The American Legion
Department of Kansas
1314 SW Topeka Blvd
Topeka, KS, 66612-1886
The Voice for Today’s Veterans and Military
March 2022
Department Commander
Marri Krupco
Department Adjutant
Jimmie L. Foster
Notes from the Department Commander
Greetings Kansas American Legion family!
I would like to take a moment to thank Reflection Ridge Post 424 Commander Bruce Reischmann
and District 5 Commander Paul Sanford for their hospitality while I visited the Reflection Ridge Post.
I truly enjoyed meeting the members of the post and assisting the District Commander with
presenting continuous year certificates. I would also like to thank Mike Cole of Leavenworth Post 23
twice; Mike is always willing to put in the work where needed and I can’t thank him enough for that.
In his role as Post 23 Adjutant, he took time off work to join me in participating in a round-table type
discussion with Representative Jake LaTurner, and as Department Media and Communications
Chair he wrote and requested the proclamation that Governor Kelly signed on February 25th
proclaiming March 15, 2022, as Kansas American Legion Day.
I’m not sure what I’ve been doing differently over the last couple months, but it seems like I keep
finding myself in the same or similar conversation over and over lately. I would be speaking with
someone that is not part of the American Legion family about membership and they would say
something like, “There was a Post in my town, but it closed, so there isn’t anything for me to join.” To
which I reply, “Do you mean the building closed or do you mean they turned in their charter?”
Normally they can’t answer the question so ask what town they live in and verify the Post still has a
charter and then proceed to explain that an American Legion Post is not a building. This really got
me to thinking, how many American Legion family members don’t fully understand what makes up
the American Legion?
I’m not going to claim that I can fully answer that question, but I want to at least put my two cents in,
and frankly I stole those two cents from the National American Legion magazine. I’m not sure when
they started it but up until June 2020 they featured a Legionnaire from somewhere in the country in
the magazine and called the article “I Am the American Legion” I would imagine that since interviews
for the article are done months in advance and across the nation, this particular portion of the
magazine became a causality of Covid. However, just because these articles are no longer featured
in the Legion Magazine doesn’t make the concept of them invalid. I feel that the purpose of these
articles was to stress that the American Legion is its members. Members that come from all over,
have a wide variety of experiences and abilities, yet have come together for a common goal.
I have not done the math to prove this, but it is my educated guess that the vast majority of
American Legion Posts across the state of Kansas either do not have a post home or they share the
building with other organizations. Every Post is different, and they have different needs based on the
different things they do. Some would not be able to do the things they do without their building, yet
others have no need for one. I would venture to say it would be impossible for a single American
Legion post to participate in every program that the American Legion organization is involved in, and
that’s okay. Because like I said before, the American Legion is not just a bunch of buildings across
the nation, it’s not programs or causes, it is its members. Without members that share a common
goal, the American Legion would not exist. I purposely did not say like minded members, because
that is not the case, we need the diversity, innovation stems from it, we don’t always have to agree
on how a job gets done if the end result is the same. I want to ask each of you a favor, currently
there is much division across our great nation, even at Legion meetings there will be people that
don’t see things the way you do, please don’t let those difference of opinions affect the mission. We
are all what makes the American Legion the best Veterans Service Organization in the nation,
differences in opinions included!
District Conventions start in just a few weeks, I have made plans to attend all 10 and look forward to
seeing everyone. If you are interested in being nominated for District office I would recommend
reaching out to current District leadership for guidance. I know many of the Districts are looking for
people to step-up and step-out of their comfort zones and join the District teams.
For God & Country
Marri Krupco
Department of Kansas Commander
Notes from the Department Vice-Commander and Membership Chairman
Greetings Legionnaires,
Well, we have reached the home stretch in our quest to reach 100% in membership. Everyone has
been taking this responsibility seriously and working hard towards that end. A reminder that
beginning in the 2021-2022 year, each District put in place a game plan designed to hit the target. In
that game plan, a couple of steps were common among all the plans. First, assigning a District
officer to selected Posts, and second, contact to posts through appropriate channels and/or personal
visits encouraging participation among all Post members in recruitment. These actions should
continue even now as we approach the end of this year. It will take a team effort to accomplish the
goals we set and with everyone’s involvement, we can and will succeed.
