Course Course
TITLE _______________________________________________________ INSTRUCTOR’S NAME__________________________________
Your signature confirms acceptance of terms and policies detailed in your College of Saint Rose Student Manual.
Important Academic Policies
Keep this information. You are responsible for the rules and policies specified on this sheet.
Registration Issues
Graduate students taking courses granting College of Saint Rose credit are only allowed to register for a maximum of 12 credit hours during the summer (June 1
August 31
) and 15 credit hours for each of the fall and spring semesters.
CRN is the Course Reference Number used by The College of Saint Rose.
Spring: Courses starting between January 1 and May 31
Summer: Courses starting between June 1 and August 31
Fall: Courses starting between September 1 and December 31
Register for all courses to be taken during the semester, even if you do not know exact dates.
You must also register for Internships on this form.
*As of August 1, 2016 we will no longer accept Transcript Requests by fax or email.
***Please keep in mind that the summer semester is our busy season. The heavy volume of course offerings results in longer processing times for all procedures. Allow more
time during July, August, and September for transcript requests. Students needing transcripts by September 1 are advised to take classes that finish by early July.***
The first 20 official transcripts from the College are free. A fee will be charged for each transcript beyond that. We process all transcript requests within 2-3 business days of
receipt. The processing time could be longer during peak registration periods. In-person requests will be done immediately. We do not issue unofficial transcripts. We cannot
fax or email transcripts. Any holds on your account must be removed before we will process a request.
You can request your transcripts through of one the following three methods:
Ordering Transcripts Online
• Go to: https://www.strose.edu/academics/registrar/forms-applications-and-instructions/transcriptrequests/
• Click the link for National Student Clearinghouse Transcript Ordering Center.
• The site will walk you through the ordering process, which does include a small processing fee of $2.25 per request, paid directly to the Clearinghouse.
• To ensure confidentiality and to comply with federal regulations, you must complete the consent to release form before orders are processed.
• Order updates will be e-mailed to you from the Clearinghouse. You may also track your order through the Clearinghouse website or receive text updates.
If you need help or have questions about the Clearinghouse’s transcript ordering service, contact them via e-mail at transcripts@clearinghouse.org or by phone at (703) 742-
Ordering Transcripts by Mail
• Go to: https://www.strose.edu/academics/registrar/forms-applications-and-instructions/transcriptrequests/
• Click to download the Transcript Request Form.
• You must complete the request form and include all of the following:
o Your full name (including other last names, if applicable)
o Your Saint Rose student ID number or your social security number
o Approximate dates of attendance or date of graduation
o The complete address of where you would like the transcript to be mailed
o Your signature, to release your transcripts
Our mailing address is:
The College of Saint Rose
Registrar’s Office
432 Western Ave
Albany, NY 12203
*Information at The College of Saint Rose
Student calls regarding transcripts and registrations should be directed to the Main Office Number.
Registrar’s Office Email: registrar@strose.edu
Main Office Number 518-458-5464
Assistant Registrar for Contract Programs 518-454-2081
CITE Educational Administration Program 2