Butte-Glenn Community College District
Measure J Citizens’ Oversight Committee
Application for Appointment
All members of the Measure J Citizens’ Oversight Committee must be residents of the Butte-Glenn Community College District,
be 18 years or older, and may not be an employee, official, vendor, contractor, or consultant of the District.
Name: Work Phone:
Address: Home Phone:
Preferred Contact Method: Home Phone Work Phone Email
Occupation (or former if retired):
Employer (or former if retired):
I can represent the following constituencies (check all that apply):
Active in a business organization representing local commerce affiliation.
Name of business/organization:
Active member in a senior citizens’ organization.
Name of organization:
Active in a bona fide taxpayers’ organization.
Name of organization:
Student enrolled and active in a community college support group.
Member active in a support organization for the College, such as the Foundation.
At Large Resident of the community college district.
Limited to the space provided below, please explain why you wish to serve on this committee and
describe any qualifications you have which you feel may be an asset to the committee.
All applications must be received by the Office of the Vice President for Administration
Via Email: mccallki@butte.edu, U.S. Mail, or in person at: 3536 Butte Campus Drive, SAS 320, Oroville CA 95965
If you have questions, please call Butte College at: