Initiative Petition Process Page 1 of 4
anordinance enactingalawofapermanentorgeneralcharacter whichcreatespolicy,asopposedto
mustincludeastatement declaringthattheordinanceisproposedas
1. Acopyoftheproposedlegislation.Ifthisproposed
wordingaspresentedatthistimewill becometheadoptedlaw.Itisstronglyrecommendedthat
2. StateFormSEL370ProspectivePetition‐LocalInitiativeandReferendum.Thisformrequeststhat
Initiative Petition Process Page 2 of 4
Attorney.Withinfive(5)businessdays,theCityAttorneywill reviewthetextoftheproposedlegislation
untiltheballottitleisfinal andtheyhaveobtainedwrittenapprovaltocirculatepetitionsfrom
unsatisfactory.Thecourtwillmakethefinaldetermi nationoftheballottitle,question,andsummarythat
shallappearbeforethevotersattheelection. 
1. CoverSheet,whichmustcontainthefollowingandbeonthereversesideofeachsignaturesheet(EC
a. Instructionstocirculatorsandsigners.
b. Ballottitle,questionand
c. NamesandresidenceaddressesofChiefPetitioners.
d. Anattachedcopyofthecompleteandcorrecttextoftheproposedlegislation.
2. SEL371SignatureSheet,whichmustcontainthefollowing:
a. The10word(orless)BallotCaption.
b. Aclearstatementastowhetherpetitioncirculatorsarebeingpaid.
c. Thecounty,cityand/ordistrictinwhichtheelectionwouldapply.
Numberofsignaturesre quiredtoplaceaninitiativepetitionontheballot:
Initiative Petition Process Page 3 of 4
petitioniscollected(EugeneCodeSe ction2.974(d)).
Whenthechiefpetitionerssubmi tthecompletedinitiativepetitiontotheCityRecorder’sOffice,theCity
Recordercountsandexa mineseachsheettodeterminewhetherthecirculator’scertificationissufficient.
2.979(2),ifther equirednumberofsignaturesexceeds4,500,the
Registrationmustoccurwithinthree(3)businessdayoffirstreceivingacontributionormaki ng an
Initiative Petition Process Page 4 of 4
Ifthepetitionqualifiestotheballotand willsubsequentlybevotedonatanelection,anygroup,
includingthechiefpetitionercommittee,thatintends tosupportoropposethemeasure,mustregister
certification,withthefollowing exceptions.
(1) Iftheinitiativeis
(2) Thecouncilmaychoosetoplacetheinitiativeonanearlierelection.Thespecialelection
Prospective Petition
SEL 370
Local Initiative and Referendum
rev 01/18 ORS 250.045,
250.165, 250.265, 255.135
Warning Supplying false information on this form may result in conviction of a felony with a fine of up to $125,000 and/or prison for up to 5 years.
Each chief petitioner is required to provide, on the same form, their name, residence address, a contact phone number and a signature attesting that
the information on the form is true and correct. Changes to the information provided for a chief petitioner or to the circulator pay status below must
be reported to the Elections Division no later than the 10th day after you first have knowledge or should have had knowledge of the change.
Petition Information
This filing is an
Some Circulators may be Paid
Title Subject or name you give your petition.
Website if applicable
Petition Correspondence Select the method of receiving notices or other correspondence from the Filing Officer.
Correspondence Recipient
Email Chief Petitioners
Mail Chief Petitioners
Recipient Information
Email Address
Chief Petitioner Information At least one original chief petitioner must remain throughout the petition process or the petition is void.
By signing this document, I hereby state that all information on the form is true and correct and attest that no circulators will be compensated
money or other valuable consideration on this petition based on the number of signatures obtained by the circulator.
Contact Phone
Residence Address street, city, state, zip
Mailing Address if different
Email Address
Date Signed
Contact Phone
Residence Address street, city, state, zip
Mailing Address if different
Email Address
Date Signed
Contact Phone
Residence Address street, city, state, zip
Mailing Address if different
Email Address
Date Signed
SEL 371 rev 01/18 ORS 250.015
County Elections Officials provide a separate certification to attach to the petition.
To the Elections Official of:
We, the undersigned voters, request this measure to be submitted to the residents of the jurisdiction listed below for their approval or rejection. A full and correct copy of this measure was
made available for review and I have not previously signed a petition sheet for this measure.
Ballot Title Caption (Initiative) or Number of Ordinance or Resolution and Date Adopted (Referendum)
Initial any changes the circulator makes to your printed name, residence address or date you signed the petition.
Date Signed
Print Name
Residence or Mailing Address
street, city, zip code
Circulator Certification
This certification must be completed by the circulator and additional signatures should not be collected on this sheet once the certification has been signed and dated!
I hereby certify that I witnessed the signing of the signature sheet by each individual whose signature appears on the signature sheet, and I believe each person is a voter qualified to sign the
petition (ORS 198.750, 221.031, 250.165, 250.265, 255.135). I also hereby certify that compensation I received, if any, was not based on the number of signatures obtained for this petition.
Circulator Signature
Date Signed mm/dd/yy
Sheet Number
Completed by
chief petitioner
Printed Name of Circulator
Circulator’s Address street, city, zip code
Signature Sheet | Local
Petition ID
It is against the law to sign a petition more than one time. Signers of this page must be active registered voters of the jurisdiction at the time of signing.
SOME Circulators
NO Circulators
for this petition are being paid.
Local Petition Cover Sheet SEL 369 rev. 01/16 ORS 250.015
Initiative or Referendum Petition
Ballot Title or Measure Title
Insert the final ballot title of the initiative or the title of the measure as enacted by the local governing body. If there is no title chief petitioners may supply one that
must include the number of the ordinance/resolution being referred and the date the local governing body adopted the ordinance/resolution.
Text Proposed charter or ordinance or text of ordinance as enacted by local governing body.
Available from Circulator
Included below
Chief Petitioners Names and Residence Addresses
Instructions for Circulators
Only active registered voters of the county, city or district may sign the petition.
Have signers use a pen when signing petitions. Use a pen when you are certifying petitions.
Only one circulator may collect signatures on any one signature sheet of the petition.
You must personally witness all signatures you collect and you should not collect additional signatures on the petition sheet once you have signed
and dated the circulator certification.
It is against the law for circulators to:
Circulate a petition containing a false signature.
Make false statements to any person who signs the petition or requests information about it.
Attempt to obtain the signature of a person who is not qualified to sign the petition.
Offer money or anything of value to another person to sign or not sign the petition.
Sell or offer to sell signature sheets.
Write, alter, correct, clarify or obscure any information about the signers unless the signer is disabled and requests assistance or the signer
initials after the changes are made.
Accept compensation to circulate a petition that is based on the number of signatures obtained.
Warning Violations of the circulator requirements may result in conviction of a felony with a fine of up to $125,000 and/or prison for up to 5 years.
Instructions for Signers
Only active Oregon voters may sign the petition. Sign your full name, as you did when you registered to vote.
Fill in the date you signed the petition, your printed name and residence address in the spaces provided. Only you may complete your optional
Initial any changes the circulator makes to your printed name, residence address or date you signed the petition.
Use a pen when signing the petition.
It is against the law for signers to:
Sign another person’s name under any circumstances.
Sign a petition more than one time.
Sign a petition when you are not qualified to sign it.
Petition Submission
SEL 339
Initiative, Referendum, Recall, Political Party Formation
rev. 01/18
OAR 165-010-0005, 165-014-0005
This form must be completed and filed with any submission of signatures.
Each submission of signature sheets must be mailed or personally delivered by at least one chief petitioner, the chief sponsor or an
authorized agent.
When the submission completes the petition all chief petitioners must sign the same form.
State Initiative Petition Only one chief petitioner or authorized agent is required to sign this form for a sponsorship or monthly
Filing Officer
County For both county and district petitions.
Type of Petition
Political Party Formation
Petition Information
Petition Title or Number
Type of Filing
Number of Signatures Submitted
Sponsorship Submission State Initiative Petition
Monthly Submission State Initiative Petition
Other Submission State Initiative Petition
Completed Petition Submission
Authorized Agent Certification An authorized agent is prohibited from completing the petition.
By signing this document, I hereby state that all information on the form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
Contact Phone
Email Address
Date Signed
Chief Petitioner or Chief Sponsor Certification To complete a petition all chief petitioners must sign the same form.
