Application deadlines:
Review by Date:
Award Confirmed:
Reporting Due:
8 a.m. March 7, 2022
March 16, 2022
March 18, 2022
Monthly by the 5
Final report due by midnight
March 5, 2023
Prevention Network’s Mini-Grant Program 2022-2023
Request For Proposals (RFP)
Key Dates:
Ruth Schwendinger
541-727-1850 or
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Prevention Network: SABG-COVID Mini Grant, March 2023
Application Guide
“The Mission of Prevention Network is to prevent youth drug abuse and other risk behaviors by working with
individuals, grassroots groups, and other organizations in order to improve the health, wellness and safety in
Michigan communities.” 6/11/2014
Program Description
In order to fulfill its mission, Prevention Network is administering mini-grants sourced from Substance Abuse
Block Grant COVID Supplemental Funds awarded by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services,
Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities Administration, Office of Recovery Oriented Systems of Care
(MDHHS, BHDDA, OROSC) specific to coalition activity addressing behavioral health challenges associated with
the COVID-19 pandemic. The Community Coalition Capacity Building project activities will be built on Center for
Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP) six strategies and Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA)
strategies for community change. This project will increase prevention coalition capacity within the continuum
of care to address behavioral health disparities for populations and communities impacted by COVID-19. This is
a cost reimbursement grant. Applicants who are awarded a mini grant may request up to 20% advance on total
awarded funds if they have a completed and approved budget and workplan.
Community Coalition Capacity Building Program Objectives
1. Increase knowledge, skills, abilities of prevention coalitions utilizing the Strategic Prevention Framework
2. Expand behavioral health prevention program access & participation to diverse populations
3. Address behavioral health disparities among COVID-19 impacted populations
4. Identify prevention interventions specific to population need
5. Collaborate with community organizations connected to the populations impacted to foster equitable
Projects Period
March 18, 2022-March 5, 2023
Award Information
1. Anticipated Total Available Funding $1,600,000
2. Anticipated Award Amount up to $50,000
Eligibility Information
1. Eligible Applicants
a. Current coalitions that have a clear mission addressing substance misuse prevention
b. Staff must have Michigan Certification Board for Addiction Professionals (MCBAP) Prevention
Certified Prevention Consultant (CPC) or Certified Prevention Specialist (CPS) certification, be on
a development plan within 30 days of award notice, or possess a Certified Health Education
Specialist (CHES) certification.
c. Those with an annual operating budget under $250,000 will be given preference
d. Those with fewer than 2 full time staff or the equivalent will be given preference
2. Ineligible expenses:
a. Food (not above $3/light snacks/person/day)
b. Purchase of property/Significant remodel of property
c. Purchase of foreign goods or services
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Prevention Network: SABG-COVID Mini Grant, March 2023
d. Purchase of sterile needles, syringes or drug use paraphernalia
e. Purchase of any tobacco cessation products or services
f. Directly or indirectly, purchase, prescribe, or provide marijuana or treatment using marijuana.
Treatment in this context includes the treatment of opioid use disorder.
g. Pay for promotional items including, but not limited to, clothing and commemorative items such
as pens, mugs/cups, folders/folios, lanyards, and conference bags.
h. Treatment costs
3. Eligible activities include but are not limited to:
a. Capacity Building
i. Systemic planning
ii. Multi-agency coordination
iii. Multi-agency collaboration
iv. Community team buildin
. Community training
vi. Volunteer training
b. Environmental
i. Modifying/changing policy
ii. Changing consequences
iii. Reducing barriers
iv. Enhancing access
v. Physical design
c. Alternatives which build skills and support participation to decrease risk and increase protective
i. Youth leadership activities
ii. Community service activities
iii. Adult leadership activities
Application and Submission Information
1. Required Application Components
a. Fill out all sections of Cover Sheet
b. Questionnaire
c. Project proposal narrative
d. Full budget proposal with Financial Status Report (FSR) line items and narrative
e. Community Assessment, or statement of intent included in project proposal
f. Staff must have MCBAP Prevention Certification CPC or CPS, be on a development plan within
30 days of award notice, or possess a CHES certification.
2. A
pplication Submission Requirements
a. Applications are due by 8:00 AM (Eastern Time) on March 7, 2022.
b. All applications are to be submitted via e-mail to
c. Community Assessment, MCBAP Prevention Certified Staff name and certification number must
be included in cover sheet or statement of commitment to apply included in project proposa
arrative or attached. You do not need to attach scanned image if cover sheet includes
identification numbers. Acceptable file types are .pdf, .jpeg, .jpg, .doc, .gdoc, .jng, .png.
