13. What reasons might the NCP give for non-payment of child support?
14. Has the NCP ever declared bankruptcy? If so, please explain.
15. Do you have a copy of any tax returns filed during your marriage that you can attach? If not, please list
your income for the years your were married or lived together, if applicable.
16. Please describe the enforcement proceedings that have taken place and the agency that took action,
including the number of bench warrants issued (if any).
17. Has the NCP ever been investigated or prosecuted for criminal non-support? If so, please list which
agency (i.e., FOC, Attorney General’s Office, another state, etc.).
18. To your knowledge, has the NCP ever been disabled or received Social Security benefits for a disability?
19. State any other information you think would be helpful in the review of your case. You may attach
additional sheets if necessary.
20. Have/has the child(ren) ever been adopted by another party? If so, please explain.
21. Once a criminal charge has been brought, you cannot have it dropped or reduced. Any charge reduction
is in the discretion of the Prosecutor/Attorney General’s Office. As a result of prosecution, the NCP may
go to jail or prison and would not be paying child support while incarcerated. The proceedings may put a
strain on any relationship the NCP has with the child(ren) and/or possibly between you and your
child(ren). There is no assurance that you will receive any money due to criminal prosecution.
Importantly, you will be REQUIRED to testify in court by an issuance of a subpoena. With these things
in mind, by signing below you are requesting criminal prosecution of the NCP.
Signature: ___________________________________________________ Date: ___________________
Please mail completed questionnaire to:
Department of Attorney General
Child Support Division
PO Box 30758
Lansing, MI 48909-8258
Phone: 517-373-1111 Fax: 517-335-5328