By signing this document, I hereby state that all information on the form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and if marked completed
petition I understand the petition cannot be withdrawn and request that the appropriate elections official conduct signature verification.
Additionally if the petition is an initiative or referendum I attest that no circulators were compensated money or other valuable consideration
based on the number of signatures obtained by the circulator.
Contact Phone
Email Address
Date Signed
Contact Phone
Email Address
Date Signed
Contact Phone
Email Address
Date Signed
Eugene Code
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2.960 Elections - State Law. City elections shall be conducted in accordance with
this code and the Eugene Charter 2002. Insofar as not governed by the city
charter, special ordinances or this code, city elections shall be conducted in
accordance with the state law governing popular elections.
(Section 2.960 added by Ordinance No. 18106, enacted January 18, 1978; and amended by
Ordinance No. 20405, enacted March 19, 2008, effective April 19, 2008.)
2.961 ElectionsDefinitions. As used in sections 2.960 to 2.1005 of this code,
the following words and phrases mean:
Ballot Title. A ballot title describes a city measure and includes a caption, a
question and a summary of the measure. All ballot titles for city measures
must comply with the requirements of ORS 250.035 or successor statute.
Candidate. An individual whose name is printed or expected to be printed
on the ballot, an individual who campaigns for write-in votes, or an individual
who collects or spends money to secure nomination or election to office at
any time, even if the specific office is not indicated and the candidate’s name
does not appear on a ballot.
Certify. With respect to a completed petition means the city recorder’s
determination that the completed petition includes all of the information
required by law and at least the number of elector signatures required by
section 2.972 of this code.
Chief petitioner. The elector responsible for the preparation and
organization of an initiative or referendum petition. Not more than three
electors may be designated as chief petitioners for any one initiative or
referendum petition.
City attorney. An attorney or law firm appointed by the city manager to
provide legal advice to the manager and council on election matters.
City office. The office of mayor, city councilor or Eugene Water & Electric
Board member.
City official. The mayor, a city councilor or a Eugene Water & Electric
Board Member.
City recorder. The city manager or the manager's designee.
Completed petition. An initiative or referendum petition that includes all of
the information required by law and at least the number of signatures
required by section 2.972 of this code.
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Conflicting measures. Measures are conflicting when any part of one
measure cannot operate concurrently with a provision of the other measure
or when one or both measures expressly provide that they are intended to be
the exclusive enactment for that area of legislation.
Election. A general election, primary election, special election or emergency
Elector. A resident of the city qualified to vote under the Oregon
Constitution, Article II, section 2.
Emergency Election. An election held on a date other than those dates
described in ORS 221.230(1) or successor statutes. To call an emergency
election, the city council must find by resolution that an emergency exists
that requires an election sooner than the next available election date under
ORS 221.230(1) in order to avoid extraordinary hardship to the community.
In calling an emergency election the city council must comply with the
requirements of ORS 221.230(2)-(4) or successor statutes.
General election. An election held on the first Tuesday after the first
Monday in November of each even numbered year, or as otherwise defined
by the Oregon Legislative Assembly.
Initiative petition. A petition by one or more qualified electors to initiate
proposed legislation to be approved or rejected by the electors at an election.
Legislation. A law of a permanent or general character which creates policy
as opposed to executing policy already in existence, and which is within the
meaning of "legislation" as that term is used in Oregon Constitution, Article
IV, Section 1(5).
Measure. A proposed city ordinance, charter revision, charter amendment,
or a proposition, question, or advisory measure placed on the ballot by the
council, including a measure referred on the recommendation of the Eugene
Water & Electric Board. “Measure” also includes municipal legislation,
charter revisions and charter amendments placed on the ballot by initiative or
referendum petition.
Organization. Includes a corporation, association, firm, partnership, joint
stock company, club or other combination of individuals having collective
Primary election. An election held on the third Tuesday in May of each
even-numbered year, or as otherwise defined by the Oregon Legislative
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Prospective petition. The information, including the text of the proposed
measure, required to be included in a completed petition, except signatures
and other identification of petition signers.
Protected ordinance. An ordinance adopted by initiative in accordance with
the Eugene Charter of 2002, section 32-A. A protected ordinance may be
amended or repealed only by the electors or by unanimous vote of councilors
present and voting at a council meeting. The initiative petition and the ballot
measure for a protected ordinance must state that it is proposed as a
protected ordinance and must explain the limitations on its repeal or
Referendum petition. A petition by one or more qualified electors to refer
legislation adopted by the council to the electors for their approval or
rejection at an election.
Special election. An election other than a primary or general election, held
on one of the dates described in ORS 221.230(1) or successor statute (the
second Tuesday in March, the third Tuesday in May, the third Tuesday in
September or the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November).
(Section 2.961 added by Ordinance No. 20405, enacted March 19, 2008, effective April 19,
2.962 Elections - Wards. The city council shall by resolution divide the city into
eight wards but neither this requirement nor any action pursuant to it
disqualifies, or shortens the term of office of, a member of the council or the
Eugene Water & Electric Board.
(Section 2.962, previously numbered 2.960, amended by Ordinance 18106, enacted January
18, 1978.)
2.964 Elections - Nomination.
(1) A candidate for a city council office representing a particular ward shall
be nominated by the electors residing in that ward.
(2) A candidate for a Eugene Water & Electric Board office representing a
pair of wards shall be nominated by the electors residing in those
(3) A candidate for the office of mayor or an office on the Eugene Water &
Electric Board representing the city at large shall be nominated by
electors who reside in the city.
(4) In a year for filling an office referred to in subsection (1), (2), or (3) of
this section, a nomination of a candidate for the office shall be
conducted in accordance with the state law governing popular elections,
except that the nominating petition shall be submitted to the city
recorder at least 76 days before the first election for filling the office and
it shall be signed by 25 electors who reside in the area to be
represented by the office.
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(5) The city recorder or designee shall verify the signatures on a
nominating petition as provided in section 2.979(1) of this code. Any
signature which is not the signature of an elector who resides in the
area to be represented by the office for which the nominating petition
was circulated shall not be counted toward the number of signatures
required by subsection (4) of this section.
(Section 2.964, previously numbered 2.970, amended by Ordinance No. 18106, enacted
January 18, 1978; Ordinance No. 18697, enacted September 10, 1980; Ordinance No. 19883,
enacted October 26, 1992, effective November 25, 1992; Ordinance No. 20287, enacted March
10, 2003, effective April 9, 2003; and Ordinance No. 20405, enacted March 19, 2008, effective
April 19, 2008.)
2.965 Elections - Residency. A candidate for a city office must be an elector and
must have been a resident of the city for at least one year immediately
preceding the election that results in election to the office. A candidate for
city office must be registered to vote as a resident of the city at the time his
or her nominating petition is submitted to the city recorder. A candidate for
city office shall maintain his or her residence within the city and the area he
or she seeks to represent at the time of nomination and throughout his or her
term of office if elected. If a city official or candidate for city office fails to
maintain his or her residence within the city and the area he or she
represents or seeks to represent, he or she shall be removed from office or
be ineligible to serve as a city official. The vacancy thus created shall be
filled in the manner other vacancies in that office are filled. If a city official or
candidate for city office has more than one residence, the requirements of
this section apply to the principal place of residency, which is the residence
where the city official or candidate for city office spends more than 50% of
his or her time.
(Section 2.965 added by Ordinance No. 20287, enacted March 10, 2003, effective April 9,
2003; amended by Ordinance No. 20301, enacted November 10, 2003, effective December
10, 2003; and Ordinance No. 20405, enacted March 19, 2008, effective April 19, 2008.)
2.966 Elections - Officers.
(1) In 2002 and every fourth year thereafter a councilor shall be elected
from each of the following wards:
(a) Ward 3.
(b) Ward 4.
(c) Ward 5.
(d) Ward 6.
(2) In 2004 and every fourth year thereafter a mayor shall be elected from
the city at large and a councilor shall be elected from each of the
following wards:
(a) Ward 1.
(b) Ward 2.
(c) Ward 7.
(d) Ward 8.
(3) In 1978 and every fourth year thereafter two members shall be elected
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to the Eugene Water & Electric Board, one from wards 4 and 5 and one
from the city at large. In 1980 and every fourth year thereafter, three
members shall be elected to the board, one from wards 1 and 8, one
from wards 2 and 3, and one from wards 6 and 7.
