Compare and Order Numbers (B)
Practice Ordering Numbers
Follow the steps to answer the question.
1. Order 57, 53, and 58 from least to greatest.
a. Plot the numbers on the number line.
51 52 5350 575554 56 58 6059
b. Write the numbers in order from least to greatest.
< <
Order the numbers from least to greatest.
2. 706, 783, 684, 759 < < <
3. 543, 534, 43, 540 < < <
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CompAre ANd order NumberS (b)
What does each 2
mean in this number?
Follow the steps to answer the question.
4. Order 511, 92, and 510 from greatest to least.
a. Write each number in the place-value chart.
hundreds tens ones
b. Fill in the blanks to complete each statement.
has no hundreds and is the least value.
and have the same numbers of hundred and tens.
has more ones than , so it is the greater value.
c. Write the numbers in order from greatest to least.
> >
Order the numbers from greatest to least.
5. 98, 171, 176, 92 > > >
6. 27, 20, 270, 220 > > >
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CompAre ANd order NumberS (b)