A consortium agreement enables you to receive financial aid while concurrently enrolled for courses at
Montana State University in Bozeman (home institution) and another institution (host institution). This
allows your eligibility for financial assistance to be based on the total credits being attempted at both
institutions for the semester or term.
1. Complete and sign the Student Information Section and Student Certification.
Application Procedures:
2. Have your Montana State University Academic Advisor sign the form stating your transfer credit hours will be
acceptable to Montana State University.
3. Send or take this form to the Financial Aid Office at the Host Institution for completion of signatures.
4. Have Host Institution return this form to the Office of Financial Aid Services at Montana State University.
Agreements must be received by the 15
day of classes at Montana State University for the semester of the consortium
Consortium Agreement Restrictions:
Both Montana State University and the host institution reserve the right not to participate in a consortium agreement for
any reason.
Courses at the host institution must be semester based. Agreements for nonsemester based independent study courses
will not be approved.
Disbursement of Financial Aid:
Financial aid can be disbursed only after registration of credits is accurately determined but not earlier than the first day of
classes for the semester or term at Montana State University. It is your responsibility to arrange for payment of
costs at the host institution, including tuition, fees, and books, until funds can be disbursed to you by Montana
State University. You must follow regular payment procedures at both institutions to insure that your fee bills are paid by
the required deadline dates.
♦ You must be concurrently enrolled at both the Home and Host institutions to be eligible for financial assistance.
Student Requirements:
♦ You must notify the Office of Financial Aid Services at Montana State University of any changes in your enrollment
status at the host institution within 10 days. In the event of non-attendance or withdrawal from any or all classes, you
will be responsible for repayment of financial aid received according to applicable federal and institutional regulations.
♦ You must transfer credits taken at the host institution to Montana State University within 15 days after the
end of the semester. You must send an official transcript to Office of the Registrar, 101 Montana Hall,
Bozeman, MT 59717-2660. Financial aid for subsequent periods of enrollment will not be released until
transfer of credits can be verified.
All credits taken at the host institution will be used to determine your Satisfactory Academic Progress as a financial aid
recipient at Montana State University. Please review the Satisfactory Academic Progress Requirement fact sheet
available in the Office of Financial Aid Services or on our website at
Satisfactory Progress:
I certify that I have read and understand the procedures and requirements of the consortium agreement. I agree
to comply with these procedures, and understand that noncompliance will result in a loss of financial aid for the
specified semester and all future semesters at Montana State University.
Signature: _____________________________________________________Date: ________________________________
Revised 10-08
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