Happy Birthday to The American Legion!! I hope your Post has some special occasion planned in
conjunction with The American Legion Birthday which occurs on March 15, 2022. Invite the
community! This would be an excellent way to recruit new members. We need to toot our own horn
about what we have done over the many years for our children, veterans, and community and what
we will continue to do into the future!
Your Post should be in full swing now recruiting high school juniors for Boys State and high school
juniors and seniors for the Cadet Law Enforcement Academy. These programs are only successful if
Posts recruit kids to attend. We need your help! Please visit your schools. To find out more
information, go to These are also great ways to let the community know
what we are up too and potentially recruit new Legion family members!
Keep working those memberships, together we can do it! If you have new and exciting ideas that
might help a post with membership please let me know so we can share ideas throughout the state.
Remember we are a team, and together we can reach our goal.
As always if you have questions, comments, or concerns please don’t hesitate to reach out. Thank
you for continuing to serve.
Semper Fi!
Jeremy Ehart
Department Vice-Commander
The American Legion, Department of Kansas
Department Adjutant's Newsletter March 2022
The following are the bills that are the Veterans bills still eligible for action in the Kansas Legislature
as of 18 February 2022:
SB108 To allow changes to how we receive Lottery Funding.
SB109 Is the Sister Bill from the Senate also allowing the KCVAO (Kansas Commission on
Veterans Affairs Office) to submit an initial application for a VA State Veterans Home Construction
SB110 Is the Sister Bill from the Senate to authorize bonds up to $ 17.5 million be issued to
finance Construction of State Veterans Home Facility in one of the Five Counties Douglas,
Jefferson, Leavenworth, Shawnee, or Wyandotte.
SB330 Authorizing the construction of a memorial honoring Kansas gold star families.
BOYS STATE: This year’s dates are June 5 – 11, 2022. Applications are due March 31, 2022. The
2022 session marks the 85th Anniversary of this outstanding program. Boys State DVD’s are
available free of charge to Posts and a video is available on the website. This twelve-minute video
highlights activities during the week of Boys State and features testimonials from several of the
States themselves. They are both excellent recruitment tools for your Boys State Coordinator. You
can order your copy or additional applications by calling the Boys State Office toll free at 785-550-
6492 or online at
CADET LAW ENFORCEMENT ACADEMY: Applications are due March 31, 2022. This year’s dates
are June 12 17, 2022. For applications or more information contact Department Headquarters or
our website
DISTRICT CONVENTIONS: Attend and elect good officers who will represent your District in the
2022-2023 membership year. Dates and locations for this year are: District I Oskaloosa, April 9;
District II - Lawrence, March 26; District III Chanute, March 25-27; District IV - Abilene, April 9;
District V Newton, April 2; District VI Salina, April 30; District VII Hutchinson, April 2; District VIII
Dodge City, April 23; District IX Colby, April 23, and District X Marysville, April 30.
POST ELECTIONS are the most important in the Legion. Elections of Post Officers must be held not
more than sixty days or less than fifteen days prior to the Department Convention which begins on
June 4, 2022. This year those dates are April 5 and May 20. Elect responsible and qualified leaders
who will represent you and your Post. The Names and Addresses of those elected to the office of
Commander and Adjutant must be reported to Department Headquarters as soon as elected. A form
is enclosed. All Posts are required to report this report even if they haven’t changed. Send this
Notification of Post/Squadron Commanders & Adjutant report to the Department Headquarters as
soon as possible and we then forward it on to National.
MEMBERSHIP AWARDS: Legionnaires have until May 1 to be certified for “Go-Getter” and “Big
Team (10 new members and 25 new members respectively). These awards cannot be sent out
correctly unless we have updated figures in this office. Certification forms are available at
Department Headquarters for the “Gold Brigade” (50 or more NEW members) and the “Silver
Brigade” (25 to 49 NEW members). Certification forms for the Gold and Silver Brigade are due at
Department Headquarters May 1, 2022.
SPECIAL CHILDREN & YOUTH CERTIFICATE is still available to recognize a young person in your
community. Any outstanding youth in any program that is available (Scouting, 4-H, or other
Community service or religious group). Send Department Headquarters the name and organization
in which they participate.
