Copyright 2019, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
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Class: Math – Understanding Fractions Workshop
Class Length: 11 weeks
Schedule: 5-day/week lesson plan
Resources needed:
Corresponding lessons on
Access to a computer and printer
Journal for notetaking and homework
Instructions: This suggested lesson plan is broken down into separate weeks and days. On the line beside each day,
write the specific day of the month you would like your student to complete each assignment (consider writing
dates in pencil). As your student completes each assignment, he/she can mark the check box beside it. When the
entire lesson has been completed, come back to this page and mark the check box beside that lesson. Once the
entire course has been completed, consider printing out a Certificate of Completion as well.
Use the note boxes on each page to provide further instructions, leave a message for your student, remind yourself
about the details of a particular lesson, and so on.
Lessons Completed
(Check the following boxes as you have completed each lesson.)
Lesson 1: What Is a Fraction?
Lesson 2: Fractions on a Number Line
Lesson 3: Equivalent Fractions
Lesson 4: Simplifying Fractions
Lesson 5: Equivalent Fractions on a Number Line
Lesson 6: Comparing and Ordering Fractions
Lesson 7: Comparing and Ordering Fractions with Like Numerators or Denominators
Lesson 8: Comparing and Ordering Fractions by Finding a Common Denominator
Lesson 9: Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions through Modeling
Lesson 10: Converting Mixed Numbers to Improper Fractions
Lesson 11: Converting Improper Fractions to Mixed Numbers
Copyright 2019, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
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Lesson 1: What Is a Fraction?
Day 1 | Date: _________________________________
Download Lessons One-Eleven.
Read the lesson on page 2 and complete the problem.
Check your work using page 7.
Day 2 | Date: _________________________________
Read and complete page 3.
Check your work using page 8.
Day 3 | Date: _________________________________
Read and complete page 4.
Check your work using page 9.
Day 4 | Date: _________________________________
Complete the quiz on page 5.
Check your work using page 10.
Day 5 | Date: _________________________________
Complete the extra credit on page 6.
Check your answers using page 11.
Copyright 2019, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
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Lesson 2: Fractions on a Number Line
Day 1 | Date: _________________________________
Read the lesson on page 13.
Day 2 | Date: _________________________________
Complete the problems on page 14.
Check your work using page 16.
Day 3 | Date: _________________________________
Practice the problems from page 13 on your own.
Redo any problems that you missed on page 14.
Day 4 | Date: _________________________________
Review what you have learned this week.
Day 5 | Date: _________________________________
Complete the quiz on page 15.
Check your work using page 17.
Copyright 2019, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
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Lesson 3: Equivalent Fractions
Day 1 | Date: _________________________________
Read the lesson on page 19.
Day 2 | Date: _________________________________
Complete the problems on page 20.
Check your work using page 23.
Day 3 | Date: _________________________________
Review what you have learned this week.
Day 4 | Date: _________________________________
Complete the quiz on page 21.
Check your work using page 24.
Day 5 | Date: _________________________________
Complete the extra credit on page 22.
Check your work using page 25.
Copyright 2019, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
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Lesson 4: Simplifying Fractions
Day 1 | Date: _________________________________
Read the lesson on page 27.
Day 2 | Date: _________________________________
Complete the problems on page 28.
Check your work using page 32.
Day 3 | Date: _________________________________
Complete the problems on page 29.
Check your work using page 33.
Day 4 | Date: _________________________________
Complete the quiz on page 30.
Check your work using page 34.
Day 5 | Date: _________________________________
Complete the extra credit on page 31.
Check your work using page 35.
Copyright 2019, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
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Lesson 5: Equivalent Fractions on a Number Line
Day 1 | Date: _________________________________
Read the lesson on page 37.
Day 2 | Date: _________________________________
Complete the problems on page 38.
Check your work using page 41.
Day 3 | Date: _________________________________
Review what you have learned this week.
Day 4 | Date: _________________________________
Complete the quiz on page 39.
Check your work using page 42.
Day 5 | Date: _________________________________
Complete the extra credit on page 40.
Check your work using page 43.
Copyright 2019, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
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Lesson 6: Comparing and Ordering Fractions
Day 1 | Date: _________________________________
Read the lesson on page 45.
Day 2 | Date: _________________________________
Complete the problems on page 46.
Check your work using page 49.
Day 3 | Date: _________________________________
Review what you have learned this week.
Day 4 | Date: _________________________________
Complete the quiz on page 47.
Check your work using page 50.
Day 5 | Date: _________________________________
Complete the extra credit on page 48.
Check your work using page 51.
Copyright 2019, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
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Lesson 7: Comparing and Ordering Fractions with Like Numerators or Denominators
Day 1 | Date: _________________________________
Complete the problems on page 53.
Check your work using page 57.
Day 2 | Date: _________________________________
Complete the problems on page 54.
Check your work using page 58.
Day 3 | Date: _________________________________
Review what you have learned this week.
Day 4 | Date: _________________________________
Complete the quiz on page 55.
Check your work using page 59.
Day 5 | Date: _________________________________
Complete the extra credit on page 56.
Check your work using page 60.
Copyright 2019, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
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Lesson 8: Comparing and Ordering Fractions by Finding a Common Denominator
Day 1 | Date: _________________________________
Read the lesson on page 62.
Day 2 | Date: _________________________________
Complete the problems on page 63.
Check your work using page 67.
Day 3 | Date: _________________________________
Complete the problems on page 64.
Check your work using page 68.
Day 4 | Date: _________________________________
Complete the quiz on page 65.
Check your work using page 69.
Day 5 | Date: _________________________________
Complete the extra credit on page 66.
Check your work using page 70.
Copyright 2019, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
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Lesson 9: Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions through Modeling
Day 1 | Date: _________________________________
Read the lesson on page 72.
Day 2 | Date: _________________________________
Complete the problems on page 73.
Check your work using page 76.
Day 3 | Date: _________________________________
Review what you have learned this week.
Day 4 | Date: _________________________________
Complete the quiz on page 74.
Check your work using page 77.
Day 5 | Date: _________________________________
Complete the extra credit on page 75.
Check your work using page 78.
Copyright 2019, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
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Lesson 10: Converting Mixed Numbers to Improper Fractions
Day 1 | Date: _________________________________
Read the lesson on page 80.
Day 2 | Date: _________________________________
Complete the problems on page 81.
Check your work using page 84.
Day 3 | Date: _________________________________
Review what you have learned this week.
Day 4 | Date: _________________________________
Complete the quiz on page 82.
Check your work using page 85.
Day 5 | Date: _________________________________
Complete the extra credit on page 83.
Check your work using page 86.
Copyright 2019, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
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Lesson 11: Converting Improper Fractions to Mixed Numbers
Day 1 | Date: _________________________________
Read the lesson on page 88.
Day 2 | Date: _________________________________
Complete the problems on page 89.
Check your work using page 92.
Day 3 | Date: _________________________________
Review what you have learned this week.
Day 4 | Date: _________________________________
Complete the quiz on page 90.
Check your work using page 93.
Day 5 | Date: _________________________________
Complete the extra credit on page 91.
Check your work using page 94.