Community Survey
Community Survey for Bridgeport, CT
Also Online:
Interactive survey available at the
City of Bridgeport homepage -
Community Survey
Park facilities and leisure amenities:
Playground equipment
Picnic areas/ grills
Park shelters and pavilions
Special events and gatherings
Benches or lawn for relaxation
Zoo at Beardsley Park
Rate the Parks
How satisfied are you with the quality
of maintenance at Bridgeport’s parks
you have visited ? Please circle.
How would you describe your
experiences with the programs
and services oered by the City of
Bridgeport Parks and Recreation
Department ? Please circle.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Very Dissatisfied Very Satisfied
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Very Dissatisfied Very Satisfied
1. Which parks have you visited in the last 12 months (if any)?
2. How have you or members of your household used the Bridgeport park amenities or public spaces in
the last 12 months ? (check all that apply)
Baseball/softball fields
Trails/ bike paths
Basketball courts
Soccer/ football fields
Tennis courts
Skate park
More athletic fields
More athletic courts
More picnic areas or shelters
More playgrounds
More splash pads
Outdoor swimming pool
Indoor recreation facility
3. Please list the 3 parks or facilities that you would most like to see improved.
4. Of the following new amenities, what are the top 3 that would be most beneficial to your family in the
future ?
5. What neighborhood in Bridgeport do you live in ?
Black Rock
Boston Ave/Mill Hill
Brooklawn/St. Vincent
East End
East Side
Enterprise Zone
The Hollow
North Bridgeport
North End
South End
West Side
Whiskey Hill/Reservoir
Does not apply - not a
Bridgeport resident
11. If you have not participated or visited a program or park, why not? (check all that apply)
12. Do you or anyone in your household have interest in the following recreation programs in the future?
(check all that apply)
Other Reasons:
9. How do you travel to park facilities in your neighborhood ?
10. Have you or anyone in your household participated in any Bridgeport parks and recreation programs or
events during the last 12 months ?
Public Transit/Bus
Parks are not convenient to location of my house
I use other providers of park and recreation services
I don’t know what is oered by the Parks and Recreation Department
I don’t feel safe in the parks
I do not know where parks and facilities are located
Facilities and parks are not well maintained
Recreation programs I am interested in are not oered
Too dicult to register for programs, events, and rentals
Fees are too expensive
Sports Program
Adult fitness and wellness programs
Adult sports programs
Trips to special attractions and events
Water fitness programs
Youth Learn to Swim programs
Gymnastics and tumbling programs
Martial arts programs
Tennis lessons and leagues
Ice skating lessons
Ice skating lessons
Special Interest
Senior programs
Preschool programs/Early childhood
Youth summer camp programs
Before and after school programs
Programs for people with disabilities
Cultural and Environmental
Community special events
(ie. concerts, festivals)
Nature and environmental programs
Adult art, dance, music or
performing arts
Youth art, dance, music or
performing arts
Community Survey
14. How have you learned about services oered by Bridgeport Parks and Recreation? (check all that apply)
13. Please select three of the following City of Bridgeport’s Parks and Recreation services that you believe
require the most support in the next 3–5 years? (Check your top 3 priorities)
City of Bridgeport Website
Social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
Promotional material or flyers
From City Sta
From friends and neighbors
Materials at the Parks and Recreation Department
I have not seen or heard anything about parks services
Park maintenance
Quantity of walking/biking trails
Quality of outdoor swimming pools
Adult programs
Youth programs
Quality of playground equipment
Quality of programs and facilities for adults
Quality of outdoor athletic fields
Availability of info about programs/facilities
Number of parks
Quality of indoor ice rink
Number of baseball/softball/ soccer fields
User friendliness of Park District website
15. How can the Parks and Recreation Department better connect with residents ?
16. Please provide any general comments about how Bridgeport can improve parks and recreation services.
Tell Us About Yourself
Would you like to be updated on survey results and the
Parks Master Plan? Please provide a contact email:
Mail your response to: Parks & Recreation Survey
City Hall
45 Lyon Terrace,
Bridgeport, CT 06604
What is your gender?
Male Female
Counting yourself, how many people in your household are:
Under 5 years
5–9 years
10–14 years
15–19 years
20–34 years
35–54 years
What is your age?
Under 18 18-25 26-40 40-60 60+
What is your annual household income?
Under $25,000
$150,000 and over
Community Survey