Model Municipal CSPR.doc 1 of 8 Rev. 2/05
Application Form
Municipal Coastal Site Plan Review
For Projects Located Fully or Partially Within the Coastal Boundary
Please complete this form in accordance with the attached instructions and submit it with the appropriate
plans to appropriate municipal agency.
Section I: Applicant Identification
Applicant: Date:______________
Address: Phone:_________________
Project Address or Location:_____________________________________________________________
Interest in Property: Γ fee simple Γ option Γ lessee Γ easement
Γ other (specify)______________________________________________________________
List primary contact for correspondence if other than applicant:
City/Town:_______________________________________ State: Zip Code:_____________
Business Phone:______________________________________________________________________
e-mail: ______________________________________________________________________________
Section II: Project Site Plans
Please provide project site plans that clearly and accurately depict the following information, and check
the appropriate boxes to indicate that the plans are included in this application:
Γ Project location
Γ Existing and proposed conditions, including buildings and grading
Γ Coastal resources on and contiguous to the site
Γ High tide line [as defined in CGS Section 22a-359(c)] and mean high water mark elevation
contours (
for parcels abutting coastal waters and/or tidal wetlands only)
Γ Soil erosion and sediment controls
Γ Stormwater treatment practices
Γ Ownership and type of use on adjacent properties
Γ Reference datum (i.e., National Geodetic Vertical Datum, Mean Sea Level, etc.)
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Section III: Written Project Information
Please check the appropriate box to identify the plan or application that has resulted in this Coastal Site
Plan Review:
Γ Site Plan for Zoning Compliance
Γ Subdivision or Resubdivision
Γ Special Permit or Special Exception
Γ Variance
Γ Municipal Project (CGS Section 8-24)
Part I: Site Information
1. Street Address or Geographical Description:
City or Town:
2. Is project or activity proposed at a waterfront site (includes tidal wetlands frontage)? Γ YES Γ NO
3. Name of on-site, adjacent or downstream coastal, tidal or navigable waters, if applicable:
4. Identify and describe the existing land use on and adjacent to the site. Include any existing
structures, municipal zoning classification, significant features of the project site:
5. Indicate the area of the project site: acres or square feet (circle one)
6. Check the appropriate box below to indicate total land area of disturbance of the project or activity
(please also see Part II.B. regarding proposed stormwater best management practices):
Γ Project or activity will disturb 5 or more total acres of land area on the site. It may be
eligible for registration for the Department of Environmental Protection’s (DEP) General
Permit for the Discharge of Stormwater and Dewatering Wastewaters Associated with
Construction Activities
Γ Project or activity will disturb one or more total acres but less than 5 total acres of land
area. A soil erosion and sedimentation control plan must be submitted to the municipal
land use agency reviewing this application.
Γ Project or activity will not disturb 1 acre total of land area. Stormwater management
controls may be required as part of the coastal site plan review.
7. Does the project include a shoreline flood and erosion control structure as defined in CGS section
Yes No
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Part II.A.: Description of Proposed Project or Activity
Describe the proposed project or activity including its purpose and related activities such as site clearing,
grading, demolition, and other site preparations; percentage of increase or decrease in impervious cover
over existing conditions resulting from the project; phasing, timing and method of proposed construction;
and new uses and changes from existing uses
(attach additional pages if necessary):
Part II.B.: Description of Proposed Stormwater Best Management Practices
Describe the stormwater best management practices that will be utilized to ensure that the volume of
runoff generated by the first inch of rainfall is retained on-site, especially if the site or stormwater
discharge is adjacent to tidal wetlands. If runoff cannot be retained on-site, describe the site limitations
that prevent such retention and identify how stormwater will be treated before it is discharged from the
site. Also demonstrate that the loadings of total suspended solids from the site will be reduced by 80
percent on an average annual basis, and that post-development stormwater runoff rates and volumes will
not exceed pre-development runoff rates and volumes
(attach additional pages if necessary):
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Part III: Identification of Applicable Coastal Resources and Coastal Resource Policies
Identify the coastal resources and associated policies that apply to the project by placing a check mark in the
appropriate box(es) in the following table.
