Student Assessment
Inventory for School Districts
Tests play a crical role in improving teaching and
learning. They provide consistent measures that allow
teachers, parents, and students themselves to monitor
student progress, understand specic strengths and
weaknesses, and set learning goals. They help teachers
idenfy who needs support, who needs enrichment, and
what changes in classroom instrucon are needed. They
inform teachers’ understanding of how eecvely they are
advancing student learning. And, they can provide meaningful
learning experiences for students. However, while tests are
valuable, each test takes me and resources that could be
used for other acvies in the school day. Thus, it is essenal
to ensure that every assessment is used for an important
purpose and leads to acons intended to improve
student learning.
In too many districts, there is simply too much tesng. In
addion to statewide assessments, districts oen require
many more districtwide assessments. Students must also
take classroom-based tests and quizzes that are core to the
instruconal process. Students take sll other tests for college
admissions, placement or scholarships. Over me, school
districts or individual schools may add assessments championed
by a specic district leader, embedded in new instruconal
materials, or in response to a specic need such as evaluang
teachers without ever taking a comprehensive look at what has
outlived its usefulness. As a result, districts may have a plethora
of diagnosc, formave, interim and summave assessments as
well as assessments for special populaons. However, districts
have signicant control over which tests to administer and the
amount of me devoted to tesng. For example, a recent study
looking at district-mandated tests (excluding tests for special
CC BY 4.0 Achieve 2014. Districts may use or adapt. If modied, please attribute Achieve and re-title.
Across the country, educators, parents and students are saying that there is too much tesng
in our schools and that tesng is taking valuable me away from teaching and learning. These
concerns are legimate and merit aenon. School district ocials have the opportunity to
respond to concerns about over-tesng by leading a conversaon among educators and the
broader community that directly addresses the amount of tesng – and points the way toward
a more coherent, educaonally-sound approach to assessment.
This Student Assessment Inventory for School Districts is a tool district leaders can use to take
stock of their assessments and assessment strategy, and do so from a student perspecve.
The tool supports a process by which districts evaluate the assessments students are taking,
determine the minimum tesng necessary to serve essenal diagnosc, instruconal and
accountability purposes, and work to ensure that every district-mandated test is of high quality,
is providing the informaon needed for specic school and district purposes, and is supported
by structures and rounes so that assessment results are actually used and acon steps taken
that will help students. We encourage local district leaders who use this inventory to discuss the
outcome with parents and the school board. What tests have been eliminated? How will the
remaining tests be used, and why are they important?
is version of the Student Assessment Inventory for School Districts is current as of October 8, 2014.
The Student and the Stopwatch: How Much Time do American Students Spend on Tesng?
Districts (or teams) should answer the following quesons to plan the inventory:
1. What is the district context in which the inventory is being considered (e.g., implementaon of new standards and/or
assessments, parent or school board concern about tesng load)?
2. What are the objecves of the student assessment inventory?
3. What would indicate to the district that the process was a success?
4. What individual or individuals are responsible for the success of this process?
5. Will the district bring in an external party/consultant to assist with the inventory?
6. How will the results of the inventory be communicated to district policymakers (e.g., school board), school leaders, parents,
students and the community?
7. Who will collect the informaon needed for the inventory table? How will they access this informaon?
8. How will the district communicate to necessary pares that these individuals will be collecng this informaon?
9. What is the scope of the inventory? Which assessment should be included and excluded from the inventory table?
Based on
this scope, what informaon is needed?
10. What groups should be convened or surveyed to help provide answers (e.g., groups of teachers and other assessment users)?
How will they be convened (e.g., in focus groups by grade level or subject) and/or surveyed?
11. What individual or enty has the authority to act on the results of the inventory? Who will be making the recommendaons?
12. Are there other districts with whom it would be useful to collaborate during this process?
for example
 
As districts
reach this point, it will be crucial for them to reengage
with teachers, parents, students or others who deeply
informed the inventory process to review potenal
opons and decision points.
If the district is interested in evaluang alignment and
quality of assessments, they can use resources such as
Student Achievement Partners’ Assessment Evaluaon Tool
individually or in partnership with other districts. If these are
o-the-shelf” assessments, districts may wish to work with
other districts that use the same assessments to determine
if alignment and quality evaluaons have already been
conducted, and to work with vendors in concert to demand
improvements. It may also be helpful to ulize the Council of
Chief State School Ocers’ (CCSSO) Criteria for High-Quality
Assessments Aligned to College and Career Readiness.
Number Recommendation Rationale Authority
Timing of
Action Steps
Discontinue use of
PLACE ELA beginning
in January 2015
Redundant with ELA
Grow test
Superintendent Sept. cabinet meeting
Need to write proposal
memo with supporting
Inventory Table
Name of Individual(s) completing the table
Optional Category: English Language Arts
(e.g., grade level, subject)
Name of assessment (Example)
Entity requiring
state – SEA or other
agency; district; or school
Grade(s) tested 5-8
Course(s) or subjects
Which students are
eligible or required to
take assessment?
All students in these
grades who are also
required to take regular
state assessment
Type of assessment
summative; interim/bench-
mark; formative; diagnostic
Number of years
assessment has
been administered
in the district
5 years
To which content
standards is the
assessment aligned?
(source of alignment
Common Core State
Standards (Independent
review by Dr. Anne Jones
using Student Achievement
Partners Assessment Eval.
Intended purpose(s) of
the assessment
Measure student knowl-
edge of ELA standards in
reading comprehension
Intended use(s)
of the
Predict ELA performance
on state assessment and
inform instructional practice
Users of the assessment District assessment staff
and teachers
Do users of the
assessment use it for its
intended use(s)?
Yes (district)
No (educators)
Federal and/or state accountability, district accountability, predicve, diagnosc, instruconal uses (e.g., grouping), high school grad-
uaon, student promoon/retenon, factor into course grades, college admissions, teacher evaluaon, Advanced Placement credit,
Internaonal Baccalaureate, English language prociency, internaonal comparisons, other uses.
To what degree do users
of the assessment nd it
useful or not useful?
1 – not useful
2 – somewhat useful
3 – useful
4 – very useful
Explain why.
2 – district staff nd it
accurately predicts
performance on state
assessment, but that the
results are not useful
for educators to inform
Type of administration Paper booklet/scantron
Item type(s) Selected response
Accommodations Braille edition of assessment
Test administration time 150 minutes (includes 15
minutes of instructions
read aloud by teacher)
Testing window 10/1–10/15 and 3/1–3/15
Test frequency Given twice a year, in
October and March
Time between test
administration and
results to users
24 hours for raw data
to district; 3 weeks for
Vendor Tests4Schools
Contract expiration date 4/1/2015
Entity that holds contract District
Annual cost
(total and per student)
$38,000 total, $19.00 per
student (grades 5-8)
Funding source(s) Local funds
Inventory Table
 Can my district modify the inventory table?
 My team does not agree on the type of assessment —
formave, interim, etc. We all seem to have dierent
ideas about what these terms mean. What do we
do? 
The Role of Interim
Assessments in a Comprehensive Assessment System
 this framework
 What is the dierence between the assessments intended
purposes and uses?
 How do we know if users are using the assessment for its
intended uses? 
 How do we know to what degree users nd the
assessment useful and why?
 What are some ways to tell if an assessment is aligned to
the content standards? 