3. Reporting and Other Requirements
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Prevention Network: SABG-COVID Mini Grant, March 2023
a. This is a cost reimbursement grant. Project Award Funds will be transferred via ACH. Award
letters will contain further instructions on electronic fund transfers and request the following:
Name on account, Account #, Routing #, W-9. Funds will not be transferred to any individual but
may be designated to a community organization’s fiduciary. All funds must be spent by March 5,
b. Grantees will maintain receipts for 7 years from completion of program activities.
c. Grantees agree to a site visit with mini-audit 5-10 months following award.
d. Grantees will report monthly on the 15
of each month following award using a combination of
Michigan Prevention Data System for Substance Use Disorder Services (MPDS-SUDS) data entry,
Qualtrics surveys, and a monthly Financial Status Report (FSR).
e. Grantees will submit final report no later than March 5, 2023.
By submitting the application, you are providing assurances to Prevention Network. These are standard
assurances for all grantees receiving federal funds through SAMHSA and MDHHS-OROSC (the Department).
Read assurances here
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Prevention Network: SABG-COVID Mini Grant, March 2023
Community Coalition Capacity Building Project Grant Application Cover Sheet
Organization Name, Fiduciary:
Full Mailing Address:
(city, state, zip)
Contact Name:
Email Address:
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
Federal EIN:
if none state “none”
MCBAP Prevention Certification
Staff Name
Certification #
Age of Organization:
County/Counties Served:
Target Community (county, city,
zip, neighborhood, etc):
Member of (check all that apply)
MCRUD Regional Partner
MCRUD Regional Representative
This is intended to be an entry level process. At any point in your application, you may contact Ruth
Schwendinger, Coalition Support and Community Change Program Coordinator (C
or 541-727-1850.
February 23rd is the deadline to submit questions. Any questions and answers will be published on C3 Program page FAQ document.
Part 1 Required documentation
This Completed Cover Sheet
Completed Questionnaire
Project proposal narrative, 4000 characters or less including spaces
Full budget proposal with FSR line items and narrative
Community Assessment-or include statement of intent to complete a community assessment
Proof of MCBAP certification or development plan for staff (or other certification approved for this
program by MDHHS-OROSC.)
For more information on certification visit MDHHS Licensing, Certification, Training page
For details on CHES license visit
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Prevention Network: SABG-COVID Mini Grant, March 2023
Part 2 Questionnaire: All responses should be specific to current coalition capacity and not a fiduciary agency.
1. What is your mission statement?
2. Doe
s your local Community Assessment identify substance use prevention/treatment/recovery? If
unknown, check with a local hospital for their most recent Community Health Assessment. If none is
available, include a statement of intent in the project narrative to complete an assessment. (Yes or No)
3. Wha
t is your coalition’s annual operating budget? Round to the nearest $100.
4. How many people are employed by your coalition full time? Part time?
5. What is the total population of the area currently served by your coalition?
6. Check all that apply, does the population served include individuals or groups who identify as:
African American American Indian-Alaskan Native Biracial Hispanic LGBTQIA2S
College Students Military Families Homeless Individuals or Families Rural
7. If your coalition serves another population group experiencing significant health disparity, please
identify this group, and include description of health disparity and how this group is impacted.
8. According to the Centers for Disease Control what is the Social Vulnerability Index for county served? If
multiple, list separately.
9. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (look at County Data Tables) what % of the population
served was unemployed in November 2020?
In July 2021?
10. According to the Federal Communications Commission, what % of the population served does not have
broadband internet access? (Divide population without access by total population then multiply by 100.)
11. According to the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services What is the percentage of the
population served that had confirmed positive test for COVID-19 (column F) by Nov. 1, 2020?
and May 1, 2021? What percentage of the population is listed confirmed COVID-19
death (column G by Nov. 1, 2020 and May 1, 2021?
Prevention Network: SABG-COVID Mini Grant, March 2023
Search, Scroll almost to the bottom of the page, past “Where We Stand With
Covid-19” and the state map by county. On the right-hand side click the button “See Cumulative Data,”
this will navigate you to a new window. Scroll almost to the bottom of the page again and see “Public
Use Data Sets” with downloadable .xlsx files on the right-hand side. Select “Cases and Deaths by County
by Date of Onset of Symptoms and Date of Death,” which will allow you to download the file. Find your
location and using cumulative data rather than point in time data, calculate percentage for the following
dates. To calculate the percentage, divide the number you find by the county population then multiply
by 100. Answers will be between 0 and 10 %.
12. What community level evidence-based practices have you implemented in the past 2 years? (e.g.
Communities Readiness Assessment, Communities That Care). Do not include individual level prevention
programs (e.g. Botvin LifeSkills, Prime for Life).
13. Have or will you complete CADCA’s Transforming Your Community
free online self-paced training?
14. How do you prioritize voices of individuals from the population served? Select all that apply.
Networking-sharing information
Cooperation-helps publicize programs, writes letters of support, may exchange resources of like
Coordination-serving together to plan events, community outreach, or services
Collaboration-formalized and comprehensive integration across organization
Population served is majority and participate in leadership identification and development
Part 3 Proposal
SAMHSA’s Strategic Prevention Framework is centered on Sustainability and Cultural Competence. In
addition, this grant will focus on Capacity. These three parts of the framework will be intermingled
throughout all projects awarded.
