Spring Summer Fall Year: _____
1. Complete ALL informaon requested below.
2. Return completed form with ALL signatures to the One Stop.
CHANGE OF MAJOR: This form CANNOT BE USED for the following selecve programs: Automove, Motorcycle,
Nursing, Surgical Technology, Veterinary Technology or Welding. A new applicaon must be submied for these
Students can change into the following criteria programs with the understanding that addional admissions re-
quirements may need to be met: Advance Composite Manufacturing, Biotechnology Cercates, Computer Numer-
ic Control, Digital Design & Animaon, Linux, Medical Oce Administraon, Nondestrucve Tesng, Programming,
Soware Development, Veterinary Pracce Management.
Date of Birth: Phone Number:
Current Program: ___________________________________________ Degree Cercate
Desired Program: ___________________________________________ Degree Cercate
By my signature below, I understand that:
1. The appropriate college ocials will review this request for possible approval.
2. Courses previously taken at GBCC may not transfer to my program.
3. Courses previously transferred to GBCC may not transfer to my program.
4. Change of majors approved aer the Add/Drop period of the semester are eecve the next semester.
Student Signature: ________________________________________________________ Date: _______________________
Desired Program Advisor Signature: __________________________________________ Date:________________________
*Advisor: If you are signing for a criteria program (as listed above), please check revise side to ensure that the student has met the
admissions requirements .
Admissions Office Approval Signature: ________________________________________Date: ________________________
ADMISSIONS: Processed by: __________ Date: ______________ Eecve Term: ____________
REGISTRAR: Curricula Catalog Term: _________ Transfer Credit Review: NO YES - Review Date: __________
Academic Standing Reviewed by: __________ Date: _____________ Eecve Term: ______________
Comments: __________________________________________________________________________
Portsmouth Campus
320 Corporate Drive, Portsmouth, NH 03801
Phone: (603) 427-7610|Fax: (603) 334-6308
Rochester Campus
5 M
ilton Rd, Unit 32, Rochester, NH 03867
Phone: (603) 427-7700|Fax: (603) 330-3001
The Community College System of New Hampshire (CCSNH) uses electronic signatures and records in place of traditional ones whenever possible. You will conduct business electronically using a computer with a supported operating system and internet browser, sufficient
electronic storage capacity, a printer and your official CCSNH email account. By logging into CCSNH systems, including but not limited to Banner, SIS and Canvas, you are opting to conduct electronic transactions with the Community College System and consenting to receive
written notices electronically, including those involving financial obligations, and you are acknowledging that CCSNH can use electronic mechanisms alone to convey critical information related to your admission, financial aid, payment plan, student account, transcript
information, registration and other activities and accounts you may undertake or have as a student at CCSNH. You have a right to request a paper copy of an electronic record. You may withdraw your consent at any time by contacting Student Services. If you decide to withdraw
your consent, however, you may be prevented from registering for classes.
click to sign
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click to sign
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Advanced Composite
Applicant must take the Accuplacer and scores must indicate placement into
MATH080 (or higher), college level Reading, CS107 or higher & Applicant must
also aend an ACM Informaon Session or admissions appointment
Biotech Cercate Applicant must have compleon of High School Algebra, Biology, Chemistry with
a grade of “C” or beer or equivalent competencies & placement into ENGL110G
or higher with the Accuplacer or equivalent competencies
Biotech Adv Cert
(Not FA Eligible)
Applicant must have compleon of college level Biology & Chemistry &
Permission of Department Chair
Computer Numeric Control Applicant must have completed Accuplacer tesng for math and computer (no
specic placement is required)
Digital Design &
Animaon Cert
Applicant must complete the Computer Accuplacer and scores must indicate
placement into CIS107 or higher *Applicant is also expected to be at College
level Reading, Wring and Math
Linux Cert Applicant must take the Accuplacer and scores must indicate college level
readiness in Reading, Wring, Math or demonstrate equivalent competencies;
Applicants must also have compleon of CIS110 or higher
Medical Oce Admin. Assistant Applicants must complete the Computer and Reading porons of the Accuplacer
and scores must indicate college level readiness in Reading & computer
placement into any level
Nondestrucve Tesng Applicant must take the Accuplacer and scores must indicate placement into
MATH080 (or higher), college level Reading, CS107 or higher
Programming Applicant must have successfully completed MATH 170 or transferred in an
equivalent course & Applicant must complete the Accuplacer and scores must
indicate college level readiness in reading, wring, or demonstrate equivalent
Soware Development Applicant must take the Accuplacer and scores must indicate placement into
MATH150 or MATH170, ENG110, CIS107 or higher
Vet Pracce Management Applicant must complete the Accuplacer and scores must indicate placement
into college level Math, Reading, Wring or demonstrate equivalent
competencies; Applicants must also provide 2 years related work experience (or
Acceptance into VTA) on GBCC Form
Please see GBCC Admissions or review the current College Catalog for quesons
Admissions is located on the 1st oor in Suite SW111
(603)427-7600 ext:7500