AACS Continuing Education Attendance Voucher
This form is required when the professional development is in Category B or when a certificate or attendance
voucher is not issued by the provider of a Category A professional development activity.
Copy the preapproval form on the back of the attendance voucher or staple them together (one per participant).
Both parts must be included.
To renew certification, teachers will submit the completed two-sided form and any other renewal paperwork.
For certificate renewal, no more than 20 contact hours may be from Category B.
Activities must meet all continuing education requirements as described in FAQ 7–12.
Participant Information
Name E-mail
Certification Area
All-Level (Music, Art, PE)
Special Education
Specialist (Bible, CIT, Counseling)
Current Certificate Endorsement(s) (Elementary Ed, Music, Math, etc.)
Professional Development Activity Information
Class or Seminar Title
Instructor Name
Date(s) and times of class or seminar Number of direct instructional hours
Location the class or seminar was held
School Information
School Name ______________________________________________ E-mail _____________________________________________
City _________________________________________ State ____________ Phone _________________________________________
Administrator’s Signature* _______________________________________________________________________________________
*Administrator’s signature verifies the attendance of participant at class or seminar.