CONGRATULATIONS: To Council Grove, Westmoreland, Conway Springs, Wilson, Florence, and
Allen for making QUOTA. (As of February 18.)
DISTRICT STANDINGS AS OF FEBRUARY 18, 2022: District X, 1,099 - 90.01%; District IV, 2,543
87.99; District I, 2,203 - 84.15%; District II, 3,082 - 81.99%; District V, 2,397 - 81.89%; District VI,
1,129 - 80.53%; District VIII, 713 - 79.75%; District VII, 1,417 79.03%; District III, 1,742 - 77.35%
and District IX, 773 75.27%. Department Headquarters Post 58 (included in Dept. total) is 768
Total membership is 17,866. Membership last year this date was 19,749. We are BEHIND 1,883
The American Legion
Cadet Law Enforcement Academy
(A week that will change your life)
The Cadet Law Enforcement Academy, co-sponsored by the Kansas American Legion, American
Legion Auxiliary, and Kansas Highway Patrol will be held at the Highway Patrol Training Center
in Salina, June 12-17, 2022. The Academy is open to High School Juniors and Seniors.
During the week, students participate in firearms instruction and range safety, personal defense
tactics, pursuit driving on the driving range, perform vehicle stops, fly in Highway Patrol aircraft
if available, and receive generalized law enforcement and legal training, all while staying in a
modern air-conditioned dormitory. Qualified instructors from the Highway Patrol, KBI, FBI and
other law enforcement agencies are used throughout the week of instruction.
Deadline for applications is March 31
. The student fee is $50 for the entire session. The
application is available, as well as more information, at If you are
interested please contact your local American Legion Post at
____________________________________, or The Kansas American Legion at 785-232-9315.
Page 1 of 2
This report will be considered for the top PSO in each District and Department
1. Number of veterans you have furnished food and/or lodging on an individual basis
(This does not include Post functions.)
2. Number of veterans or veterans families assisted financially with other needs,
such as a rent, utilities, medical or transportation.
3. TOTAL EXPENDITURE for above related assistance.
1. Assisted veteran’s dependents in the application for VA compensation or pension
. benefits.
2. Assisted veterans with VA Form 10-10EZ. (Enrollment Application for VA
Health Care.)
3. VA forms for burial related benefits.
4. Condolence calls or cards or letters sent.
5. Non-VA Forms completed for veterans or dependents.
6. Number of referrals to American Legion Service Offices located at Wichita,
Leavenworth or Topeka and how many to each location.
7. Number of referrals to a Kansas Commission on Veterans Affairs Office to
include location of office.
1. Did your Post purchase canteen books for VA Patients? Yes No
2. Does your Post sponsor an entertainment night at a VA Hospital?
3. Does your Post sponsor an entertainment night at a local hospital or nursing home? Yes No
4. How many of your Post members act as hospital volunteers in the VA hospital,
VA Community based Out-Patient Clinic, Local Hospital, or Nursing Home to
include location facility and in what manner?
5. How many veterans were visited by the Post Service Officer
or members of your Post during the past year?
1. Does your Post have an Honor Guard? Yes No
2. Does your Post have a Veterans Day activity?
3. Does your Post have a Memorial Day activity? Yes No
4. Does your Post have an Avenue of Flags? Yes No
If yes how many Flags? _______
5. How many graves did your Post decorate this year?
1. Do you have access to a Post Service Officer Guide? ________Yes ________No
2. Do you or your Post have use of internet access? ________Yes ________No
3. Does your Post have a social media page, i.e. Facebook, Instagram? ________Yes ________No
1. Do you have a current Post Service Officer Manual?
Page 2 of 2
__________________________ _______________________ _____ ___________________________
Post Service Officer Post Commander Dist. Post No. and City
+2.00 2x
+3.00 3X
+4.00 FOR 4X
+2.00 2x
+3.00 3X
+4.00 FOR 4X
Team Kansas T Shirt $______ each
Team Kansas Polo $______ each
City State Zip
Cash Check Credit Other
Phone #
Ks Commanders Campaign Fund
No Pockets
Mail orders/payments to Jeremy Ehart 10601 W Snokomo Rd Hutchinson KS 67502
Race to Gold!
