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Christianity: Past and Present
Current Events Connection
Connecting events and information from the past with events and information from the
present is a good way to learn more about our world and understand how and why
things happen. In this activity, you will consider the issues that resulted in the schism
between the Eastern and Western Christian churches in 1054. Then you will do some
research on the Greek Orthodox, Roman Orthodox, and Roman Catholic churches today
and write an essay comparing and contrasting the three churches.
Russian Orthodox Church Roman Catholic Church
Travelif. Cathedral of Christ the Savior after the rain.
The facade of Il Gesú in Rome. IRC, 2005. Discovery
Photodisc. Getty Images. Web.
Education. Web.
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Christianity: Past and Present
Current Events Connection
I. Introduction
1. Working with a partner, spend about three to five minutes on a think-pair-share
activity. Begin by looking at the images below and on the following pages of Russian
Orthodox, Greek Orthodox, and Roman Catholic churches. Think about and discuss
the differences and similarities between the churches that you see.
Russian Orthodox
St. Basil’s Cathedral, Russia
Worshippers at a Russian Orthodox
Service, Russia
Win Initiative. Russia, Mo
scow, Saint Basil's
Solness, Peter. Worshippers at Russian
Cathedral. Photodisc. Getty Images.
Orthodox Service. Lonely Planet
Images. Getty Images. Web.
Russian Orthodox Cathedral of Easter Service at Vladimirsky Cathedral,
the Transfiguration of Our
Lord, New York City
Winiker, Barry. Church with onion-
Scicluna, Ken. Russia; St. Petersburg; The high priest, Russian
like domes. Photolibrary.
Orthodox Easter ceremony. AWL Images. Getty Images.
Getty Images. Web.
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Christianity: Past and Present
Current Events Connection
Greek Orthodox
Greek Orthodox Church of Agioi Easter Thursday Service at a Greek
Anargyroi at Paphos
Orthodox Church
Georgiades, Filippos. Greek Orthodox church. Flickr. Getty
Isachar, Hanan. Easter Thursday Maudy Greek Orthodox
Images. Web.
service. Lonely Planet Images. Getty Images. Web.
Church, Fira, Santorini (Thira), Interior of Archangelos Chapel, a
Cyclades, Greece Greek Orthodox Church
Adams, Peter. Church, Fira, Santorini (Thira), Cyclades, Fredriksson, Christer. Interior of Archangelos chapel with
Greece. 2011. Photolibrary. Getty Images. Web. typical Greek Orthodox paintings.Lonely Planet Images.
Getty Images. Web.
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Christianity: Past and Present
Current Events Connection
Roman Catholic
Cathedral of Our Lady of Roman Catholic Church Service
Antonello. Cathedral of Stone.
Elk, John. Church interior during service. Lonely Planet Images. Getty
Flickr. Getty Images. Web.
Images. Web.
Cathedral Shrine of Our Lady Interior of Notre Dame Basilica,
of Guadalupe, Dallas, Texas Montreal, Canada
Baxter, Allan.
Cathedral. Photodisc.
Visions of Our Land. Notre-Dame Basilica, Montreal. The Image Bank.
Getty Images. Web.
Getty Images. Web.
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2. After exploring the images, view the following video segment and read the transcript
below about the Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox churches.
Italy Vatican Pope
There were no immediate details about whether their talks yielded progress on
arranging a meeting between the pontiff and the patriarch. Chrysostomos scheduled a
news conference for later on Saturday. Chrysostomos has contended that Benedict's
background as a theologian with a good grasp of Orthodox theology would help the
process of reuniting the two churches, which split nearly 1,000 years ago. The Russian
church accuses Roman Catholics of improperly seeking converts in areas that
traditionally would be Russian Orthodox.
The Vatican has rejected the proselytizing accusations, saying it was only ministering to
Russia's tiny Catholic community of about 600,000 people in a country of 144 million.
"Despite centuries-old divisions, diverging roads and despite the hard work of closing
painful wounds, the Lord has never ceased to guide our steps on the path toward unity
and reconciliation," Benedict said at a ceremony after the two men held private talks for
more than 30 minutes.