(4) Except as provided in section 24 of the Eugene Charter, the first voting
for mayor, councilor, or Eugene Water & Electric Board member during
a year shall take place at an election held at the same time as the
statewide primary election that year.
(5) If at the primary election one candidate for a city office receives a
majority of the votes cast for that office, that candidate shall be the only
one whose name appears on the ballot at the general election that year
as a candidate for that particular office.
(6) If at the primary election no candidate receives a majority of votes cast
for the office, the two candidates receiving the two highest numbers of
votes cast for the office shall be the only candidates whose names
appear on the ballot at the general election that year as candidates for
that particular office.
(7) The candidate who receives a majority of the votes cast for the office at
the general election is elected to that office and is entitled to a
certificate of election thereto.
(8) A candidate who has been elected to office at the November election
shall take office upon the later of:
(a) Filing of the oath or affirmation of office; or
(b) The first Monday in January following the election.
(Section 2.966 previously numbered 2.962, amended by Ordinance No. 18106, enacted
January 18, 1978; Ordinance No. 20239, enacted December 10, 2001; Ordinance No. 20287,
enacted March 10, 2003, effective April 9, 2003; and Ordinance No. 20405, enacted March 19,
2008, effective April 19, 2008.)
2.968 Elections - Eugene Water & Electric Board - Composition.
(1) Except as subsection (2) of this section provides to the contrary, each
member elected to the Eugene Water & Electric Board has a term of
office thereon of four years.
(2) The board may fill a vacant office thereon by appointing thereto a
person from the same constituency as the member who last occupied
that office. If an elected member leaves the office vacant less than 14
months after the member’s term on the board begins, at the next
primary and general elections after the vacancy occurs, a member shall
be elected to the vacant office from the same constituency as the
member who last occupied that office. The term of office of the person
so elected begins January 1
of the immediately ensuing year and
continues for two years.
(Section 2.968, previously numbered 2.180, amended by Ordinance No. 18106, enacted
January 18, 1978; administratively amended by Ordinance No. 20113, enacted April 6, 1998,
effective May 6, 1998; and Ordinance No. 20405, enacted March 19, 2008, effective April 19,
Eugene Code
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2.970 Submissions During Business Hours. Prospective and completed
petitions must be submitted to the city recorder in person at the office of the city
recorder during regular business hours.
(Section 2.970 added by Ordinance No. 18106, enacted January 18, 1978; amended by
Ordinance 19883, enacted October 26, 1992, effective November 26, 1992; Ordinance No.
20287, enacted March 10, 2003, effective April 9, 2003; and Ordinance No. 20405, enacted
March 19, 2008, effective April 19, 2008.)
2.971 Elections Initiative and Referendum, Manner of Initiating or Referring
(1) Any elector may initiate proposed legislation by submitting a completed
initiative petition proposing the legislation to the city recorder.
(2) Any elector may refer council legislation to the electors by submitting a
completed referendum petition to the city recorder prior to the effective date of
the legislation.
(3) The council may order submission of proposed or adopted legislation to the
(4) An ordinance for which a prospective referendum petition has been submitted
to the city recorder does not take effect during the period of signature
collection and signature verification, and if petitioners collect the number of
elector signatures required under section 2.972 of this code, the ordinance
shall not take effect except as provided in section 2.987 of this code.
(Section 2.971 added by Ordinance No. 18106, enacted January 18, 1978; amended by
Ordinance No. 19883, enacted October 26, 1992, effective November 25, 1992; Ordinance No.
20287, enacted March 10, 2003, effective April 9, 2003; Ordinance No. 20405, enacted March
19, 2008, effective April 19, 2008; and clerically corrected October 24, 2008.)
2.972 Elections - Initiative and Referendum, Requisite Number of Signatures. The
number of signatures required for an initiative petition is 15 percent, and for a
referendum petition 10 percent, of the number of votes cast for the office of mayor
at the mayoral election last preceding the date when circulation of the petition
(Section 2.972 added by Ordinance No. 18106, enacted January 18, 1978; and amended by
Ordinance No. 20393, enacted September 24, 2007, effective October 26, 2007.)
2.973 Elections - Initiative and Referendum, Prospective Petition.
(1) An initiative or referendum petition shall be in the form prescribed by the city
(2) When a prospective petition is submitted to the city recorder, the city recorder
shall, as soon as possible, determine whether the prospective petition is in the
proper form, including but not limited to compliance with the requirements of
subsection 2.974(a) of this code, and;
(a) If the prospective petition is not in the proper form, return the
prospective petition to the person submitting it and advise that person
what the defects are;
(b) If the prospective petition is in the proper form:
1. Advise the person submitting the prospective petition of the
number of signatures necessary to place the petition on the ballot;
2. Advise the person submitting the petition of the deadlines in
subsections (c) and (d) of section 2.974 of this code;
3. Specify the size and kind of paper on which the prospective
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petition is to be duplicated;
4. Date and time stamp the prospective petition; and
5. Initial the prospective petition and approve it for circulation.
(3) On the next business day after a prospective petition in the proper form
is submitted to the city recorder, the city recorder shall transmit a copy
of the prospective petition to the city attorney for review and action
under section 2.977 of this code.
(4) The prospective petition shall include a statement signed by the chief
petitioner(s) declaring whether one or more persons will be paid money
or other valuable consideration for obtaining signatures on the initiative
or referendum petition. Once the prospective petition is approved for
circulation, the chief petitioners shall notify the city recorder not later
than the tenth day after any of the chief petitioners first has knowledge
or should have had knowledge that:
(a) Any person is being compensated for obtaining signatures, if the
statement included with the prospective petition declared that no
such person would be compensated.
(b) No person is being compensated for obtaining signatures, if the
statement included with the prospective petition declared that one
or more such persons would be compensated.
(Section 2.973 added by Ordinance No. 18106, enacted January 18, 1978; amended by
Ordinance No. 19883, enacted October 26, 1992, effective November 26, 1992; Ordinance No.
20287, enacted March 10, 2003, effective April 9, 2003; and Ordinance No. 20405, enacted
March 19, 2008, effective April 19, 2008.)
2.974 Elections - Initiative and Referendum, Petition Requirements. No
completed initiative or referendum petition may be submitted to the city
recorder unless:
(a) Prior to its circulation a prospective petition was submitted to the city
recorder. The prospective petition must contain a copy of the
legislation sought to be submitted to the electors and a signed
statement on the face of the petition of the names and addresses of not
more than three chief petitioners. If one or more of the chief petitioners
is an organization, the prospective petition shall disclose the name and
address of the organization, the name and address of each of the
principal officers of the organization and the signature of the chief
officer of the organization;
(b) As circulated, the prospective petition complies with the city recorder's
specifications and the requirements of this code, contains the caption or
ordinance title required by section 2.975 of this code, and contains the
names and addresses of the chief petitioners;
(c) The date of the first signature on the petition is no later than 90 days
after the issuance of the ballot title on the measure; and
(d) The completed petition is submitted to the city recorder for signature
verification no later than 100 days after the date of the first signature on
the petition. A completed referendum petition shall be submitted to the
city recorder by that time or by the effective date of the legislation
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sought to be referred, whichever is earlier.
(Section 2.974, formerly section 2.976,added by Ordinance No. 18106, enacted January 18,
1978; amended by Ordinance No. 18311, enacted December 6, 1978; Ordinance No. 19883,
enacted October 26, 1992, effective November 25, 1992; Ordinance No. 20287, enacted March
10, 2003, effective April 9, 2003; renumbered and amended by Ordinance No. 20405, enacted
March 19, 2008, effective April 19, 2008.)
2.975 Elections Form of Petition and Signature Requirements.
(1) Signature sheets for an initiative or referendum petition shall be double-
(2) The front side of each signature sheet shall contain:
(a) The names and residence addresses of all chief petitioners;
(b) Instructions adopted by the Secretary of State for persons
obtaining signatures on the petition; and
(c) If the petition is an initiative petition, the caption of the ballot title
issued pursuant to section 2.977 of this code;
(d) If the petition is a referendum petition, either the caption of the
ballot title issued pursuant to section 2.977 of this code or the title
of the ordinance to be referred.