Win Prizes for recruiting a new member or Transferring a member of
The American Legion
It’s simple, sign up a new member or transfer a member to earn points and win prizes!
1. The recruiter of a new member or Post 58 transfer into a Kansas American Legion Post between July 1,
2021 and May 1, 2022 will be eligible to earn points toward prizes.
2. A new member is defined as any eligible Legionnaire whose membership was not paid in The American
Legion in 2021 that joins a Post in the Department of Kansas other than Post 58 for the 2022
membership year.
3. The Recruiter must be a Legionnaire, other than the new member, whose membership is paid for 2022
in a Kansas Post. If the recruiter is not listed, the coupon will not be accepted.
4. If your post utilizes manual transmittals the coupon below must be sent to Kansas Department
Headquarters with the National and Department portions of the new members card and the necessary
dues, or the member data form for transfers.
5. If the Post utilizes online transmittals at, the invoice number and date of the transmittal
of the new member or transfer must also be included on the coupon and mailed to Department
Headquarters or emailed to
6. All coupons must be received by 4:00 pm on May 1, 2022, to be eligible.
7. Points for prizes may be spent quarterly or you can “bank” your points. Prizes will be given out as they
are received by Department. Points balance will be posted on Department website monthly. You can
choose to redeem your points at any time between July 1, 2021 and May 15, 2022.
8. One point will be awarded for each new member or transfer. The three tiers of prizes can be found
below. Once points are redeemed for a prize the participant cannot use those points again.
9. Custom personalized prizes will take longer to deliver so plan accordingly if wanted by certain dates or
New Member/ Transfer Coupon (Print Neatly)
New Member/ Transfers Name__________________________________________________________
New Member’s Post City and Post Number_________________________________________________
Recruiter’s Name and Membership Number________________________________________________
Recruiter’s Post City and Post Number ____________________________________________________
Post Online Transmittal Number and Date _________________________________________________
New Member/ Transfer Coupon (Print Neatly)
New Member/ Transfers Name__________________________________________________________
New Member’s Post City and Post Number_________________________________________________
Recruiter’s Name and Membership Number________________________________________________
Recruiter’s Post City and Post Number ____________________________________________________
Post Online Transmittal Number and Date _________________________________________________
New Member/ Transfer Coupon (Print Neatly)
New Member/ Transfers Name__________________________________________________________
New Member’s Post City and Post Number_________________________________________________
Recruiter’s Name and Membership Number________________________________________________
Recruiter’s Post City and Post Number ____________________________________________________
Post Online Transmittal Number and Date _________________________________________________
New Member/ Transfer Coupon (Print Neatly)
New Member/ Transfers Name__________________________________________________________
New Member’s Post City and Post Number_________________________________________________
Recruiter’s Name and Membership Number________________________________________________
Recruiter’s Post City and Post Number ____________________________________________________
Post Online Transmittal Number and Date _________________________________________________
New Member/ Transfer Coupon (Print Neatly)
New Member/ Transfers Name__________________________________________________________
New Member’s Post City and Post Number_________________________________________________
Recruiter’s Name and Membership Number________________________________________________
Recruiter’s Post City and Post Number ____________________________________________________
Post Online Transmittal Number and Date _________________________________________________
New Member/ Transfer Coupon (Print Neatly)
New Member/ Transfers Name__________________________________________________________
New Member’s Post City and Post Number_________________________________________________
Recruiter’s Name and Membership Number________________________________________________
Recruiter’s Post City and Post Number ____________________________________________________
Post Online Transmittal Number and Date _________________________________________________
Mission Blue Grant Form Revised October 2021 1
For assistance in completing this application, please contact your department.