In a joint statement signed by both leaders, they pledged to "intensify the search for full
unity among all Christians." The statement also expressed concern that humankind, by
"putting itself at the center of the universe," endangered the environment. Benedict
described the archbishop's visit as a very useful initiative in making progress toward the
unity desired by Christ.
In this video segment, some of the similarities and differences between the Roman
Catholic and Greek Orthodox churches are highlighted. This video segment does not
include narration. The text below describes the events shown in the video segment:
Pope Benedict XVI told a visiting Cypriot Orthodox leader on Saturday that he holds
firm hope that the Catholic and Orthodox churches can be united, despite centuries of
painful division.
They also explored how the two sides could work together on bioethical issues and other
concerns. Archbishop Chrysostomos II of Cyprus has offered to play the role of mediator
to try to arrange a groundbreaking meeting between the pope and the Orthodox
patriarch of Moscow, Alexy II. That encounter eluded the late John Paul II in his long
papacy because of Catholic-Orthodox tensions following the demise of Soviet
Christianity: Past and Present
Current Events Connection
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Christianity: Past and Present
Current Events Connection
The Vatican sees the Orthodox Church as a logical partner in its efforts to push its
conservative agenda on bioethical, social, and moral issues, including opposition to
embryonic stem-cell research, abortion, euthanasia, and same-sex marriage.
Italy Vatican Pope. Prod. Vatican TV. Associated Press, 2007. AP Archive. Web.
3. Think about these three modern Christian churches—Roman Catholic, Greek
Orthodox, and Russian Orthodox. Using a stop-and-jot method, write down what
you know about each. Use the following questions to guide your note taking:
What can you assume about each church from its name?
How may each of these churches have had its origin in the schism of 1054?
II. Identify and Analyze Information About Historical and Present-Day
Differences and Similarities Between Three Christian Churches
1. During your research, you will learn about differences and similarities between three
Christian churches: the Roman Catholic, Greek Orthodox, and Russian Orthodox
churches. You’ll see how these churches were born out of the East-West Schism of
1054, focusing on the following topics:
role and duties of church leaders
use of images in worship
holy days and rituals
2. Conduct research about historical and present-day divisions in the Christian church.
Begin by reviewing the following sections of text within the EXPLORE tab of the
Core Interactive Text: “Christianity Spreads After the Empire Falls” and “The Church
Splits.” Then read the texts and watch the video segments included below.
Encyclopedia article: Christianity (begin reading at subheading “Eastern
Christianity” and stop after “Western Christianity”)
This article explores the history of Christianity, what Christians believe, and how the
East-West Schism of 1054 separated the Christian church. The sections you will read
detail the different developments in the Eastern and Western churches.
Christianity. Funk & Wagnalls. Discovery Education. Web.
Discovery Education Techbook Discovery Communications, LLC 7
Christianity: Past and Present
Current Events Connection
“Catholicism” from Religions of the World: Christianity (01:11)
This video segment describes the elements of the Roman Catholic Church.
Roman Catholic Church
This encyclopedia entry describes the origins and structure of Roman Catholicism.
Roman Catholic Church. Funk & Wagnalls. Discovery Education. Web.
This encyclopedia entry describes the role of the Roman Catholic pope and his near
counterparts in the Greek and Russian Orthodox churches.
Pope. Funk & Wagnalls, 2005. Discovery Education. Web.
This encyclopedia entry describes the original and modern definition and role of
Patriarch. Funk & Wagnalls, 2005. Discovery Education. Web.
“Eastern Orthodoxy” from Religions of the World: Christianity (03:00)
This video segment describes the basic beliefs of Eastern Orthodox Christianity.
“The Byzantine Empire Influences Russia” from World History: The
Medieval Era (01:22)
This video segment describes the Byzantine origins of Russian Orthodoxy.
“Russian Orthodox Church” from Discovery Atlas: Russia Revealed (09:15)
This video segment provides more information about the Russian Orthodox Church.
