NO. ____________
City of Bridgeport, CT
Applicant: Date:
Owner or Tenant Only
Address of Work: Zone:
On the side of the street about feet
North, South, East, West North, South, East, West
from Block No. Lot No.
CAM Area: Yes / No Wetlands: Yes / No Historical: Yes / No
Dimensions of Lot:
Size of Proposed Addition or Building: No. of Stories:
Other Work:
Proposed Use:
Existing Use:
Previous Use and Date Discontinued: Is Pre-Existing Right Claimed:
Signature: Print Same:
If signed by agent, state title (attorney,builder, etc..)
Mailing Address: Phone No.: ( )
Fill Out This Application In Ink or Type
A detailed plot plan must be submitted with this application showing the proposed or existing lot and building dimensions and the
location of all buildings in relation to the street line, side lot lines and rear lot line. NOTE: The occupancy and use of land, buildings
and structures prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Zoning Compliance is prohibited. This is not the said certificate.
Fees, payable at
the time of making application, are not refundable and are in an amount established by the City Council.
*As of January 1, 2010 Per Section 14-1-10 of the City’s Zoning Regulations, an “As-Built Survey” is required for new
building construction or with changes to an existing footprint in order to receive a Certificate of Zoning Compliance.
EXPIRATION: The Application for Certificate of Zoning Compliance approval shall expire 12 months from the
date of approval unless a building permit has been issued and construction has commenced and is being
diligently pursued.
Fee Received: Date: 20 By:
Plan and Application C.A.M Approval Final Inspection
Pursuant to CGS-8-3f, the applicant may provide notice of this “Application for Certificate of Zoning Compliance” in the newspaper having substantial
circulation serving the municipality of Bridgeport.
Rev. 6/11/13
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