(3) The reverse side of an initiative or referendum petition shall:
(a) Be used for obtaining signatures;
(b) If the petition is an initiative petition, include the caption of the
ballot title for the initiative measure;
(c) If the petition is a referendum petition, include the number of the
ordinance to be referred and the date it was adopted by the
(d) If one or more persons will be paid for obtaining signatures on the
petition, contain a notice stating: “Some circulators for this petition
are being paid.”
(4) Not more than 20 signatures on each signature sheet of the initiative or
referendum petition shall be counted. The circulator shall certify on
each signature sheet that the circulator:
(a) Witnessed the signing of the signature sheet by each individual
whose signature appears on the signature sheet; and
(b) Believes each individual is an elector registered in the city.
(5) Each person collecting signatures must carry at least one complete and
correct copy of the text of the initiative measure or the ordinance being
referred and must allow any person to review the text upon request.
(Section 2.975 added by Ordinance No. 20405, enacted March 19, 2008, effective April 19,
2.977 Elections - Initiative and Referendum, Preparation of Ballot Title;
(1) Within five business days following the city attorney's receipt of a
prospective petition for an initiative or referendum measure, the city
attorney shall review the prospective petition for legal sufficiency, and, if
appropriate, issue a ballot title.
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(a) If the city attorney determines that the prospective petition is
legally insufficient, the city attorney shall inform the city recorder in
writing of the reasons for that determination. The city recorder
shall return the prospective petition to the chief petitioners, along
with a copy of the city attorney's written determination.
(b) If the city attorney determines that the prospective petition is
legally sufficient, the city attorney shall prepare a ballot title and
deliver it to the city recorder. The city recorder shall provide a
copy of the ballot title to the chief petitioners.
(2) Within five business days following the council's decision to submit
legislation to the electors under subsection 2.971(3) of this code, the
city attorney shall prepare a ballot title and deliver it to the city recorder.
(3) The ballot title of any measure to be initiated or referred shall comply
with the state statutes in effect at the time the ballot title is prepared.
The ballot title shall not resemble, to the extent it creates confusion, any
ballot title previously prepared for a measure to be submitted to the
electors at the same election.
(4) Upon receiving a ballot title for a city measure from the city attorney, the
city recorder shall publish in the next available edition of a newspaper of
general circulation in the city a notice of receipt of the ballot title
including notice that an elector may file a petition for review of the ballot
title not later than the date referred to in subsection (5) of this section.
(5) An elector dissatisfied with the ballot title may, within seven business
days after it is delivered to the city recorder, petition the Lane County
Circuit Court seeking a different ballot title and stating the reasons that
the title prepared by the city attorney is insufficient, not concise or
unfair. The petition shall name the city attorney as respondent. The
court shall review the ballot title and measure to be initiated or referred,
hear arguments, if any, and certify to the city recorder a ballot title for
the measure which meets the requirements of state statutes in effect at
the time the ballot title is prepared.
(Section 2.977 added by Ordinance No. 18106, enacted January 18, 1978; amended by
Ordinance No. 19883, enacted October 26, 1992, effective November 25, 1992; Ordinance No.
20113, enacted April 6, 1998, effective May 6, 1998; Ordinance No. 20287, enacted March 10,
2003, effective April 9, 2003; and Ordinance No. 20405, enacted March 19, 2008, effective April
19, 2008.)
2.979 Elections - Initiative and Referendum, Verification of Signatures,
Completed Petition.
(1) A completed initiative or referendum petition shall be submitted to the
city recorder for signature verification. The city recorder may not accept
for signature verification any petition sheets that do not comply with the
requirements contained in state statute and this code for signature
sheets. Within 15 days of submission of a completed initiative or
referendum petition for signature verification, the city recorder or the
recorder's designee shall, by reference to the records in the Lane
County Elections office, verify the number and genuineness of the
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signatures and the voting qualifications of the signers; and, if electors in
a number sufficient under section 2.972 of this code have signed the
petition, the city recorder shall so certify the petition. If the city recorder
determines that the petition contains an insufficient number of elector
signatures, the petition shall be returned to the chief petitioners.
(2) If the number of elector signatures required under section 2.972 of this
code exceeds 4,500, the city recorder or designee may utilize the
statistical sampling technique established by rule of the Secretary of
State to determine whether a petition contains the required number of
elector signatures. If signatures on an initiative or referendum petition
are verified using this procedure, a petition may not be rejected for the
reason that it contains fewer than the required number of elector
signatures unless two separate sampling processes establish the lack
of requisite signatures. The second sampling must contain a larger
number of signatures than the first sampling.
(Section 2.979 added by Ordinance No. 18106, enacted January 18, 1978; amended by
Ordinance No. 19844, enacted October 26, 1992, effective November 26, 1992; and Ordinance
No. 20405, enacted March 19, 2008, effective April 19, 2008.)
2.980 Elections - Initiative and Referendum, Presentation of Measure to
(1) No later than 20 days after the city recorder certifies a completed
initiative or referendum petition, the city manager shall present the
petition to the council for consideration. At that time, or thereafter, the
council may:
(a) Adopt an ordinance proposed by an initiative petition;
(b) Repeal an ordinance referred by referendum petition;
(c) Vote to urge adoption or defeat of the initiated or referred
(d) Order submission of an alternative measure or measures to be
voted upon at the same election as the initiated or referred
(2) During the 61 day period prior to an election on an initiative or
referendum measure the council shall refrain from adopting an
ordinance proposed by an initiative petition or repealing an ordinance
referred by a referendum petition.
(Section 2.980 added by Ordinance No. 18106, enacted January 18, 1978; amended by
Ordinance No. 19883, enacted October 26, 1992, effective November 25, 1992; and Ordinance
No. 20405, enacted March 19, 2008, effective April 19, 2008.)
2.981 Elections - Initiative and Referendum, Voting on Measure.
(1) Initiative.
(a) A charter or charter amendment or revision proposed by initiative
petition, a protected ordinance proposed by initiative petition, and
an ordinance proposed by initiative petition but not enacted in
accordance with section 2.980 of this code, shall be submitted to
the electors.
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(b) The time for voting on an initiative measure submitted to the
electors under subsection (1) of this section shall be the first
primary or general election held more than 90 days after the city
recorder’s certification of the completed petition under section
2.979 of this code, unless the council calls an earlier special
election on the measure. The special election called by the council
may not be held earlier than 66 days after the city recorder’s
certification of the completed petition.
(2) Referendum.
(a) An ordinance referred by petition but not repealed in accordance
with section 2.980 of this code shall be submitted to the electors.
(b) An election on legislation referred to the electors by petition shall
be held on the next available election date as described in ORS
221.230(1) or successor statutes that is not sooner than the 90th
day after the city recorder’s certification of the completed
referendum petition under section 2.979 of this code, unless the
council calls an earlier or later special election on the measure.
The special election called by the council may not be held earlier
than 66 days after the city recorder’s certification of the completed
(3) Legislation Referred by Council. The time for voting on legislation
referred to the electors by the council shall be the first primary or
general election held more than 90 days after the date that the council
orders the legislation referred under section 2.971 of this code, unless
the council calls an earlier special or emergency election on the
measure. In any event, an election on a council-referred measure may
not be held earlier than 90 days after the date that council orders the
legislation referred.
(Section 2.981 added by Ordinance No. 18106, enacted January 18, 1978, amended by
Ordinance No. 18311, enacted December 6, 1978; Ordinance No. 19160, enacted June 29,
1983; Ordinance No. 19883, enacted October 26, 1992, effective November 25, 1992;
Ordinance No. 20287, enacted March 10, 2003, effective April 9, 2003; and Ordinance No.
20405, enacted March 19, 2008, effective April 19, 2008.)
2.982 Elections - Initiative and Referendum, Furnishing Information to County
Clerk. Where legislation is to be voted on at an election, the date of which is
prescribed by state law, the city recorder shall submit to the Lane County
elections clerk, in accordance with the time limit established by state law for
the submission, a certified copy of the ballot title.
(Section 2.982 added by Ordinance No. 18106, enacted January 18, 1978; and amended by
Ordinance No. 19883, enacted October 26, 1992, effective November 25, 1992.)
2.983 Elections - Initiative and Referendum, Designation on Ballot. Legislation
submitted under this chapter shall appear on the ballot by ballot title only.
