MCR20-040 11/20
Certified Historical Institutions | Tier 1
Please refer to Guidelines for details of requirements and benets of each.
Name of Organization _______________________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address ____________________________________________________________________________________
City _________________________________________________________________ ZIP Code ____________________
Physical Address ____________________________________________________________________________________
City _________________________________________________________________ ZIP Code ____________________
Phone _________________________________________ Email _____________________________________________
Contact Person _____________________________________________________________________________________
Contact Phone _______________________________ Contact Email ________________________________________
Alternate Contact ___________________________________________________________________________________
Phone _________________________________________ Email: _____________________________________________
AHS Support
Does your museum/historical organization hold an active Arizona Historical Society (AHS) membership at the
Institutional or higher level? (Required for certication.) YES NO
Public Trust and Accountability
Does your organization comply with local, state and federal laws, codes and regulations applicable to its
facilities, operations and administration? YES NO
Is your organization committed to public accountability and is it transparent in its mission
and operations? YES NO
Does your organization identify the communities it serves, and does it make appropriate decisions on how it
serves them? YES NO
Mission and Planning
Does your organization have a clear understanding of its mission and communicates why it exists and who
benets as a result of its efforts? YES NO
Is your organization guided by a mission statement that clearly describes the purpose of the organization, and
a vision statement that clearly describes the organization’s future direction? YES NO
MCR20-040 11/20
Leadership and Organizational Structure
Is your organization a Non-Prot 501c3? YES NO
Is your organization a Sovereign Nation? YES NO
Does your organization have a governing structure, including by-laws, articles of incorporation,
and a board of directors/trustees? YES NO
Does your organization conduct business meetings and hold elections on a regularly
scheduled basis? YES NO
How often are business meetings held? ____________ How often are elections held?____________
Do the governance, staff and volunteer (as applicable) structures and processes effectively advance the
organization’s mission? YES NO
Does your organization have volunteers that support the organization? YES NO
Does your organization have a membership program that supports the organization? YES NO
How many active members do you currently have? ____________
Collections Stewardship
Is your organization a collecting institution? YES NO
Are your collections appropriate to your mission? YES NO
How do you ensure the preservation of your collections? Describe ________________________________________
How does your organization provide public access to your collections? (Exhibits, online access, etc. )
Describe ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Are your exhibits used and displayed in ways that are appropriate to your mission? YES NO
Education and Interpretation
Does your organization offer educational and public programs, special events and other activities that are tied
to your mission? YES NO
Please describe examples of programs/events. (You may also include iers of past or upcoming programs.)
Does your organization present accurate, appropriate, and unbiased content for each
of its audiences? YES NO
A minimum of 416 hours per year open to the public are required for Tier 1 certication. How many hours per
year is your organization open to the public? ____________
How many hours of programming does your organization provide to the public per year?____________
Does your organization meet the following requirements?
The organization clearly states its overall educational goals, philosophy and messages, and demonstrates that its
activities are in alignment with them. YES NO
The organization provides regular audience engagement that promotes the value of history? YES NO
The organization facilitates scholarly research. YES NO
Organizations conducting primary research do so according to scholarly standards. YES NO
Certified Historical Institutions | Tier 1, cont.
MCR20-040 11/20
Financial Stability
Does your organization legally, ethically and responsibly acquire, manage and allocate its nancial resources
in a way that advances its mission? YES NO
Facilities and Risk Management
Is your organization’s facility clean, well-maintained and provides for the safety and
needs of your visitors? YES NO
Does your organization allocate its space and use its facilities to meet the needs of
the collections, audience and staff? YES NO
For promotional and reference purposes, please share a few pictures of your facility. (No more than four pictures, please.)
Attachments required
Organization’s mission statement
Organization’s vision statement
501c3 IRS letter, OR Sovereign Nation
designation documentation
Roster of current board of directors/trustees
(Names only)
Examples of mission-driven public education and/
or special events
2—4 pictures of museum; one exterior; and
2—3 exhibit or program/event photos
I hereby afrm that the above information is true and correct.
Name _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Title _______________________________________________________________________________________________
(President or Director required.)
Signature __________________________________________________________________________________________
Date _____________________________________________
Email completed form to: certi
Or mail to: Arizona Historical Society | 949 E. 2nd St. | Tucson, AZ 85719
NOTE: We prefer applications be submitted via email, however we will accept mailed applications for the
application period. Beyond 2021, we can no longer accept mailed applications. Do not send via certied mail,
as this will delay receipt.
Certified Historical Institutions | Tier 1, cont.