Discovery Education Techbook Discovery Communications, LLC 8
Christianity: Past and Present
Current Events Connection
“Russian Orthodox Christianity” from Discovery Atlas: Short Stories:
Russia Revealed (03:16)
This video segment takes us inside a Russian Orthodox church and church service.
World of Faith: Christianity (14:14)
This video describes the rites of the Russian Orthodox Church and describes the role of
icons in worship and in church building.
Orthodox Church
This encyclopedia entry describes the development of the Orthodox Church in Greece.
Orthodox Church. Funk & Wagnalls, 2005. Discovery Education. Web.
“The Greek Orthodox Church” from Mystic Lands: Greece: Isle of
Revelation (03:12)
This video segment describes the Greek Orthodox Church, its importance in Greece, and
some of its principles.
“Orthodox Christianity” from We Are From . . . : Greece (01:05)
This video segment takes you inside Greek Orthodox worship as experienced by a young
boy in Greece today.
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Christianity: Past and Present
Current Events Connection
Map of Religions in Russia and Central Asia
Map of Religions in Russia and Central Asia. 2012. Discovery Education. Web.
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Christianity: Past and Present
Current Events Connection
3. As you research, complete the graphic organizer below by recording elements of
worship associated with specific Christian denominations, both in the past and the
Element of
Greek Orthodox
Roman Catholic
Role and duties of
church leaders
Use of images in
Holy days and
Discovery Education Techbook Discovery Communications, LLC 11
Christianity: Past and Present
Current Events Connection
Element of
Greek Orthodox
Roman Catholic
Core theological
(daily prayers and
organization and
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Christianity: Past and Present
Current Events Connection
4. Based on your note taking and what you have learned in this concept, complete the
graphic organizer below by summarizing your thinking about the differences among
the Christian denominations. Use the questions below to guide your summary.
Question Response
At the time of the schism in
1054, how did the Eastern
Orthodox Church and the
Roman Catholic Church
differ in their beliefs about
the role of church
leadership, the use of
images in worship, and the
importance of holy days
and rituals?
How do these three modern
Christian churches differ in
their beliefs about the role
of church leadership, the
use of icons in worship, and
the importance of holy days
and rituals?
How are the three churches
similar in liturgy, structure,
and core theological
Discovery Education Techbook Discovery Communications, LLC 13
5. Now, in your own words, compare and contrast three modern Christian churches—
Russian Orthodox, Greek Orthodox, and Roman Catholic—today. Based on your
research, do you think the three churches are more similar to or different from each
III. Plan and Write Your Essay
1. Plan and write an essay comparing and contrasting the three churches and deciding
whether they are more alike or more different.
Your essay should be organized in the following way:
Paragraph 1: State your position on whether the three churches are more
similar to or different from each other and why.
Paragraph 2: Explain how the East-West Schism of 1054 was affected by
issues involving church leadership, images in worship, and holy days and
Paragraph 3: Describe the differences between the three modern Christian
churches in relation to church structure and leadership, images in worship,
and holy days and rituals, liturgy, and core theological beliefs.
Paragraph 4: Describe the similarities between the churches on these issues.
Paragraph 5: Provide a concluding statement that reiterates and explains your
Christianity: Past and Present
Current Events Connection
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Christianity: Past and Present
Current Events Connection
Use the Planning Chart below to organize your ideas and plan your essay.
Topic Sentence for Paragraph 1:
How does the evidence support the claims presented in the topic sentence?
Topic Sentence for Paragraph 2:
How does the evidence support the claims presented in the topic sentence?
Topic Sentence for Paragraph 3:
How does the evidence support the claims presented in the topic sentence?
Discovery Education Techbook Discovery Communications, LLC 15
Christianity: Past and Present
Current Events Connection
Topic Sentence for Paragraph 4:
How does the evidence support the claims presented in the topic sentence?
Topic Sentence for Paragraph 5:
How does the evidence support the claims presented in the topic sentence?
2. Use your Planning Chart to write an essay on a separate piece of paper describing the
similarities of and differences between the three churches and whether you think
they are more similar or more different from each other.