You may find their contact information at
POST GRANT (ApplicationPage 3): The Mission Blue Post Assistance Program (PAP) grant is intended to assist posts
whose revenue has been negatively impacted from the effects of the COVID-19 health crisis within the community, as well
as any government-mandated restrictions. The funds distributed from this grant are to be exclusively used to meet financial
responsibilities associated with maintaining post facilities and community presence. Grants are only approved to cover costs
and fees associated with mortgage payments, rent, insurance premiums, and/or utilities. Recipient posts are prohibited from
using funds to maintain or cover a loss of income from any registered post business (including but not limited to post bars,
cantinas, restaurants, etc.), paying post employees, building upgrades or repairs, taxes, fines/fees/penalties, or funding post
activities and programs. Posts who meet all the required criteria may receive up to $2,000.00 from the Mission Blue PAP
fund. Department commanders/adjutants are encouraged to complete a Mission Blue grant application on behalf of the post.
Applications for this program will be accepted up to July 1, 2022.
QUALIFYING CRITERIA: American Legion posts who meet all qualifying criteria for the Mission Blue grant are
eligible to receive up to $2,000.00. Department commanders/adjutants must certify the applicant post meets the
following criteria:
Must have filed all other required forms and reports as prescribed by the department & national headquarters.
Must have actively participated in one or more American Legion program(s) within the last 18 months.
Must have a financial need.
Must have filed an IRS 990 form within the prescribed due date.
Must provide documentation indicating that the post is properly incorporated.
Must have a consolidated post report (CPR) on file.
Must provide a certificate of insurance for all liability coverage naming The American Legion doing
business as (dba) American Legion National Headquarters and the post’s department as an additional
insured. (Post must submit certificate of insurance declaration showing coverage.)
American Legion posts who do not have a CPR and/or a current certificate of insurance listing the American Legion National
Headquarters as an additional insured may still qualify for receiving up to $1,000.00 in grant funds.
REQUIRED APPLICATION INFORMATION (ApplicationPage 3): Department leadership must verify that applicant
posts meet all the qualifying criteria prior to submission of the grant application. Posts and departments do not need to
submit any bills or receipts along with grant applications. The application must be filled out completely and accurately to
prevent delays in processing. Grant requests may be completed in the fillable PDF format and sent to departments for
verification. Departments may submit endorsed applications to national via email ( Any questions
regarding this grant should be directed to the Internal Affairs & Membership Division.
APPROVAL SIGNATURE OF GRANT APPLICATIONS: Upon review, if additional information is needed, the
department will be contacted. If the application is properly completed and all qualifying criteria and requirements are
met, the Internal Affairs & Membership Division will endorse the application and forward a request for funds to the
Finance Division. After review and approval by grant administrators, a check will be issued and forwarded to the
department headquarters to disburse to the applicant post along with a grant fulfillment letter which will also include
reporting instructions.
If any of the above steps have not been taken, the application will be returned to the department headquarters for further
amendments or clarification. Applications not approved will be returned to the department headquarters with reasons for
disapproval, who should then notify the applicant post.
Mission Blue Grant Form Revised October 2021 2
REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: Posts are required to submit a true and accurate report outlining how the grant funds
were used (mortgage, rent, insurance premiums, and/or utilities) within six months of the check issue date. A copy of the
report will be included within the grant fulfillment package sent to department. This report should be reviewed by department
headquarters prior to forwarding it to Mission Blue administrators at national headquarters.
1. This form contains a post information section to be completed by the post and a department verification section to be
completed by department. Both sections must be completed in full. Departments will need to review the instructions
and information within this document with the applicant post prior to endorsing the grant application.
2. Departments will need to obtain the necessary records to verify all qualifying criteria have been met. These are
only needed for the department verification process and additional records do not need to be sent to national
headquarters along with the application. The only items necessary for submission to national are the endorsed
application and a copy of the certificate of insurance naming national headquarters as additional insured. If
additional information is needed for the review process, a grant administrator will contact the department.
3. Departments will need to verify that the applicant post has not received funds from the Small Business
Association (SBA) Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). This is a joint program between the federal government
and private lending institutions that provide grants and/or loans to small businesses during times of crisis. Many
of the approved expenses for that program also coincide with the approved expenses for American Legion Blue
4. Mission Blue grants are strictly for assisting posts with facility related expenses (as outlined in Resolution 36,
October 2020). such as insurance, rents, mortgage, utilities, etc. Bills, receipts, and itemized expenses are not required
with this application nor when submitting the grant usage report.