Coastal Resources
On-site Adjacent
General Coastal Resources* - Definition: CGS Section 22a-93(7);
Policy: CGS Section 22a-92(a)(2)
Beaches & Dunes - Definition: CGS Section 22a-93(7)(C); Policies:
CGS Sections 22a-92-(b)(2)(C) and 22a-92(c)(1)(K)
Bluffs & Escarpments - Definition: CGS Section 22a-93(7)(A); Policy:
CGS Section 22a-92(b)(2)(A)
Coastal Hazard Area - Definition: CGS Section 22a-93(7)(H); Policies:
CGS Sections 22a-92(a)(2), 22a-92(a)(5), 22a-92(b)(2)(F), 22a-
92(b)(2)(J), and 22a-92(c)(2)(B)
Coastal Waters, Estuarine Embayments, Nearshore Waters, Offshore
Waters - Definition: CGS Sections 22a-93(5), 22a-93(7)(G), and 22a-
93(7)(K), and 22a-93(7)(L) respectively;
Policies: CGS Sections 22a-92(a)(2) and 22a-92(c)(2)(A)
Developed Shorefront - Definition: CGS Section 22a-93(7)(I); Policy:
Freshwater Wetlands and Watercourses - Definition: CGS Section
22a-93(7)(F); Policy: CGS Section 22a-92(a)(2)
Intertidal Flats - Definition: CGS Section 22a-93(7)(D);
Policies: 22a-92(b)(2)(D) and 22a-92(c)(1)(K)
Islands - Definition: CGS Section 22a-93(7)(J);
Policy: CGS Section 22a-92(b)(2)(H)
Rocky Shorefront - Definition: CGS Section 22a-93(7)(B);
Policy: CGS Section 22a-92(b)(2)(B)
Shellfish Concentration Areas - Definition: CGS Section 22a-93(7)(N);
Policy: CGS Section 22a-92(c)(1)(I)
Shorelands - Definition: CGS Section 22a-93(7)(M);
Policy: CGS Section 22a-92(b)(2)(I)
Tidal Wetlands - Definition: CGS Section 22a-93(7)(E);
Policies: CGS Sections 22a-92(a)(2), 22a-92(b)(2)(E), and 22a-
* General Coastal Resource policy is applicable to all proposed activities
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Part IV: Consistency with Applicable Coastal Resource Policies and Standards
Describe the location and condition of the coastal resources identified in Part III above and explain how
the proposed project or activity is consistent with all of the applicable coastal resource policies and
standards; also see adverse impacts assessment in Part VII.A below
(attach additional pages if necessary):
Part V: Identification of Applicable Coastal Use and Activity Policies and Standards
Identify all coastal policies and standards in or referenced by CGS Section 22a-92 applicable to the
proposed project or activity:
Χ General Development* - CGS Sections 22a-92(a)(1), 22a-92(a)(2), and 22a-92(a)(9)
__ Water-Dependent Uses** - CGS Sections 22a-92(a)(3) and 22a-92(b)(1)(A);
Definition CGS Section 22a-93(16)
__ Ports and Harbors - CGS Section 22a-92(b)(1)(C)
__ Coastal Structures and Filling - CGS Section 22a-92(b)(1)(D)
__ Dredging and Navigation - CGS Sections 22a-92(c)(1)(C) and 22a-92(c)(1)(D)
__ Boating - CGS Section 22a-92(b)(1)(G)
__ Fisheries - CGS Section 22a-92(c)(1)(I)
__ Coastal Recreation and Access - CGS Sections 22a-92(a)(6), 22a-92(C)(1)(j) and 22a-92(c)(1)(K)
__ Sewer and Water Lines - CGS Section 22a-92(b)(1)(B)
__ Fuel, Chemicals and Hazardous Materials - CGS Sections 22a-92(b)(1)(C), 22a-92(b)(1)(E) and
__ Transportation - CGS Sections 22a-92(b)(1)(F), 22a-92(c)(1)(F), 22a-92(c)(1)(G), and
__ Solid Waste - CGS Section 22a-92(a)(2)
__ Dams, Dikes and Reservoirs - CGS Section 22a-92(a)(2)
__ Cultural Resources - CGS Section 22a-92(b)(1)(J)
__ Open Space and Agricultural Lands - CGS Section 22a-92(a)(2)
* General Development policies are applicable to all proposed activities
** Water-dependent Use policies are applicable to all activities proposed at waterfront sites, including those with tidal wetlands frontage.
