THM Claim Form:0119
If lost or stolen from a premises or a vehicle where were the items left and how was access gained? Were any protective devices in
operation at the time?
Please advise what enquiries or steps have been made to recover the items lost and details of steps taken to prevent a similar loss
taking place.
If you have suffered previous losses or damage arising from any risk insured under this policy please give details below
Is the property being claimed for covered by any other policy? YES NO
If ‘Yes’, please give details below.
1. Damaged property should never be disposed of until permission has been given by the Underwriters.
2. In the case of repairable damage please submit detailed estimates before work is carried out.
3. Wherever possible provide receipts or other documentary evidence showing date and price of purchase of lost or damaged
Description of property lost, destroyed
or damaged
I hereby declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief all information given on this claim form is correct.
I also give my authority for my Insurers, their agents and any other authorised body to undertake all necessary enquiries required to
handle my insurance claim.
If you have any queries please call our Claims Department on 01822 855 555. Please send this form to us by emailing or, if printing and completing by hand, send this form to: TH March & Co Limited, Hare Park House, Yelverton
Business Park, Yelverton, Devon, PL20 7LS. Telephone: 01822 855 555 Fax: 01822 855 566
TH March & Co Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority
TH March Insurance Broker is a trading style of T H March & Co Limited. Registered in England No. 116175