Health Officer Order No. C19-07r
Appendix A: Social Distancing Protocol (revised 1/20/2021)
Social Distancing
or spreading Personnel out, it must reduce the number of Personnel permitted in the location
or facility accordingly.
3.4. Provide Face Coverings for all Personnel, with instructions that they must wear Face
Coverings at all times when at work, as further set forth in the Face Covering Order. A
sample sign is available online at https://sf.gov/outreach-toolkit-coronavirus-covid-19. Allow
Personnel to bring their own Face Covering if they bring one that has been cleaned before
the shift. In general, people should have multiple Face Coverings (whether reusable or
disposable) to ensure they use a clean one each day. The Face Covering Order permits
certain exceptions, and the business should be aware of exceptions that allow a person not to
wear a Face Covering (for example, children 12 years old or younger or based on a written
medical excuse). When Personnel do not wear a Face Covering because of an exception,
take steps to otherwise increase safety for all.
3.5. If patrons wait in line outside or inside any facility or location operated by the business,
require patrons to wear a Face Covering while waiting in line outside or inside the facility or
location. This includes taking steps to notify patrons they will not be served if they are in line
without a Face Covering and refusing to serve a patron without a Face Covering, as further
provided in the Face Covering Order. The business may provide a clean Face Covering to
patrons while in line. For clarity, the transaction or service must be aborted if the patron is not
wearing a Face Covering. But the business must permit a patron who is excused by the Face
Covering Order from wearing a Face Covering to conduct their transaction or obtain service,
including by taking steps that can otherwise increase safety for all.
3.6. Provide a sink with soap, water, and paper towels for handwashing for all Personnel working
onsite at the facility or location and for patrons if sinks and restrooms are open to patrons.
Require that all Personnel wash hands at least at the start and end of each shift, after
sneezing, coughing, eating, drinking, smoking (to the extent smoking is allowed by law and
the business), or using the restroom, when changing tasks, and, when possible, frequently
during each shift. Personnel who work off-site, such as driving or delivering goods, must be
required to use hand sanitizer throughout their shift.
3.7. Provide hand sanitizer effective against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, at
appropriate locations for patrons and elsewhere at the facility or location for Personnel.
Sanitizer must also be provided to Personnel who shop, deliver, or drive for use when they
are shopping, delivering, or driving. If sanitizer cannot be obtained, a handwashing station
with soap, water, and paper towels will suffice for Personnel who are on-site at the facility or
location. But for Personnel who shop, deliver, or drive in relation to their work, the business
must provide hand sanitizer effective against SARS-CoV-2 at all times; for any period during
which the business does not provide sanitizer to such shopping, delivery, or driving
Personnel, the business is not allowed for that aspect of its service to operate in the City.
Information on hand sanitizer, including sanitizer effective against SARS-CoV-2 and how to
obtain sanitizer, is available online from the Food and Drug Administration here:
3.8. Provide disinfectant and related supplies to Personnel and require Personnel to sanitize all
high-touch surfaces under their control, including but not limited to: shopping carts and
baskets used by Personnel and patrons; countertops, food/item display cases, refrigerator
and freezer case doors, drawers with tools or hardware, and check-out areas; cash registers,
payment equipment, and self-check-out kiosks; door handles; tools and equipment used by
Personnel during a shift; and any inventory-tracking or delivery-tracking equipment or devices
which require handling throughout a work shift. These items should be routinely disinfected