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New England Colonies
The New England colonial region was made up of five colonies—Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New
Hampshire, and Maine. What is the story behind the foundation of each of these colonies? Were they founded for similar
or different reasons? Use this comparison chart to compare and contrast the motivations behind founding each of the New
England colonies.
Colony: Year Founded Individuals or Groups Who
Founded the Colony
Motivations for Founding the
Rhode Island
Discovery Education Techbook Discovery Communications, LLC 2
New England Colonies
Colony: Year Founded Individuals or Groups Who
Founded the Colony
Motivations for Founding the
New Hampshire
(became part of
Massachusetts in
Discovery Education Techbook Discovery Communications, LLC 3
New England Colonies
After completing the graphic organizer, choose two of the colonies that you compared.
Imagine that the leaders of the two colonies are having a conversation about why their
colony was founded and how their colony differs from the other leader’s colony. Use the
space below to create a transcript of the leaders’ conversation.