City of Hickory – Special Use Permit Application
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Special Use Review Criteria
Special uses are those uses that require, because of their inherent nature, intensity, and external
effects, special care in the control of their location, site design and methods of operation. Special
Use applications may be approved by the Planning Commission only if they find that all of the
following criteria have been met:
A. The proposed use is consistent with the Hickory by Choice 2030 Comprehensive Plan
and the stated Purpose and Intent of this Land Development Code;
B. The proposed use complies with all applicable provisions of this Land Development
C. The proposed use is compatible with adjacent uses in terms of scale, site design,
operating characteristics (hours of operation, traffic generation, lighting, noise, odor,
dust, and other external impacts);
D. Any significant adverse impacts on neighboring properties and/or the natural
environment resulting from the use will be mitigated or offset;
E. The proposed use will not cause substantial diminution in value of other property in
the neighborhood in which it is to be located;
F. Public safety, transportation and utility facilities and services will be available to
serve the subject property while maintaining sufficient levels of service for existing
development; and
G. Adequate assurances of continuing maintenance have been provided.
In addition to the information above, some uses may have additional use standards or special use
criteria. All applicants must address all applicable standards and criteria. 30 folded copies of all
application materials must be submitted. Applicants are also encouraged to submit a digital
copy of all application materials.
Final Plan Approval
Prior to issuance of a building permit or other development permit, the Planning Director shall
review all final Special Use plans for compliance with all requirements of this Land
Development Code, conditions of approval and the Special Use plan presented to the Planning
Commission. The Planning Director may require a final Special Use plan to be reviewed by the
other departments if he finds that there are technical issues that should be addressed by other
departments of the City.