Initiative measures shall be distinguished from referendum measures.
(Section 2.983 added by Ordinance No. 18106, enacted January 18, 1978; and amended by
Ordinance No. 19883, enacted October 26, 1992, effective November 25, 1992.)
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2.984 Elections - Notice. The city recorder shall give 10 days' notice of an
election by one publication of the notice in a newspaper of general circulation
in the city. The notice need not set forth in full any measure to be submitted
to the electors at the election, but the notice shall state the ballot title of each
(Section 2.984, formerly section 2.990, amended by Ordinance No. 18106, enacted January 18,
1978; Ordinance No. 19883, enacted October 26, 1992, effective November 25, 1992; and
renumbered and amended by Ordinance No. 20405, enacted March 19, 2008, effective April 19,
2.985 Elections - Initiative and Referendum, Election Returns. The votes on a
measure shall be counted, canvassed and returned as follows:
(a) In case of an election held at a time prescribed by state law, in the
same manner as other votes cast at such an election in the city.
(b) In case of special elections held at other times, in the manner
prescribed by the city manager.
(Section 2.985, formerly section 2.984, added by Ordinance No. 18106, enacted January 18,
1978; amended by Ordinance No. 19883, enacted October 26, 1992, effective November 25,
1992; and renumbered and amended by Ordinance No. 20405, enacted March 19, 2008,
effective April 19, 2008.)
2.986 Elections - Initiative and Referendum, Proclamation by Mayor.
(1) Upon completion of the canvass of votes on a measure submitted
pursuant to this chapter, the mayor shall issue a proclamation:
(a) Recapitulating the vote on the measure; and
(b) If the majority of votes cast on the measure were in favor of the
measure, announcing the effective date of the legislation in
accordance with section 2.987 of this code.
(2) The city recorder shall give public notice of the proclamation by release
to the media or by posting a copy thereof at the city hall.
(3) The proclamation shall be retained with the measure in the office of the
city recorder.
(Section 2.986, formerly section 2.985, added by Ordinance No. 18106, enacted January 18,
1978; amended by Ordinance No. 19883, enacted October 26, 1992, effective November 25,
1992; and renumbered and amended by Ordinance No. 20405, enacted March 19, 2008,
effective April 19, 2008.)
2.987 Elections - Initiative and Referendum, Effective Date of Measure. A
measure which has been approved by a majority of the electors who voted
on the measure takes effect upon the mayor's proclamation that the measure
has passed, or at a later date, if specified in the measure.
(Section 2.987, formerly section 2.986, added by Ordinance No. 18106, enacted January 18,
1978; amended by Ordinance No. 20287, enacted March 10, 2003, effective April 9, 2003; and
renumbered and amended by Ordinance No. 20405, enacted March 19, 2008, effective April 19,
2.988 Elections - Initiative and Referendum, Conflicting Measures. Of two
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conflicting measures approved by the electors at the same election, the
measure receiving the greater number of affirmative votes shall be deemed
approved and the other measure deemed not approved.
(Section 2.988, formerly 2.987 added by Ordinance No. 18106, enacted January 18, 1978;
amended by Ordinance No. 19883, enacted October 26, 1992, effective November 25, 1992;
and renumbered and amended by Ordinance No. 20405, enacted March 19, 2008, effective
April 19, 2008.)
2.989 Elections - Initiative and Referendum, Unlawful Acts.
(1) No person other than an elector shall knowingly sign a city initiative or
referendum petition.
(2) No person shall sign a city initiative or referendum petition with a name
not his or her own.
(3) No person shall sign his or her name to a city initiative or referendum
petition with knowledge of previously signing the petition.
(4) No person shall circulate or submit to the city recorder a city initiative or
referendum petition which to his or her knowledge contains a signature
signed in violation of this chapter.
(5) No person shall procure or attempt to procure a signature to a city
initiative or referendum petition by fraud.
(6) No person shall make a statement concerning a city initiative or
referendum petition that the person knows to be false.
(7) No person shall knowingly make a document under this chapter that
contains a false statement.
(8) No city officer shall willfully violate a provision of this chapter.
(Section 2.989, formerly section 2.988, added by Ordinance No. 18106, enacted January 18,
1978; amended by Ordinance No. 18120, enacted February 15, 1978; Ordinance No. 19883,
enacted October 26, 1992, effective November 25, 1992; renumbered and amended by
Ordinance No. 20405, enacted March 19, 2008, effective April 19, 2008.)
2.993 Elections Voters’ Pamphlet.
(1) The following definitions apply to sections 2.993 to 2.998:
(a) “Measure” means both city measures and school district
(b) “City measure” means a proposed city ordinance, charter revision,
charter amendment, or a proposition, question or advisory
measure placed on the ballot by the council, including a measure
referred on the recommendation of the Eugene Water & Electric
Board. “City measure” also includes municipal legislation, charter
revisions and charter amendments placed on the ballot by
initiative or referendum petition.
(c) “School district measure” means a measure placed on the ballot
by the school district.
(d) “School district” means Eugene School District 4J or Bethel
School District 52.
(e) School district elector means a resident of the school district
qualified to vote under the Oregon Constitution, Article II, section
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(2) The city manager shall publish and distribute a local voters’ pamphlet
for each election in which a city measure is on the ballot.
(3) The city manager shall include in a voters’ pamphlet published pursuant
to subsection (2) of this section statements from candidates in races for
city offices (council, mayor, or Eugene Water & Electric Board member)
if such statements are submitted by the candidates, together with a fee
in the amount of $100.00.
(4) If a candidate for city office wishes to publish a statement in the city
voters’ pamphlet for an election at which no city measure is submitted
for a vote, the city manager shall publish a voters pamphlet containing
candidate statements submitted pursuant to subsection (3) of this
section, unless the city council waives the requirement. Candidate
statements to be published pursuant to this subsection shall be
submitted to the city recorder not less than 70 days prior to the date of
the election for which the voters’ pamphlet is published. If the city
recorder does not receive a candidate statement by the 70
day prior to
the election, the city manager shall not publish a voters’ pamphlet
pursuant to this subsection.
(5) Prior to the inclusion of a statement from a candidate for the Eugene
Water & Electric Board in a voters’ pamphlet published pursuant to
subsection 2.993(4), the Eugene Water & Electric Board shall agree to
pay to the city the cost of the Eugene Water & Electric Board’s portion,
as determined by the city recorder, for the printing, advertising, mailing
and personnel expenses associated with publishing the voters’
pamphlet and distributing it within the city limits. Nothing in this
subsection shall relieve Eugene Water & Electric Board candidates of
the obligation to pay the fee required by subsection (3) of this section.
(6) A voters pamphlet published by the city manager pursuant to
subsection (3) of this section shall be distributed as provided in section
2.997 of this code.
(7) Any time a voters’ pamphlet is produced under this section, the city
manager shall include in the voters’ pamphlet any school district
measure and any candidate statement for a school board position for
which timely notice and payment is received. The contents of a school
district measure shall comply with subsection 2.994(1)(a) of this code;
the contents of a candidate’s statement shall comply with subsection
2.994(2) of this code.
(a) Timely notice.
1. For notice of a school district measure to be timely, the
school district must submit the text of the measure to the city
recorder not later than the second business day following the
day before the date of the election.
2. For notice of a school board candidate’s statement to be
timely, the candidate for a school board position must submit
the statement to the city recorder not less than 56 days prior
to the date of the election.
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(b) Payment.
1. Prior to the inclusion of a school district measure in the
voters’ pamphlet, the school district shall agree to pay to the
city the cost of the school district’s portion, as determined by
the city recorder, of the printing, advertising, mailing, and
personnel expenses associated with publishing the voters’
pamphlet and distributing it within the city limits. The school
district shall agree to pay to the city the full cost of the
expenses associated with the distribution of voters’
pamphlets outside the city limits.
2. Candidates for school board positions shall pay to the city a
fee in the amount of $100 at the time they submit their
statements to the city recorder.
(c) Submission of arguments for or against school district measure.
1. Written arguments in favor of or in opposition to a school
district measure may be submitted by following the
procedure described in subsections 2.996(1) and (1)(b) of
this code, except that one or more school board members
voting in favor of the measure shall be substituted for the city
2. Additional arguments in favor of or in opposition to a school
district measure may be submitted by following the
procedure described in subsection 2.996(4) of this code,
except that the required petition signatures shall be those of
school district electors.
