City of Hickory Vehicle/Equipment Accident or Property Damage Form
To be completed by Coworker Only
**Submit this Report within 24 Hours of Accident/Incident and Return to Supervisor**
Date of Accident: _____________ Time of Accident: ______________
Address of Accident: ___________________________________________
Last Name: __________________________ First Name: ______________________________ MI: ____
Department: ____________________________ Position Title: ____________________________
Immediate Supervisor: __________________________ Supervisor Notified: _______________________
Date and Time Supervisor Notified: _________________________ Witnesses: _____________________
Drug Test?: Yes ____ No ____ Responding Law Enforcement Agency: ____________________________
VIN of City Vehicle: __________________________ VIN of Other Vehicle: _________________________
Serial # ETC of Equipment: _____________________ Other Property Damage: _____________________
I cer
tify that my statements made in this report are true, complete and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief and are made in good faith. I authorize investigation of all statements made in this
report. I understand that false information may be grounds for dismissal.
Coworker Si
gnature: __________________________________ Date: ____________________________
Description of Accident (when no injury):
Property Damage:
Property Owner Name: __________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________
Number: _________________________________
Description of Damages/Stolen Property:
Additional Comments:
City of Hickory Vehicle/Equipment Accident or Property Damage Form
Supervisor Investigation Form
**Submit this Report within 24 Hours of Accident/Incident to Risk/Human Resources**
Did Coworker Return to Work? ____ Yes ____ No If so, Date and Time Returned: __________________
Time Coworker Began Work: ________________ Number of Hours Scheduled to Worked: ___________
Who was responsible for the job site?: ____________________________________________________
Was the coworker interviewed regarding the accident/incident? ____ Yes ____ No
If so, when were they interviewed?: ______________________________________________________
How could this accident/incident been avoided? What, if any, changes will be made?:
Was this corrective action made aware to the coworker? ____ Yes ____ No
Was disciplinary action taken? ____ Yes ____ No If not, please explain:
Other Comments or Information:
I certify that my statements made in this report are true, complete and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief and are made in good faith. I authorize investigation of all statements made in this
report. I understand that false information may be grounds for dismissal.
Supervisor Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ______________________
Department Head Signature: ___________________________________ Date: __________________
What Personal Protective Equipment or Safety Equipment Was Being Used?
□ Safety Glasses
□ Respirator/Mask
□ Hearing Protection
□ Safety Boots/Shoes
□ Safety Vest
□ Hard Hat
□ Gloves
□ Flagging/Signage/Barricades in Place
□ Chaps
Other (specify)
□ Gas Detector
□ Seat Belt
Was Equipment Used
□ Yes
□ No