Terms and Conditions
Terms and conditions
These terms and conditions (“terms”) and applicable
legislation apply to all of the student finance available to
students for the academic year 2021/22.
I understand that I must read the specific terms about
the student finance products available because they will
affect me if I apply for them at any time in this academic
Loan Contract
1. I confirm I have read and understood these terms
and A Guide to Terms and Conditions available at
2. I confirm that to the best of my knowledge and
belief, the information I have provided is true and
complete. If it is not, I understand that I may not
receive student finance, any support I have had
may be withdrawn and I could be prosecuted.
3. I understand that student finance is provided to
me by the Welsh Ministers (the “Lender”) which
includes any persons acting on their behalf and
any replacement(s) under section 23(4) of the
Teaching and Higher Education Act 1998 as
amended or replaced from time to time (the “Act”).
4. I understand these terms, the Act and the
regulations made under section 22 of the Act will
apply to any student finance provided to me by the
5. I understand that “student finance” in these terms
means financial support by way of grant(s) and/or
loan(s) made by the Lender under the regulations.
6. I understand that the Student Loans Company
Limited (“SLC”) carries out certain functions on
behalf of the Lender.
My Obligations
7. I understand that if I have:
(i) reached the age of 18 years; and
(ii) have entered into agreement(s) for a loan
under section 22 of the Act before I reached
the age of 18 years,
I am agreeing to “ratify” any and all such student
loans by signing these terms. This means that I
confirm I entered into agreement(s) with the Lender
and agree to the terms of any such previous
agreement(s). If I have reached the age of 18
and refuse to “ratify” any previous agreement(s),
I understand that I will not be eligible to get any
further student finance under the regulations.
8. I agree to give SLC any information they need in
support of this application for student finance and/
or to seek repayment.
9. I agree to tell SLC immediately if my circumstances
change in any way that might affect my entitlement
to student finance. I understand that if I do not do
this I may not get any further payments and I may
have to repay the student finance I have already
received. I agree that from the date I submit
my student finance application until my loan(s),
together with all and any interest, penalties and
charges which apply, is fully repaid I must tell
SLC about any changes in my personal details
(including my National Insurance number) and
contact details I have provided.
10. I agree that if I get an overpayment of student
finance, I need to repay this in full and that any
overpayment may be taken from any future
entitlement to student finance.
11. I agree that I will repay the Lender any loan(s),
together with all and any interest, penalties
and charges which apply. I understand that
this repayment will be due by me to the Lender
as a debt. If I breach any of the terms of my
loan, I agree to pay any charges and penalties
which apply under the Act and the regulations. I
understand that I will repay my loan(s) through the
United Kingdom (“UK”) tax system and/or I may
repay SLC directly. If I live abroad, I will repay my
loan(s) to SLC directly.
12. I agree that any loan(s) made to me in accordance
with the regulations once my application is
accepted by the Lender is a/are contract(s)
between me and the Lender. I understand that I am
liable for my loan(s) and will be charged interest
from the first payment of the loan advance by the
13. I agree to tell SLC if I leave the UK to live outside
the UK or if for any other reason I am outside the
UK tax system for more than three months.
Legal Action and Applicable Law
14. In the event of any legal action, I agree that the
laws of England and Wales will apply and that the
courts of that part of the UK will hear any legal
action. If my address is outside the UK the laws
of the part of the UK where my education provider
is situated will apply and the courts of that part of
the UK will hear any legal action. I agree that the
Lender has the right to take legal action against me
in any other court with jurisdiction.
Sharing Information
15. If I am in breach of these terms and/or the
regulations I agree that the Lender may share
information held about me and my account with
third parties, including the government or a
government agency of another country, who may
help to locate me and/or help take action to recover
any payments I owe.
16. I confirm where I have provided any personal
information about any other person in my
student finance application, I have done so with
their consent.
17. I understand that SLC will process my personal
data in line with the Privacy Notice available at
which may be updated from time to time.