1 "Wear a Face Covering" Decal (4")
Each department may order and install as desired ...
2 "Practice Social Distancing" Decal (4")
Each department may order and install as desired ...
3 "Face Covering & Keep Your Distance" Decal
Located at every building entrance door.
4 "Face Covering & Keep Your Distance" Sign
Located on walls at main lobbies, elevator lobbies, common stairwells, drinking fountains, vending
machines, suite reception areas, at entrances to large assembly areas
5 "STOP! COVID-19 Signs & Symptoms" Sign
Located on walls at main lobbies, elevator lobbies, common stairwells, drinking fountains, vending
machines, suite reception areas, at entrances to large assembly areas
6 "Wash Your Hands" Decal (4")
Located at every public lavoratory and hand sanitizer station.
7 "Disinfect Common Area" Sign (4")
Located at every sanitization station installed by OEHS
8 "Take the Stairs" Decal (4")
Lcated at every elevator lobby on every floor.
9 8" Floor Marker Decal
Provide (2) each elevator per buildng
10 Directional Arrow Decal
Each department may order and install as desired ...
11 "Please Use This Door" Decal (4")
Located at entrances with multiple pair of doors. Each department may order and install additional
signs as desired ...
12 3" Seating Marker Decal
F&O to install in classrooms & computer labs ONLY / Departments to handle common seating
13 "Practice Social Distancing" Sidewalk Sign
Identified (6) locations along the Greenway