Supervisorial District:
(for staff use only)
Superior Court of California
County of Santa Clara
2020-2021 Civil Grand Jury Application and Nomination Form
□ Mr. □ Mrs. □ Ms. □ Dr. □ Mx. □ No title
1. Name:
Last First Middle
2. Residence Address:
Street City Zip
3. Home Phone: ( ) Cell Phone: ( )
Gender: □ Man (or male) □ Woman (or female) □ Non-binary □ Decline to answer
Date of Birth: / / Place of Birth:
Age Range: □ 18-25 □ 26-34 □ 35-4445-54 □ 55-64 □ 65-74 □ 75 and over
Driver License or State ID Number:
Indicate your race/ethnicity by checking all that apply:
American Indian or Alaska Native □ Hispanic/Latino
Asian □ Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
□ Black or African American □ White
□ Other Race or ethnicity (please state):____________________ □ Decline to answer
Sexual Orientation: □ GayLesbianBisexual/pansexual □ Straight/heterosexual
□ Queer □ Another sexual orientation □ Decline to answer
4. Student: Yes/No
5. Employment Status: Presently Employed
Not Employed
6. Please provide detailed (present and/or past) employment (10 years or two most recent
jobs) and educational background information on a separate sheet of paper.
Resume is attached: Yes/No
, State
Superior Court of California
County of Santa Clara
Civil Grand Jury Application, 2020-2021 Last Name:
7. If you are employed, does your employer understand the nature of the duties of a Grand
Juror and will they release you to full-time Grand Jury service for the entire period that
the jury shall be in session? Yes No
If you are
employed, a
written release verification
from your employer
8. Name of Spouse/Significant Other:
Spouse/Significant Other’s Occupation/Employer:
Pursuant to California Rules of Court, Rule 1.100 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Superior
Court of California, County of Santa Clara, does not discriminate against persons with disabilities.
9. Do you require any accommodations for a mental or physical condition (including
impaired hearing, eyesight or mobility) to enable you to participate in the application
process or as a Grand Juror? (Please explain)
10. Are you a citizen of the United States? Yes No
11. Do you read and understand English? Yes No
12. Are you 18 years or older and will you have been a resident of the State of California
and of the County of Santa Clara for at least one year as of June 18, 2020?
Yes No
13. Are you a registered voter? Yes No
14. The Political Reform Act (Gov. Codes § 81000, 84100 et seq.) requires most state and local
government officials and employees who make or participate in the decision-making
process to publicly disclose their personal assets and income. If you are selected as a
member of the Civil Grand Jury, you will be required to complete a Statement of Economic
Interests (Form 700).
Are you willing to complete the Form 700? Yes No
Superior Court of California
County of Santa Clara
Civil Grand Jury Application, 2020-2021 Last Name:
15. Are you related to or closely associated with any elected official or public employee?
Yes □ No □
If yes, please give their name(s) and explain relationship(s):
16. Are you currently serving as an elected public official? Yes □ No
Title: Date term ends:
17. Have you ever been convicted of any of the following?
Malfeasance in Office Yes No
Felony Yes No
Misdemeanor Yes No
If you have answered “yes” to any of the above, please give details below:
Please note that a misdemeanor conviction is not an automatic bar to acceptance of application. Each case is
considered individually and confidentially. Please provide additional information on a separate sheet if
18. As a member of any profession or organization or as a holder of any office, have you
ever been suspended, disbarred or otherwise disqualified?
Yes No
19. Are you contemplating any absence from Santa Clara County in the Fiscal Year 2020-
2021, which might interfere with your performance as a Grand Juror?
Yes No
If yes:
Departure Date: Return Date:
Superior Court of California
County of Santa Clara
Civil Grand Jury Application, 2020-2021 Last Name:
20. If selected as a finalist, will you be able to attend the mandatory Drawing/Impanelment
Ceremony on Thursday, June 18, 2020, at 4 pm? Yes □ No □
21. Training pursuant to Penal Code § 914 for the 2020-2021 Civil Grand Jury is tentatively
that each of the persons selected for the 2020-2021 Civil Grand Jury attend these
Will you be able to attend all of the mandatory training sessions? Yes □ No □
22. If selected as a Grand Juror, you will be required to swear or to affirm the following
“I do solemnly swear or affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States and
the State of California, and all laws made pursuant to and in conformity therewith, will
diligently inquire into, and true presentment make, of all public offenses against the
people of this state, committed or triable within this county, of which the Grand Jury shall
have or can obtain legal evidence. Further, I will not disclose any evidence brought before
neither the Grand Jury, nor anything which I or any other Grand Juror may say, or the
manner in which I or any other Grand Juror may have voted on any matter before the
Grand Jury. I will keep the charge that will be given to me by the court.”