(Section 2.993 added by Ordinance No. 19533, enacted February 8, 1988; amended by
Ordinance No. 20030, enacted December 4, 1995, effective January 3, 1996; Ordinance No.
20190, enacted February 28, effective March 29, 2000; and Ordinance No. 20405, enacted
March 19, 2008, effective April 19, 2008.)
2.994 Elections Voters’ Pamphlet - Contents.
(1) A voters pamphlet published under section 2.993 of this code shall
contain for each measure the following items in the following order:
(a) The ballot title and text of the measure to be submitted to the
electors at the election for which the pamphlet is prepared;
(b) One argument in favor of the measure not to exceed 350 words,
followed by a rebuttal to the argument not to exceed 200 words;
and one argument in opposition to the measure not to exceed 350
words, followed by a rebuttal to the argument not to exceed 200
words. Such arguments and rebuttals shall be submitted in the
manner provided in subsection 2.996(1) of this code;
(c) Additional arguments in favor of, or in opposition to, the measure
may be submitted in the manner provided in subsection 2.996(4)
of this code. Each additional argument shall not exceed 325
words and shall not exceed 3-5/8 inches in width by 8 inches in
(2) Following the information contained in subsection (1) of this section, the
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voters’ pamphlet shall include statements from those candidates for city
offices and school board positions who submit such statements and pay
the required fee. The statements shall not exceed 325 words and may
include a photograph of the candidate. Until such time as the city
manager adopts rules governing the size and/or type of candidate
information, the city shall apply the criteria adopted by the state relating
to candidate information in state voters’ pamphlets.
(3) In addition, the voters’ pamphlet also may contain other general
information about the election process that may be economically
feasible to publish. This information may include, but is not limited to,
hours of operation and location of sites available for ballot deposit, a
sample ballot, requirements for a citizen to qualify as an elector, when
an elector is required to re-register, how to register to vote, how an
elector may obtain and use an absentee ballot, how and where to
obtain a replacement ballot and other relevant information, pictures,
figures, and data relevant to the election.
(4) The order in which the arguments related to a city measure are printed
in the voters’ pamphlet shall be as follows: first, the written argument in
favor of the city measure, as described in subsection 2.996(1); second,
the rebuttal to the argument in favor, as described in subsection
2.996(1); third, the written argument in opposition to the measure, as
described in subsection 2.996(1); fourth, the rebuttal to the argument in
opposition, as described in subsection 2.996(1); fifth, any additional
arguments in favor of the city measure, as described in subsection
2.996(4), in the order in which they are received by the city recorder;
and finally, any additional arguments in opposition to the measure, as
described in subsection 2.996(4), in the order in which they are
received by the city recorder.
(5) If two or more conflicting measures are to be voted on in a particular
election, the voters’ pamphlet shall identify those measures and explain
the provisions of section 2.988.
(Section 2.994 added by Ordinance No. 19533, enacted February 8, 1988; amended by
Ordinance No. 20030, enacted December 4, 1995, effective January 3, 1996; Ordinance No.
20190, enacted February 28, 2000, effective March 29, 2000; Ordinance No. 20405, enacted
March 19, 2008, effective April 19, 2008; administratively corrected on May 1, 2013.)
2.996 Voters’ Pamphlet - Submission of Arguments For or Against Measure
and Statements from Candidates.
(1) Not less than 56 days prior to the date of the election, the written
arguments authorized by subsection 2.994(1)(b) of this code in favor of,
and in opposition to a measure shall be submitted to the city recorder.
Any rebuttals to the arguments shall be submitted not less than 46 days
prior to the date of the election. Such arguments and rebuttals shall be
prepared and submitted in the following manner:
(a) Citizen-initiated measures. The written argument in favor of the
city measure, and the rebuttal to the argument in opposition to the
measure, shall be submitted by one or more of the chief
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petitioners. The written argument in opposition to the city
measure, and the rebuttal to the argument in support of the
measure, shall be submitted by a three-person committee. The
committee shall be chosen by the city recorder by lot, at a time
and place announced to all applicants, from among persons who
file an application for a position on the committee within a time
specified by the city recorder after appropriate notice of
opportunity to apply. An applicant shall certify under penalty of
perjury that he or she is a bona fide opponent to the city measure.
If no one applies for appointment to prepare the argument in
opposition, the voters' pamphlet shall so state.
(b) City council-referred measures. The written argument in favor of
the city measure, and the rebuttal to the argument in opposition to
the measure, shall be submitted by one or more of the city
councilors who voted in favor of the measure; except that in the
case of a city measure referred on the recommendation of
Eugene Water & Electric Board, one or more members of the
Eugene Water & Electric Board voting in favor of the measure
shall be substituted for the city councilors. The written argument
in opposition to the city measure, and the rebuttal to the argument
in support of the measure, shall be submitted by a three-person
committee chosen in the same manner as provided by paragraph
(a) of this subsection.
(c) Citizen-referred measures. The written argument in favor of the
city measure, and the rebuttal to the argument in opposition to the
measure, shall be submitted by one or more of the city councilors
who voted in favor of the ordinance referred. The written
argument in opposition to the city measure, and the rebuttal to the
argument in support of the measure, shall be submitted by one or
more of the chief petitioners of the referendum petition, so long as
the persons who submit the argument and rebuttal first certify
under penalty of perjury that they are bona fide opponents of the
ordinance. If the chief petitioners are not bona fide opponents
(e.g., if they merely favor the opportunity to vote on the issue), the
argument in opposition to the city measure, and the rebuttal to the
argument in support of the measure, shall be submitted by a
three-person committee chosen in the same manner as provided
by paragraph (a) of this subsection.
(2) If one or more members of the committees preparing the arguments or
rebuttals cannot agree on a committee statement, he or she may write
his or her own statement not exceeding 116 words if the statement is
one of argument or 66 words if the statement is one of rebuttal. The
length of the committee argument or rebuttal, if any, shall be reduced by
the same amount.
(3) Statements from candidates for city offices, other than those statements
submitted pursuant to subsection 2.993(4), shall be submitted not less
than 56 days prior to the date of an election.
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(4) Not less than 56 days prior to the date of an election, additional
arguments, authorized by subsection 2.994(1)(c) of this code, in support
of, or in opposition to a measure may be submitted, providing that each
additional argument is accompanied by the signatures of 300 electors
supporting the argument or by a fee of $300.
(a) Each person signing a petition shall subscribe to a statement that
the person has read and agrees with the argument.
(b) The city recorder or designee shall verify the signatures on a
petition as provided in subsection 2.979(1) of this code. The city
recorder or designee shall attach to the petition a certificate
stating the number of elector signatures on the petition. A
signature that is not the signature of an elector shall not be
counted by the city recorder for determining compliance with this
(5) The city recorder shall reject any argument or statement which
(a) Contains any defamatory language;
(b) Contains any language which may not legally be circulated in the
mails; or
(c) Otherwise does not comply with sections 2.993 to 2.998 of this
(6) The city recorder shall include in the voters’ pamphlet on each page
containing a printed candidate statement or arguments on a measure,
the name of the person who submitted the statement or argument, the
name of the organization the person represents, if any, whether the
argument supports or opposes the measure, the statement(s) required
by subsection 2.996 (1)(a) and (c) of this code, if applicable, and a
disclaimer in substantially the following form: "The printing of this
(argument or statement) does not constitute an endorsement by the
City of Eugene, nor does the City of Eugene warrant the accuracy or
truth of any statement made."
(Section 2.996 added by Ordinance No. 19533, enacted February 8, 1998; amended by
Ordinance No. 20030, enacted December 4, 1995, effective January 3, 1996; Ordinance No.
20135, enacted December 7, 1998, effective January 6, 1999; Ordinance No. 20190, enacted
February 28, 2000, effective March 29, 2000; and Ordinance No. 20405, enacted March 19,
2008, effective April 19, 2008; clerically corrected July 7, 2008.)
