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Business Tax Tracker Tips
Below is a list of pointers and helpful tips to complete the Business Tracker. We encourage you to read over these tips.
If you have any additional questions, please call our ofce. We look forward to processing your returns for you this year.
r The Tax Tracker is designed to help clients track business expenses only.
r The tracker is to be kept by the client. At the end of the year the totals will be placed in the Tax Organizer.
The Tax Organizers are located on our website at www.taxsentry.com. After you login the organizers are located
on your right hand side.
r The organizers are the only things you will need to send in to Tax Sentry at the end of the year.
Not this Tax Tracker. The Tax Tracker is a tool designed to help clients add expenditures and income for
easy tracking.
r If you desire to add extra expenses that aren’t categorized, please do so on page 6.
r Funds can be tracked even if you spent personal money on a business expense.
The IRS does not care about the funding source as much as it cares about the intent.
r If an expense is a one-time expense, please only place it under the month the expenses took place.
r Under the income section, please only list the gross amount of sales not the net.
r Please make sure to download the business organizer from our website.
The tracker and organizer work together to maximize deductions.
<2> www.TaxSentry.com
Business income and expenses
Business Name: First year: r YES r NO
Business Description: r Real Estate r E-Commerce r Stocks r Other
Business Address:
City: State: Zip: Country:
Employer Identication Number (EIN): State Business Registered In:
Type of Entity: r Corporation r S Corporation r Single Member LLC r Multi-Member LLC r Sole Proprietor
*if more than two owners please include additional information in the notes section
First Name: Initial: Last Name:
Address: City:
State: Zip: Country:
Work Tel: Ownership Percentage (%):
First Name: Initial: Last Name:
Address: City:
State: Zip: Country:
Work Tel: Ownership Percentage (%):
Amount Source Date
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Expenses (If some of these expenses do not apply, please leave that category blank.)
Advertising: $ $ $ $
Bank Fees: $ $ $ $
Commissions: $ $ $ $
Computer Purchase: $ $ $ $
Consulting/Training: $ $ $ $
Design Fees: $ $ $ $
Dues and Subscriptions: $ $ $ $
Entity Creation: $ $ $ $
Fees/Permits: $ $ $ $
Health Insurance Premiums $ $ $ $
Insurance other than health: $ $ $ $
Interest (paid to banks, etc): $ $ $ $
Internet: $ $ $ $
Legal & Professional: $ $ $ $
Licenses: $ $ $ $
Merchant fees: $ $ $ $
Ofce Expense: $ $ $ $
Other interest: $ $ $ $
Parking & Tolls: $ $ $ $
Rent - Other Business Property: $ $ $ $
Rent - Vehicles Machinery & Equipment: $ $ $ $
Repairs: $ $ $ $
Shipping/Postage: $ $ $ $
Taxes - Real Estate: $ $ $ $
Taxes - Other: $ $ $ $
Telephone: $ $ $ $
Total Meals & Entertainment: $ $ $ $
Travel: $ $ $ $
Utilities: $ $ $ $
Wages: $ $ $ $
Web Fees: $ $ $ $
Wholesale/Drop Shipper Fees: $ $ $ $
(If you purchased a computer please include date)
(Webhosting Fees)
(Subscription to a Dropshipper Database)
(Cell Phone or Business Phone)
(Computer repair, machinery repair,
not car repair or rental repair
(Business owned buildings taxes. Not a Home Ofce)
(ex. Franchise Tax in Certain States,
Right to do Business Tax in Other states)
(ex. Airfare to Seminars, Driving to Real Estate
Properties, Hotel Stays for Business Trip
(ex. Business Lunches, Tickets to a Baseball
Game with Client)
(Utilities for an ofce, NOT A HOME OFFICE)
(ex. W-2 wages paid to employees; Not 1099)
(ex. Coaching and Seminars)
Business income and expenses
(ex: Web Ads, Business Cards, Flyers, Billboards)
(ex. Monthly Account Fees)
(ex: Your company pays out for a sale to another person)
*Include additional expenses as needed by attaching an additional schedule detailing the expense category and amount.
January February March april
(ex. Credit Card Interest)
(ex. Accountants Fees, Tax Sentry, Tax Preparation, Lawyer
Fees For Business, Does Not Include Entity Creation)
(Ofce Supplies)
(Internet Service Provider Costs)
(ex MLS Listings, Access to Tax Lien Information)
(Website Design Fees)
(Credit Card Processing Fees for Goods Sold)
(Annual Dues for LLCs Directly to Secretary of State)
(Business Permits, Booth Fees)
(Not a home ofce, but a brick & mortar
renting of an ofce)
(ex. the Amount that the Corporation or LLC
cost to set up)
(do not include premiums associated with W2 wage income)
(ex: Rental Insurance, Umbrella Policy for Business,
Not Life or Car Insurance
<4> www.TaxSentry.com
Expenses (If some of these expenses do not apply, please leave that category blank.)
