Month to Month Lease Termination Letter
Notice Date: _______________ Address of Premises: _____________________________
To: ____________________
- This notice is to inform my intentions as Landlord that the lease dated the ____ day of
_______________, 20___ will be terminated. As Tenant, you shall have ____ days to
vacate the Premises along with all your possessions.
- This notice is to inform my intentions as Tenant that the lease dated the ____ day of
_______________, 20___ will be terminated. As Landlord, this request shall provide you
with ____ days for me to vacate the Premises along with all my possessions.
The Security Deposit, minus any deductions, shall be returned to the following address:
I, the undersigned, being at least 18 years of age, declare under penalty of perjury that I
served the above notice, of which this is a true copy, on the following tenant(s) in
possession in the manner(s) indicated below:
- On _______________, I handed the notice to the tenant(s) personally.
- On _______________, after attempting personal service, I handed the notice to a
person of suitable age and discretion at the residence/business of the tenant(s), AND I
deposited a true copy in the ___________________ [Name of Your Postal Service], in a
sealed envelope with postage fully prepaid, addressed to the tenant(s) at his/her/their place
of residence.
- On _______________, after attempting service in both manners described above I
placed the notice in a conspicuous place at the residence of the tenant(s) AND I deposited
a true copy in the ___________________ [Name of Your Postal Service] in a sealed
envelop with postage fully prepaid, addressed to the tenant(s) at his/her/their place of
Landlord’s Signature: ___________________ Date: ___________________
Print Name: ___________________
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