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Part VI: Consistency With Applicable Coastal Use Policies And Standards
Explain how the proposed activity or use is consistent with all of the applicable coastal use and activity
policies and standards identified in Part V. For projects proposed at waterfront sites (including
those with tidal wetlands frontage), particular emphasis should be placed on the evaluation of the
project’s consistency with the water-dependent use policies and standards contained in CGS Sections
22a-92(a)(3) and 22a-92(b)(1)(A) -- also see adverse impacts assessment in Part VII.B below
additional pages if necessary)
Part VII.A.: Identification of Potential Adverse Impacts on Coastal Resources
Please complete this section for all projects.
Identify the adverse impact categories below that apply to the proposed project or activity. The Αapplicable
column must be checked if the proposed activity has the potential to generate any adverse impacts as
defined in CGS Section 22a-93(15). If an adverse impact may result from the proposed project or activity,
please use Part VIII to describe what project design features may be used to eliminate, minimize, or mitigate
the potential for adverse impacts.
Potential Adverse Impacts on Coastal Resources
Not Applicable
Degrading tidal wetlands, beaches and dunes, rocky shorefronts, and bluffs
and escarpments through significant alteration of their natural
characteristics or functions
- CGS Section 22a-93(15)(H)
Increasing the hazard of coastal flooding through significant alteration of
shoreline configurations or bathymetry, particularly within high velocity flood
zones -
CGS Section 22a-93(15)(E)
Degrading existing circulation patterns of coastal water through the
significant alteration of patterns of tidal exchange or flushing rates,
freshwater input, or existing basin characteristics and channel contours -
CGS Section 22a-93(15)(B)
Degrading natural or existing drainage patterns through the significant
alteration of groundwater flow and recharge and volume of runoff
Section 22a-93(15)(D)
Degrading natural erosion patterns through the significant alteration of
littoral transport of sediments in terms of deposition or source reduction
CGS Section 22a-93(15)(C)
Degrading visual quality through significant alteration of the natural features
of vistas and view points
- CGS Section 22a-93(15)(F)
Degrading water quality through the significant introduction into either
coastal waters or groundwater supplies of suspended solids, nutrients,
toxics, heavy metals or pathogens, or through the significant alteration of
temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen or salinity
- CGS Section 22a-93(15)(A)
Degrading or destroying essential wildlife, finfish, or shellfish habitat
through significant alteration of the composition, migration patterns,
distribution, breeding or other population characteristics of the natural
species or significant alterations of the natural components of the habitat
CGS Section 22a-93(15)(G)
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Part VII.B.: Identification of Potential Adverse Impacts on Water-dependent Uses
Please complete the following two sections only if the project or activity is proposed at a waterfront site:
1. Identify the adverse impact categories below that apply to the proposed project or activity. The
Αapplicable column must be checked if the proposed activity has the potential to generate any adverse
impacts as defined in CGS Section 22a-93(17). If an adverse impact may result from the proposed
project or activity, use Part VIII to describe what project design features may be used to eliminate,
minimize, or mitigate the potential for adverse impacts.
Potential Adverse Impacts on
Future Water-dependent Development Opportunities and Activities
Locating a non-water-dependent use at a site physically suited for or
planned for location of a water-dependent use -
CGS Section 22a-93(17)
Replacing an existing water-dependent use with a non-water-
dependent use -
CGS Section 22a-93(17)
Siting a non-water-dependent use which would substantially reduce or
inhibit existing public access to marine or tidal waters -
CGS Section
2. Identification of existing and/or proposed Water-dependent Uses
Describe the features or characteristics of the proposed activity or project that qualify as water-dependent
uses as defined in CGS Section 22a-93(16). If general public access to coastal waters is provided,
please identify the legal mechanisms used to ensure public access in perpetuity, and describe any
provisions for parking or other access to the site and proposed amenities associated with the access
(e.g., boardwalk, benches, trash receptacles, interpretative signage, etc.)*:
*If there are no water-dependent use components, describe how the project site is not appropriate for the
development of a water-dependent use.
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Part VIII: Mitigation of Potential Adverse Impacts
Explain how all potential adverse impacts on coastal resources and/or future water-dependent
development opportunities and activities identified in Part VII have been avoided, eliminated, or
(attach additional pages if necessary):
Part IX: Remaining Adverse Impacts
Explain why any remaining adverse impacts resulting from the proposed activity or use have not been
mitigated and why the project as proposed is consistent with the Connecticut Coastal Management Act
(attach additional pages if necessary):