1. Engage Volunteers and
2. Build a Credible Process
3. Ensure Relevancy
4. Create a Sustainability Plan
Cultural Competence
1. Commit to Cultural Competence
2. Identify Cultures & Diversity in the
3. Build Cultural Competence
Throughout the Strategic Prevention
4. Recruit Members to Represent the
Cultures and Diversity in the
1. Build Coalition Membership
2. Develop Coalition Structure
3. Cultivate Leadership
4. Identify Training
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Additionally, recipients will use grant funds to affect change within six strategies identified by the Center for
Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP). With a focus on the three in bold below.
Information Dissemination begins with developing an awareness and knowledge of the effect of substances on
individuals, families, and communities. It continues with the one-way communication which increases
awareness and knowledge of available prevention programs and services. Examples may be media campaigns,
printed materials, conferences, public speaking engagements.
Education consists of two-way communication aimed at skills building. Examples of this may be parenting
classes, social skills classes, mentoring. The prevention focus would be further developing skills which are
identified as protective factors to decrease the risk of an individual, group, or community developing any
substance use disorder or returning to active illness.
Alternative activities provide opportunities for the target population to participate in safe and healthy activities
that exclude substance use. These alternative strategies must be based on community needs assessment and
aimed at building skills that reduce risk or enhance protective factors. Examples include free social and
recreational events, community drop-in centers, community service activities, youth, or adult leadership
activities. Community connection and a safe environment to engage with others as one’s authentic self are
excellent protective factors for all ages.
Problem identification and Referral strategies begin by identifying individuals or subgroups who exhibit
biological, psychological, and or social risk factors for developing a substance use disorder or co-occurring
disorder. These selective prevention strategies may be assistance programs at schools or workplaces where
individuals are referred, or Screening with Brief Intervention followed by Referral to Treatment and follow up
Environmental strategies must be based on community needs assessment and are focused on community-level
impact. These may include enhancing access/reducing barriers, changing consequences, or physical design.
These strategies may include creating, modifying, or changing current policies on the availability and use of
alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, opioids, and other substances. Or they may include giving guidance on monitoring
enforcement, related media strategies, compliance efforts, shaping social norms. An example would be creating
community standards around “alcohol to-go” or “social district” regulations.
Community-Based Process strategies must incorporate organization, strategic planning, interagency
collaboration, community, or team building to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of service
implementation. An example of this strategy would be training a network of providers to implement peer
recovery coaching services as part of the SBIRT process.
Within a comprehensive approach, on which of the three strategies does your proposal focus? Check all that
Alternative Activities Environmental Community-Based Process
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In 4,000 characters or less including spaces, explain your project proposal. How have you identified
community members disproportionately affected by COVID? How have you engaged, or will you engage those
individuals/groups as a coalition? Who are the key stakeholders and how are they involved? Is this a new
program, a continuation, or an expansion of a previously implemented program? Proposal should focus on at
least one of the six CSAP strategies but may focus on more than one. Include an overview of how the proposal
will increase sustainability, cultural competency, and capacity building.
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Following approval, grantees are expected to report monthly which may include a combination of MPDS data
entry, Qualtrics surveys, update of Financial Spending Report (FSR). Grantees also agree to a site visit with mini-
audit 5-10 months following award, maintain receipts for 7 years, and agree to spend all allocated funds on
approved projects by March 5, 2023.
Any contracts with outside service providers must be approved by Prevention Network and OROSC and any
media publications must be approved and include “Funded in part by Prevention Network, with monies from
SAMHSA's Substance Abuse Block Grant COVID Supplemental,” or similar statement.
If awarded, grantee will receive payments by electronic funds transfer ACH. Funds will not be transferred to any
individual but may be designated to a community organization’s fiduciary. If awarded, Prevention Network will
request the following: Name on account, Account #, Routing #.
The undersigned hereby agrees to faithfully fulfill all reporting requirements and to adhere to approved project
proposal. Any changes or inability to complete project details or reporting as set forth will be communicated to
the Program Coordinator prior to final reporting date and before changes to how affected funds are spent or
returned. Projects will be completed while adhering to MCBAP Prevention Ethical Standards
and all federal,
state, and local laws and ordinances. All information submitted is complete and accurate to the best of my
knowledge. The individual or officer signing this agreement certifies by their signature that they are authorized
to sign this agreement on behalf of the responsible governing board, official or grantee.
rinted Title and Name
Proposed Budget
Fringe Benefits
Supplies (no food)
Travel / Transportation
Contracted Services
Miscellaneous / Other
Authorized Contractor Signature Date
Contractor Information
CERTIFICATION: I certify that the proposed expenditures as
stated are to be followed in accordance with an approved Grant
Agreement budget. Any changes to allocation or use of funds
must be submitted and pre-approved in writing by Program
Coordinator, Ruth Schwendinger, or will not be considered for
reimbursement. I understand this is a budget proposal and not a
contractual agreement.
Authorized Contractor Printed Name
Phone Number:
Federal EIN:
Proposal Due by March 7, 2022
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