2.997 Voters’ Pamphlet - Distribution. No later than the 18th day before the
election at which a city measure is to be voted upon, the city manager or the
manager’s designee shall mail a voters’ pamphlet to each residence within
the appropriate geographical area(s) and make voters pamphlets available
for public distribution at city hall, the city library, and at other municipal
facilities within the city. The appropriate geographical area means the
(a) For voters’ pamphlets containing city measures or statements from
candidates for mayor or Eugene Water & Electric Board at large
member, the city limits of Eugene;
(b) For voters’ pamphlets containing school district measures or statements
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from candidates for school board positions, the boundaries of the
school district.
(c) For voters’ pamphlets containing only statements from candidates for
city council or Eugene Water & Electric Board positions, the wards
which those candidates would represent if elected.
(Section 2.997 added by Ordinance No. 19533, enacted February 8, 1988; and amended by
Ordinance No. 20190, enacted February 28, 2000, effective March 29, 2000; and Ordinance No.
20405, enacted March 19, 2008, effective April 19, 2008.)
2.998 Voter's Pamphlet - Rulemaking Power. The city manager shall have the
authority to issue rules and regulations governing:
(a) The content, form and deadline for filing any material required to be
filed under sections 2.993 to 2.998 of this code;
(b) Verification of signatures;
(c) Such other matters as are necessary for the administration of sections
2.993 to 2.998 of this code.
Such rules and regulations shall be adopted using the process set forth at
section 2.019 of this code.
(Section 2.998 added by Ordinance No. 19533, enacted February 8, 1988; administratively
amended by Ordinance No. 19742, enacted January 14, 1991; and amended by Ordinance No.
20030, enacted December 4, 1995, effective January 3, 1996.)
2.999 Advisory Elections.
(1) Whenever the city council deems it necessary, it may send a question
or proposition to the electors for their advice. The calling of such an
election shall occur during the time set by state and local law for the
submission of legislation to the electorate for adoption or rejection.
(2) The advisory ballot title shall be in a form approved by the city council.
The advisory ballot measure may seek selection between substantive
options or choices, or it may seek an affirmative or negative response to
the proposition or question.
(Section 2.999, added by Ordinance No. 19534, enacted February 8, 1988.)
2.1000 Elections Conduct of Elections. Elections shall be conducted in the
manner provided by state law. Any ballot and any elector casting a ballot
may be challenged in the manner provided by state law.
(Section 2.1000 added by Ordinance No. 19883, enacted October 26, 1992, effective November
25, 1992; and amended by Ordinance No. 20405, enacted March 19, 2008, effective April 19,
2.1005 Elections - Prohibitions.
(1) No person shall knowingly make a false statement, oath or affidavit
where a statement, oath or affidavit is required under the election laws.
(2) No person shall request or sign a ballot in a name other than the
person's own name.
(3) No person shall attempt to vote more than once at the same election.
(Section 2.1005 added by Ordinance No. 19883, enacted October 26, 1992, effective November
25, 1992.)
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Emergency Interim Succession
2.1015 Definitions. For the purposes of sections 2.1015 to 2.1050 the following
words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them:
Duly authorized. A person who is presently authorized to perform all of the
functions, exercise all of the powers and discharge all of the duties of an
office in the event the office is vacated or at such time as it lacks
administration due to the death, absence, or disability of the incumbent
Emergency interim successor. A person designated pursuant to sections
2.1015 to 2.1050 for possible temporary succession to the powers and
duties, but not the office, of a city officer in the event that such officer or a
duly authorized deputy is unavailable to exercise the powers and discharge
the duties of the office.
Officer. Includes all city officers, with powers and duties which are defined
by the Charter, Code, ordinances and resolutions of the city, except the
office of mayor and does not include the positions of deputies, assistants, or
other subordinates of those officers.
Unavailable. Absent or unable to exercise the powers and discharge the
duties of an office and includes vacancy.
2.1020 Purpose. Because of the possibility of enemy attack, natural disaster,
calamity, or common accident, and in order to assure continuity of effective
legally constituted leadership, authority, and responsibility in the offices of
the government of the city, it is found and declared to be necessary to
provide for emergency interim officers who can exercise the powers and
discharge the duties of the key executive, administrative, legislative and
judicial offices in the city in the event that the incumbents thereof, and their
deputies, assistants, or other subordinate officers, authorized pursuant to
law, to exercise all the powers and discharge the duties of such offices, are
killed, missing, disabled, or for some other cause unable to perform the
duties and functions of their offices during or immediately following an enemy
attack, natural disaster, calamity, or common accident.
2.1025 Mayor.
(1) The senior councilor in time of service as a councilor or the councilor
next in seniority in time of service as a councilor who is available, if the
senior councilor is unavailable, is the emergency interim successor to
the powers and duties of the office of mayor in the event the mayor is
not able to exercise the powers and discharge the duties of the mayor’s
office, or is unavailable, and the president of the council is not able to
Eugene Code
2-144 12/19/2017
exercise the powers and discharge the duties of the mayor, or is not
(2) A councilor who succeeds to the powers and discharges the duties of
mayor under this section is not required to resign from the council. No
emergency interim successor to the powers and duties of the office of a
councilor may succeed to the powers and duties of mayor.
(3) The city recorder shall prepare and keep on file in the recorder’s office
a current list of all the councilors at all times. The list shall include the
name, length of service and the age of each councilor. If two councilors
have served equal lengths of time, the older councilor precedes the
younger as emergency interim successor.
(Section 2.1025 administratively amended by Ordinance No. 20113, enacted April 6,
1998, effective May 6, 1998.)
2.1030 Councilors. In the event four or more councilors are unavailable, those
officers named in the charter amendment adopted February 20, 1968, shall
succeed to the vacancies and perform the functions directed by the charter.
(Section 2.1030 administratively amended by Ordinance No. 20113, enacted April 6,
1998, effective May 6, 1998.)
2.1035 Municipal Judge, City Manager, and Department Heads. The municipal
judge, the city manager, and the chief officer or head of each department of
city government shall designate not less than three nor more than seven
emergency interim successors in addition to duly authorized deputies,
assistants, or subordinates, and specify the order of succession of the
designated emergency interim successors. Designations shall be in writing
filed with the city recorder and shall be kept in the public records.
(Section 2.1035 amended by Ordinance No. 20113, enacted April 6, 1998, effective
May 6, 1998.)
2.1040 Designations.
(1) Each officer naming a designated emergency interim successor shall
review, and as necessary, revise the designations of emergency interim
successors to assure that at all times there are at least three such
qualified emergency interim successors for each officer specified.
(2) No person shall be designated or serve as an emergency interim
successor unless the person may, under the charter or this Code, hold
the office of the person to whose powers and duties he or she is
designated to succeed, but no provision of an ordinance prohibiting an
officer or employee from holding another office shall be applicable to an
emergency interim successor.
(3) At the time of designations, emergency interim successors shall take
the oath provided by law for the office but the emergency interim
successors shall not be required to comply with any other provision of
law relative to the taking of office as a prerequisite to exercising powers
and duties of the office to which they succeed.
(4) The designation of an individual as an emergency interim successor is
Eugene Code
2-145 12/19/2017
effective until the individual is removed or replaced by the designating
officer or a successor to the office. The designating officer or successor
in office may remove or replace individuals so designated at any time,
with or without cause.
(Section 2.1040 administratively amended by Ordinance No. 20113, enacted April 6, 1998,
effective May 6, 1998.)
2.1045 Order of Succession. If an officer named or referred to in sections 2.1015
to 2.1040 and duly authorized deputies are unavailable, the emergency
interim successor highest in rank in order of succession who is available
shall, except for the power and the duty to appoint emergency interim
successors, exercise the powers and discharge the duties of the officer. The
emergency interim successor shall exercise these powers and discharge
these duties only until the time a lawful incumbent officer or duly authorized
deputies or an emergency interim successor higher in rank in order of
succession, exercises, or resumes the exercise of, the powers and discharge
of the duties of the office, or until, where an actual vacancy exists, a
successor is appointed to fill the vacancy or is elected and qualified as
provided by law. The council, either by ordinance or resolution, may at any
time terminate the authority of emergency interim successors to exercise the
powers and duties of the office to which they have succeeded.
2.1050 Changing Council Meeting Locations. Whenever circumstances listed in
section 2.1020 prevail, and it becomes imprudent, inexpedient, or impossible
to conduct the affairs of the council at the city hall, the council may meet any
place within or without the city on the call of the mayor or any two members
of the council.