Do you have any objections to taking such an oath or affirmation?
Yes □ No □
23. Will you define and evaluate issues without expressing personal bias?
Yes No
24. Are you aware that the Civil Grand Jury is required to publish a final report of issues
they have investigated? Yes No
25. Are you willing to investigate county government issues and prepare reports on these
issues? Yes No
26. Please outline your knowledge and understanding of the role and function of the Civil
Grand Jury and of county government. (Attach additional sheets if necessary)
27. Why do you want to serve on the Civil Grand Jury and what contributions would you
hope to make as a member? (Attach additional sheets if necessary)
scheduled on June 26, 2020; July 9 and 10, 2020; and July 15, 2020. It is mandatory
Superior Court of California
County of Santa Clara
Civil Grand Jury Application, 2020-2021 Last Name:
28. Please assist the Court in the evaluation of the Grand Jury recruitment program by
indicating from which source you learned about service on the Santa Clara County Civil
Grand Jury.
□ Newspaper (which?) □ Community Organization
□ TV/Radio (which?) □ Public Gathering
□ Social Media (which?) □ Government Agency (which?)
□ Referred by □ Other
29. Have you ever served on the Santa Clara County Civil Grand Jury?
If yes, list the year(s):
I am in possession of all my natural faculties, of ordinary intelligence and of sound judgment and fair
character. I certify under penalty of perjury, that all of the statements I have made are true, complete
and accurate.
Executed at , California.
Signature: Dated:
For Court Use Only
The above candidate is suitable, competent and qualified to serve as a Grand Juror, for the Fiscal
Year 2020-2021 under Sections 893 and 896 of the California Penal Code. I have discussed the
requirements for Grand Jury service and have ascertained availability for service.
Presiding Judge of the Superior Court
State of California, County of Santa Clara
click to sign
click to edit
Superior Court of California
County of Santa Clara
Civil Grand Jury Application, 2020-2021 Last Name:
I, , understand that my name may be placed in nomination to be
considered for membership on the Civil Grand Jury of Santa Clara County for the Fiscal Year 2020-2021.
I understand that the term will be from June 18, 2020 to June 17, 2021.
I am aware that such service requires that I be in attendance at least 25 hours per week and frequently more.
In this regard, I understand that as a Grand Juror, I must be flexible and able to serve some evening and weekend
hours as well as working during normal business hours as determined by the 2020-2021 Civil Grand Jury. I
declare, pursuant to Penal Code § 896(a), that I will be available to serve during those required hours.
Each member of the Grand Jury shall be allowed a per diem for each day’s attendance, either at general sessions
or committee assignments of the Grand Jury. Mileage expense (nontaxable) is also compensated each mile
actually and necessarily traveled for purposes of said sessions or committee work.
Now, therefore, I have read and understand the above and I hereby state that I have no commitments which
would prevent me from meeting the requirements for service on the Santa Clara County Civil Grand Jury.
I recognize that my attendance will be expected and may be required by the Foreperson of the Grand Jury.
I fully understand that the Civil Grand Jury staff will conduct a background check. Furthermore, I understand
that I must complete a Form 700.
I therefore request that I be considered as a candidate for the Civil Grand Jury of Santa Clara County for the
Fiscal Year 2020-2021.
Signature (Full Name) Date
Please provide
employment (10 years or two
most recent jobs) and educational background information.
Please be sure to
and return this completed application to:
Britney J. Huelbig
Deputy Manager, Civil Grand Jury
Santa Clara County Superior Court
191 North First Street
San José, California 95113
Deadline to Apply: April 1, 2020
Web Site address: (Click on Civil Grand Jury)
Submit Application
click to sign
click to edit
Superior Court of California
County of Santa Clara
Civil Grand Jury Application, 2020-2021 Last Name:
(Please do not submit this form with your application)
Application completed, and signed and dated, page 5
Applicant Statement signed and dated, page 6
Included employment and educational background information
Answered YES/NO questions #10 - 25, pages 2 – 4
Impanelment Ceremony Santa Clara County Superior Court Thursday, June 18, 2020
Grand Jury Training California Grand Jurors' Association Thursday and Friday,
July 9 and 10, 2020
Grand Jury Legal Training Santa Clara County Superior Court Wednesday, July 15, 2020
Grand Jury Orientation Santa Clara County Superior Court Friday, June 26, 2020