Butte-Glenn Community College District
Applicant Reference Check Form
CLASSIFIED & MSC Non-Supervisory
Use the following guidelines for conducting a telephone reference check:
Before you can begin checking references, the candidate must sign a Reference Information Release and Waiver Form.
1. Introduce yourself and state the purpose of your call.
2. Confirm that it is a convenient time to talk.
3. Briefly describe the position for which the applicant has applied.
4. Confirm the relationship between the person giving the reference and the applicant.
5. Verify basic duties such as job title, duties, and dates of employment.
6. Adapt the below questions to suit the needs of the position.
7. Be consistent! Ask the same questions and weigh the information equally with each reference check.
The following questions are permissible if consistent with business necessity.
Name of Applicant: Position:
Reference checked by: Date:
Name of Reference: Phone:
Title of Reference: Employer:
Relationship: How long?
Start Date: End Date: Eligible for re-hire?
Stated reason for leaving on
application, please confirm:
Position(s) held:
Please briefly describe the applicant's primary job responsibilities.
Please describe the applicant's strengths.
In what areas does the applicant need improvement?
Please describe how well the applicant participates in department activities and/or projects.
Please describe the applicant's work habits, work ethic, and work behaviors.
Please describe any challenges you encountered with this applicant.
Excellent Very Good Good Neutral Poor N/A
Attention to Detail
Time Management
Appreciation of Diversity
Problem-Solving Skills
Accepts Direction
Ability to Work with Others
Team Player/Team Building
Ability to Work Independently
Knowledge and Proficiency with Technology
Quality of Work/Overall Performance
Other (specify and explain below)
Explanation: (required for ratings of neutral and poor)
Use the following boxes to create your own questions that are relative to the position being offered.
It is permissible to ask for verification of information that the candidate has presented earlier in the recruitment process - including
information in their application packet and/or oral interview.
Insert Question:
Insert Question:
Insert Question:
If you were in a position to rehire this applicant, would you? Why or why not?
Is there anything else you would like to say about the applicant?
___________________________ ____________________________ ___________________
Print Name Signature Date
Form updated August 2019