Project Name
Project CUP #
Provide pertinent information concerning the projects construction operations - include a plot plan
(which may be a tract map, site map or topographic map) which identifies the boundaries of the project,
existing roads (including but not limited to paved, unpaved road ways, highways and freeways), where
new proposed roads will be constructed, where the staging areas will be located, easements, entry and
exit points (include whether these entry points will be permanent or temporary), whether or not
sensitive receptors are adjacent to the project (including but not limited to residential areas, schools,
day cares, churches, hospitals, nursing facilities, commercial and/or retail), include the distance
between the project and the sensitive receptors and any other information as to allow for the proper
evaluation of dust generating point sources and their impact. (Rule 801, subsection F.2.c.2&5)
The following checklist is provided solely as a guide and is not meant to be all inclusive. During the
Plot Plan review process the Air District may identify additional dust generating point sources. For
those instances where additional sources, not listed, have been identified please list under other. (Rule
801 subsection F.2.c.2&5)
List all identified actual and potential sources of fugitive dust emissions
Bulk material handling and storage areas.
Paved and unpaved access roads, haul roads, traffic areas, and equipment storage yards.
Exit points where carryout and trackout onto paved public roads may occur.
Water supply locations if water application will be used for controlling visible dust emissions.
Check or list the relative locations of sensitive receptors within ¼ mile of the project.
(Rule 407, Nuisance)
No sensitive receptors within ¼ mile of the project.
Residential areas, schools, day care, churches, hospitals, nursing facilities, commercial, retail, etc.
Freeways, roads, or traffic areas that may be affected by the dust generating activities.
Other list below.
Other list below.
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150 S. 9th Street, El Centro, CA 92243
Ph. (442) 265-1800
REGULATION VIII - Rules 800-805
Fax (442) 265-1799
Is this plan an original or revision?