I understand that North Star Mohican Casino Resort has a commitment to maintain a drug-free workplace and requires a
drug screening as a part of its selection and hiring process. I understand that such drug screening will consist of the
testing of a urine sample or other medically recognized test designed to detect traceable amounts of a controlled substance
in my body. If after a confirmed test, it is determined my specimen contains a controlled substance or was adultered or
substituted, I will be disqualified from consideration for employment and any offer of employment will be withdrawn. I
further understand that if I am employed, I may be randomly selected for screening and under certain circumstances, may
be required to submit to testing for reasonable suspicion, accident or unsafe practices or follow-up. I understand that a
confirmed positive result of that testing or refusal to submit to testing may result in disciplinary action, including
dismissal from employment. I have read, understand and agree to this statement.
In compliance with the Privacy Act of 1974, the following information is provided: Solicitation of the information on this
form is authorized by 25 USC 2701 ET seq. The purpose of the requested information is to determine the eligibility of
individuals to be employed in a gaming operation. The information will be used by National Indian Gaming Commission
members and staff who have need for the information in the performance of their official duties. The information may be
disclosed to appropriate federal, tribal, state, local or foreign law enforcement and regulatory agencies when relevant to
civil, criminal or regulatory investigations or prosecutions. The information may be disclosed when pursuant to a
requirement by a tribe or the National Indian Gaming commission in connection with the hiring or firing of an employee,
the issuance or revocation of a gaming license or investigations of activities while associated with a tribe or a gaming
operation. Failure to consent to the disclosures indicated in this notice will result in North Star Mohican Casino Resort
being unable to hire you in a primary management official or key employee position. The disclosure of your social
security number is voluntary; however, failure to supply this information may result in errors processing your application.
A false or dishonest answer to any question on this application will be grounds for rating an applicant ineligible for
employment with North Star Mohican Casino Resort or for dismissal after employment. All statements on this
application are subject to inquiry.
I agree not to divulge any records, customer lists, methods, practices or procedures with which North Star Mohican
Casino Resort conducts its business, as this is propriety information that is protected as trade secrets. I agree that all such
matters and information shall be kept strictly confidential at all times during my employment and thereafter.
I hereby authorize all parties named in this application to disclose to North Star Mohican Casino Resort Human Resource
Office any information necessary to determine eligibility for employment, including information regarding my service,
character and conduct. I hereby release the parties from all liability that may arise from furnishing such information. This
authorization is good throughout the duration of the individual’s employment and expires upon employment separation.
Employment applications are kept on file 120 days from the time the application is received.
All information in this employment application are true and accurate to be the best of my knowledge and I agree to the
terms set forth.
Applicant Signature Date
Updated 2/25/2019
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