12._______ Incorporate geotechnical engineering/geology recommendations into the grading plan including:
______benching of fills
______terrace swales
______show a section through fills
______show cut/fill transitions and relation to proposed improvements
13._______ Where slopes are steeper than five to one and the height is greater than 5 feet, benching into
sound bedrock or other competent material is required as determined by soils engineer. Bench
shall be 10 feet minimum in width. (NOTE ON PLANS).
14._______ Provide details for any retaining walls that are required to complete the grading operation.
Include french drains, top-of-wall swales and wall backfill material. Cross reference all
detached yard retaining walls to appropriate details.
15._______ Obtain geotechnical engineering report approval from the city soils consultant.
16._______ Provide an engineering geotechnical and geology report signed by a registered engineering
geologist. A review fee will be required by the City.
17._______ Provide an erosion control and Sediment Retention Plan.
18. _______ Show Best Management Practices. Provide a storm water pollution prevention plan (SWPP) for
sites of 1 acre or more.
19._______ Show all on and off-site utilities, proposed tie-ins which affect or are affected by this project.
Note on plans that contractor must contact utilities for tie-ins and contact public works for
excavation in City property.
20. _______ Show closet fire hydrant, water meter and other sources of water. Give size and GPM on Fire
Flow Availability Form (see attached).
21._______ Detail dust control measures and specify that measures are to continue throughout the grading
22._______ Provide a bond or other security in accordance with RPVMC, Appendix 1 and J of the CBC.
23._______ Please provide a note on plans: A pre-grading meeting shall be held prior to commencement of
grading. This meeting shall be attended by the grading contractor, soils or geologic engineer,
city inspector and the general /grading contractor and/or owner’s representative and shall be
held at the site prior to any grading.
24._______ Incorporate final planning conditions of approval onto the plans. Print the Planning conditions
onto the plans so they are made a part of the plan set.
25._______ Incorporate the following notes on the plans:
______All grading inspections must be made by the consulting geologist and geotechnical
______An as graded soils and geology report must be submitted and approved prior to
building permit issuance.
______Foundation and/or retaining wall excavations must be inspected and approved by
the consulting geologist and geotechnical engineer prior to placing of steel and