Advertising: $ $ $ $
Bank Fees: $ $ $ $
Commissions: $ $ $ $
Computer Purchase: $ $ $ $
Consulting/Training: $ $ $ $
Design Fees: $ $ $ $
Dues and Subscriptions: $ $ $ $
Entity Creation: $ $ $ $
Fees/Permits: $ $ $ $
Health Insurance Premiums $ $ $ $
Insurance other than health: $ $ $ $
Interest (paid to banks, etc): $ $ $ $
Internet: $ $ $ $
Legal & Professional: $ $ $ $
Licenses: $ $ $ $
Merchant fees: $ $ $ $
Ofce Expense: $ $ $ $
Other interest: $ $ $ $
Parking & Tolls: $ $ $ $
Rent - Other Business Property: $ $ $ $
Rent - Vehicles Machinery & Equipment: $ $ $ $
Repairs: $ $ $ $
Shipping/Postage: $ $ $ $
Taxes - Real Estate: $ $ $ $
Taxes - Other: $ $ $ $
Telephone: $ $ $ $
Total Meals & Entertainment: $ $ $ $
Travel: $ $ $ $
Utilities: $ $ $ $
Wages: $ $ $ $
Web Fees: $ $ $ $
Wholesale/Drop Shipper Fees: $ $ $ $
(If you purchased a computer please include date)
(Webhosting Fees)
(Subscription to a Dropshipper Database)
(Cell Phone or Business Phone)
(Computer repair, machinery repair,
not car repair or rental repair
(Business owned buildings taxes. Not a Home Ofce)
(ex. Franchise Tax in Certain States,
Right to do Business Tax in Other states)
(ex. Airfare to Seminars, Driving to Real Estate
Properties, Hotel Stays for Business Trip
(ex. Business Lunches, Tickets to a Baseball
Game with Client)
(Utilities for an ofce, NOT A HOME OFFICE)
(ex. W-2 wages paid to employees; Not 1099)
(ex. Coaching and Seminars)
Business income and expenses (conT.)
(ex: Web Ads, Business Cards, Flyers, Billboards)
(ex. Monthly Account Fees)
(ex: Your company pays out for a sale to another person)
May June July august
(ex. Credit Card Interest)
(ex. Accountants Fees, Tax Sentry, Tax Preparation, Lawyer
Fees For Business, Does Not Include Entity Creation)
(Ofce Supplies)
(Internet Service Provider Costs)
(ex MLS Listings, Access to Tax Lien Information)
(Website Design Fees)
(Credit Card Processing Fees for Goods Sold)
(Annual Dues for LLCs Directly to Secretary of State)
(Business Permits, Booth Fees)
(Not a home ofce, but a brick & mortar
renting of an ofce)
(ex. the Amount that the Corporation or LLC
cost to set up)
(do not include premiums associated with W2 wage income)
(ex: Rental Insurance, Umbrella Policy for Business,
Not Life or Car Insurance
www.TaxSentry.com <5>
Name: Soc. Sec. (last 4 digits)
Expenses (If some of these expenses do not apply, please leave that category blank.)
Advertising: $ $ $ $
Bank Fees: $ $ $ $
Commissions: $ $ $ $
Computer Purchase: $ $ $ $
Consulting/Training: $ $ $ $
Design Fees: $ $ $ $
Dues and Subscriptions: $ $ $ $
Entity Creation: $ $ $ $
Fees/Permits: $ $ $ $
Health Insurance Premiums $ $ $ $
Insurance other than health: $ $ $ $
Interest (paid to banks, etc): $ $ $ $
Internet: $ $ $ $
Legal & Professional: $ $ $ $
Licenses: $ $ $ $
Merchant fees: $ $ $ $
Ofce Expense: $ $ $ $
Other interest: $ $ $ $
Parking & Tolls: $ $ $ $
Rent - Other Business Property: $ $ $ $
Rent - Vehicles Machinery & Equipment: $ $ $ $
Repairs: $ $ $ $
Shipping/Postage: $ $ $ $
Taxes - Real Estate: $ $ $ $
Taxes - Other: $ $ $ $
Telephone: $ $ $ $
Total Meals & Entertainment: $ $ $ $
Travel: $ $ $ $
Utilities: $ $ $ $
Wages: $ $ $ $
Web Fees: $ $ $ $
Wholesale/Drop Shipper Fees: $ $ $ $
(If you purchased a computer please include date)
(Webhosting Fees)
(Subscription to a Dropshipper Database)
(Cell Phone or Business Phone)
(Computer repair, machinery repair,
not car repair or rental repair
(Business owned buildings taxes. Not a Home Ofce)
(ex. Franchise Tax in Certain States,
Right to do Business Tax in Other states)
(ex. Airfare to Seminars, Driving to Real Estate
Properties, Hotel Stays for Business Trip
(ex. Business Lunches, Tickets to a Baseball
Game with Client)
(Utilities for an ofce, NOT A HOME OFFICE)
(ex. W-2 wages paid to employees; Not 1099)
(ex. Coaching and Seminars)
Business income and expenses (conT.)
(ex: Web Ads, Business Cards, Flyers, Billboards)
(ex. Monthly Account Fees)
(ex: Your company pays out for a sale to another person)
septeMber october noveMber deceMber
(ex. Credit Card Interest)
(ex. Accountants Fees, Tax Sentry, Tax Preparation, Lawyer
Fees For Business, Does Not Include Entity Creation)
(Ofce Supplies)
(Internet Service Provider Costs)
(ex MLS Listings, Access to Tax Lien Information)
(Website Design Fees)
(Credit Card Processing Fees for Goods Sold)
(Annual Dues for LLCs Directly to Secretary of State)
(Business Permits, Booth Fees)
(Not a home ofce, but a brick & mortar
renting of an ofce)
(ex. the Amount that the Corporation or LLC
cost to set up)
(do not include premiums associated with W2 wage income)
(ex: Rental Insurance, Umbrella Policy for Business,
Not Life or Car Insurance
<6> www.TaxSentry.com
Business income and expenses (conT.)
expense type Month aMount
Name: Soc. Sec. (last 4 digits)
Other Expenses