allows for multiple repeats, it is outside the normal repeat procedure. If a student making a
grade of ‘D’ or ‘F’ wants to repeat the course for a better grade, special handling is required.
14. Maximum enrollment allowed for course: Indicate the total number of students allowed to enroll in this course and the justification
for that maximum.
15. Class Schedule Type/Faculty Workload: See Class Schedule Types sheet on Document Share for appropriate type of course and
faculty workload.
16. Course Level: Choose appropriate course level from drop down menu. 500 level courses are mixed undergraduate/graduate.
17. Grade Type: Indicate if course is standard grade (A, B, C, etc.) or Credit/No Credit
18. Developmental Course: Indicate if course is to be offered for degree credit or developmental credit.
19. Cross-listed Course: List course that is cross-listed across disciplines (e.g., PY120/CF120)
20. Special Course Fee: Indicate course fee amount as approved by Board of Regents
21. Required faculty qualifications: What are the degrees, areas of specialty, and/or other characteristics of a faculty member that would
qualify them to teach this course.
22. General Education Course: Choose NO, or the category in which the course falls and the general learning goals.
Updated 8/22/2019