T I L A N D / S C H M I D T
A R C H I T E C T S , P . C .
3 6 1 1 S O U T H H O O D A V E . , S U I T E # 2 0 0 P O R T L A N D , O R E G O N 9 7 2 3 9
( 5 0 3 ) 2 2 0 - 8 5 1 7 F A X ( 5 0 3 ) 2 2 0 - 8 5 1 8
Pre-Submission Conference - Project Questions To Discuss
1. The land uses are relatively generic. Please confirm that gas stations are permitted.
2. Figure 16.24.050-1 indicated no new streets are needed in Pacific Avenue subdistrict.
Please confirm whether through connections as shown in Figure 16.24.050-8 would be
acceptable to meet the connections requirements.
3. The building and landscape frontage Tables 16.24.070-2 through -4 indicate native and
drought-tolerant ground cover plants must fully cover the remainder of the landscaped
area between the building and the sidewalk. Do the landscape requirements in 16.80 apply
as well and what are the required landscape “types”?
4. Are there open space requirements? In the building and landscape tables (Tables
16.24.070-2 through -4) it indicates vegetative roofs with public access can be counted
towards open space and utility screening requirements. I did not find any open space
requirements for the Pacific Avenue subdistrict.
5. 14.32.064 Tree tract requirements indicates the basic tree tract is generally 5% or more and
all developing properties shall create a tree tract equal to 5% of the gross site area. Please
confirm that the standard is 5%
Per 14.32.066 Table 14T-18, what does the 2 trees per 10,000 sf requirement refer to?
6. There is one large conifer tree on the site. It may or may not be in a place where it can be
retained. Please confirm the standard is 90% canopy coverage on a tree tract that is only
5% of the gross site area.
7. Confirm the developer determines the frontage type.
8. Are there as-builts available showing the utilities in the project area? We will be proposing
a gas station, please provide city-specific requirements generated by this use.
9. Will the city accept the trip generation based on the new net trips?