Continued on page 2 of this form
Statement of Organization for Political Action Committee
SEL 221
rev 1/2018
ORS 260.042
Statement of Organization Information
Filing a New Committee: This form, along with the Campaign Account Information form (SEL 223), must be completed and filed not later than
3 business days of first receiving a contribution or making an expenditure. The “Original” box should be marked on both forms.
Committee Directors: All political action committees must designate at least one committee director who is not the treasurer. The treasurer
may be a committee director if the treasurer meets the definition of “committee director” under ORS 260.005(2). If a committee has more than
two directors, attach a list of additional directors and include all the information required on the form for each director.
Amendment: Any change in the information on this form must be filed not later than 10 calendar days of the change. To notify the Elections
Division of change in information, submit this form, completed in its entirety, and mark the “Amendment” box. A newly appointed treasurer
must be a signer on the campaign account, therefore an amended SEL 223 must also be filed.
Discontinuation: A committee may be discontinued if there are no outstanding debts or obligations, a zero cash balance is achieved, and the
campaign account is closed. To discontinue, file a completed SEL 221 with the “Discontinuation” box marked.
This filing is an:
Committee Information
Name of Committee (if changing the committee name, please include the former name)
Committee Address No post office box and must be an address in Oregon.
Street Address
Campaign Phone
Treasurer Information
Name of Treasurer
Mailing Address and Contact Information for Treasurer Correspondence
Street Address or PO Box
Work Phone
Home Phone
Email Address
Director Information If the committee has more than one director, attach a list of additional directors and include all required information. If
two or more directors of this committee are directors of another committee, list the name of the director, and the name and address of the
other committee on the attached list.
Name of Director
Mailing Address for Director
Street Address or PO Box
Director Occupational Information
Occupation (if Self-Employed, indicate the nature of the business)
Not Employed
Employer’s Name
Work Phone
Alternate Transaction Filer Information A person other than the treasurer; this is optional.
Name of Alternate Transaction Filer
Mailing Address and Contact Information for Alternate Transaction Filer
Street Address or PO Box
Work Phone
Email Address
For Office Use Only Initials ID Date SEL 223 Received Attached to Committee
Correspondence Recipient Information A person other than the treasurer or civil penalty designee; this is optional.
Name of Correspondence Recipient
Mailing Address and Contact Information for Correspondence Recipient
Street Address or PO Box
Work Phone
Email Address
Civil Penalty Designee Information A person other than the treasurer or correspondence recipient; this is optional.
Name of Civil Penalty Designee
Mailing Address and Contact Information for Civil Penalty Designee
Street Address or PO Box
Work Phone
Email Address
Type of Political Action Committee Select one type.
exclusively support or
oppose one or more
measures on a ballot
Political Party
a major or minor party defined in
ORS Chapter 248
a committee established by a major
or minor party under party bylaws
Support or oppose one or more of the
specific candidates
candidates and measures
Party Affiliation For Caucus and Political Party Committees Select one party.
Pacific Green
Working Families
Nature of Committee Provide a description of the general nature of the committee.
Controlled Committee Information
Is this a controlled committee?
If yes, identify candidate:
Committee Election Activity
Primary 20
General 20
Other Election Date
Measure Information Attach an additional list if necessary.
Measure Number/Title:
Measure Number/Title:
Recall Information Attach an additional list if necessary.
SEL 223 Information: Attached is a Campaign Account Information form (SEL 223)
Treasurer’s Attestation and, if applicable, Civil Penalty Designee’s Attestation
By signing this document, I acknowledge that I am an Oregon elector, I am personally liable for any penalties imposed under ORS Chapter 260,
and I attest that the information on this form is true and correct. I also understand that if I appoint a civil penalty designee, I am not liable for any
penalties imposed under ORS 260.232.
Treasurer’s Signature
Date Signed
By signing this document, I acknowledge that I am an Oregon elector and I am personally liable for any penalties imposed under ORS 260.232.
Civil Penalty Designee’s Signature
Date Signed
Continued on page 2 of this form
Statement of Organization for Petition Committee
SEL 222
rev 1/2018
ORS 260.118
Statement of Organization Information
Filing a New Committee: This form, along with the Campaign Account Information form (SEL 223), must be completed and filed not later than
3 business days of first receiving a contribution or making an expenditure, and no later than the date the petition is approved for circulation.
The “Original” box should be marked on both forms.
Chief Petitioners: A petition committee must list all chief petitioners of the petition.
Amendment: Any change in the information on this form must be filed not later than 10 calendar days of the change. To notify the Elections
Division of change in information, submit this form, completed in its entirety, and mark the “Amendment” box. A newly appointed treasurer
must be a signer on the campaign account, therefore an amended SEL 223 must also be filed.
Discontinuation: A committee may be discontinued if there are no outstanding debts or obligations, a zero cash balance is achieved, the
campaign account is closed, and the petition has been withdrawn or the deadline to submit signatures has passed. To discontinue, file a
completed SEL 222 with the “Discontinuation” box marked.
This filing is an:
Committee Information
Name of Committee (if changing the committee name, please include the former name)
Committee Address No post office box and must be an address in Oregon.
Street Address
Campaign Phone
Treasurer Information
Name of Treasurer
Mailing Address and Contact Information for Treasurer Correspondence
Street Address or PO Box
Work Phone
Home Phone
Email Address
Chief Petitioner(s) Information
Name of Petitioner
Mailing Address and Phone Number for Petitioner
Street Address or PO Box
Work Phone
Name of Petitioner
Mailing Address and Phone Number for Petitioner
Street Address or PO Box
Work Phone
Name of Petitioner
Mailing Address and Phone Number for Petitioner
Street Address or PO Box
Work Phone
For Office Use Only Initials ID Date SEL 223 Received Attached to Committee
Alternate Transaction Filer Information A person other than the treasurer; this is optional.
Name of Alternate Transaction Filer
Mailing Address and Contact Information for Alternate Transaction Filer
Street Address or PO Box
Work Phone
Email Address
Civil Penalty Designee Information A person other than the treasurer; this is optional.
Name of Civil Penalty Designee
Mailing Address and Contact Information for Civil Penalty Designee
Street Address or PO Box
Work Phone
Email Address
Petition Information
Additional Information
Date Prospective Petition Filed (required for local petition):
Year Petition Will be on Ballot (required for state initiative or referendum petition):
Local Petition Title/Subject:
Petition ID Number (required):
Recall Information Identify information about the public official the committee intends to recall.
First Name:
Last Name:
District, Position, County or City (include position number)
SEL 223 Information: Attached is a Campaign Account Information form (SEL 223)
Treasurer’s Attestation and, if applicable, Civil Penalty Designee’s Attestation
By signing this document, I acknowledge that I am an Oregon elector, I am personally liable for any penalties imposed under ORS Chapter 260,
and I attest that the information on this form is true and correct. I also understand that I if I appoint a civil penalty designee, I am not liable for
any penalties imposed under ORS 260.232
Treasurer’s Signature
Date Signed
By signing this document, I acknowledge that I am an Oregon elector and I am personally liable for any penalties imposed under ORS 260.232.
Civil Penalty Designee’s Signature
Date Signed
For Office Use Only
Date Attached to
Campaign Account Information
SEL 223
rev 1/2018
ORS 260.054
Filing a New Committee: This form, along with the appropriate Statement of Organization form (SEL 220, 221 or 222), must be
completed and filed not later than 3 business days of first receiving a contribution or making an expenditure. The “Original” box
should be marked on both forms.
Amending Information on this Form: Any change in the information on this form must be filed not later than 10 days of the
To notify the Elections Division of a change in information, submit this form, completed in its entirety, and mark the
“Amendment” box. An amended SEL 220, 221 or 222 should not be filed unless the information on that form also changes.
Confidentiality: The SEL 223 and any information it contains is exempt from public records disclosure and shall be kept
confidential by the Elections Division.
This filing is an:
Name of Oregon Financial Institution
Name of Account (must be identical to the name of committee, if changing the committee name, please include the former name)
Name of Account Holder
Names of Persons Who Have Signature Authority
Important: The information on this form is exempt from public records disclosure and shall be kept confidential by the
Elections Division.
By signing this document I attest that the above information is true and correct.
Candidate’s Signature
Date Signed
Treasurer’s Signature
Date Signed