REMINDER: Mission Blue PAP grants ARE NOT provided to cover costs or lost revenue associated with any
post business, such as bars, cantinas, pubs, restaurants, club rooms, etc.
5. Ensure all sections of the application are complete and all requirements have been verified by the department
6. Applications must be submitted via email or online to national headquarters by departments for approval. All
applications sent directly to national headquarters by any means will be returned to the appropriate department
headquarters without review or action.
7. If you have questions concerning the Mission Blue grant and application, please contact the Internal Affairs &
Membership Division.
Before sending a Mission Blue PAP application to The American Legion National Headquarters, did you:
Verify the applicant post has met all the required criteria for grant consideration?
Complete all sections of the application?
Attach the certificate of insurance showing national as additional insured?
Sign and date the application?
ATTENTION POSTS Please Do Not Email Directly to National Headquarters
The American Legion
Mission Blue Post Assistance Program
PO Box 1055
Indianapolis, IN 46206
(317) 630-1330
This form may be reproduced as needed
Mission Blue Grant Form Revised October 2021 3
Post Legal Name: ________________________________________________ Post #: ___________ Dept.: ________________________
Post Officer Requesting Grant: ______________________________________________ Title: __________________________________
Post Mailing Address: ________________________________________ City, State: _________________________ ZIP Code: ________
Phone: __________________________ Email: __________________________________________ EIN: _________________________
Has the post ever received a Mission Blue grant? Yes No Amount received: $ ___________ Amount requested: $ ___________
The annual Consolidate Post Report (CPR) and a valid Certificate of Insurance are required by posts in order to receive grant funds
totaling up to $2,000.00. If one or both of those items are not filed with national headquarters, then only grant funds up to $1,000.00 total
may be awarded.
If a post is a recipient of a Mission Blue PAP grant and would like to be contacted by staff from The American Legion National
Headquarters to publicly share your story of how The American Legion assisted you, please indicate below. Your testimonial will be
used in print, marketing and online American Legion mediums to promote fundraising efforts. Grants such as these are made possible
from donations to support ongoing assistance for American Legion Posts, veterans, and their communities. Accept Decline
Department Officer: ____________________________________________________________ Title: _____________________________
Phone: __________________________ Email: ____________________________________________ Amount requested: $ ___________
Department Headquarters certifies that the applicant post has met all the following criteria to receive Mission Blue grant(s) up to $1,000.00
(Must check all for post to be considered for grant approval.)
All national and department-required annual forms have been submitted for the upcoming year.
The post is a properly incorporated business within its home state.
The post has not received any funds via the Small Business Association (SBA) Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).
The post has filed their annual “Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax form 990 and any other official forms as mandated by their
respective state.
The post agrees to use all funds dispersed by this grant to cover only approved expenses AND will provide a report to department demonstrating
how those funds were used within 180 days of receipt of funds or no later than February 28, 2022.
(NOTE: Department will need to relay all reports back to Blue PAP administrators at national headquarters.)
Department Headquarters certifies that the applicant post has met all the following criteria to receive Mission Blue grant(s) up to $2,000.00
(Must check all boxes above and both boxes below for post to be considered for approval of this total amount.)
The Consolidated Post Report (CPR) for the current calendar year has been submitted to national headquarters.
The post is properly and adequately insured with the national headquarters listed as a 3rd party additionally insured.
Recommended Amount: $ _________________
Signature: _____________________________________________
Title: _________________________Date: _____________________
This form should be sent to national headquarters for processing following department endorsement.
Approve or Disapprove Recommended Amount: $ _________________
Signature: _____________________________________________ Title: _____________________________ Date: _________________
Approve or Disapprove
Amount: $
Signature: _____________________________________________ Title: _________________________Date: _____________________
American Legion Department of Kansas
2022 Camporama
September 2—September 5, 2022
Wakeeld City Park adjacent to Milford Lake
201 2nd St., Wakeeld, KS
Camping reservaons must be made by
August 15 call Park Manager Chuck at 785-447-1547
Quesons and to RSVP contact
Bill at 620-654-8057 or Chuck at 785-819-5045
Camping not required, stay for the day or come for
the whole weekend! Schedule of events can be
found at
Friday, September 2, 2022
2:00-6:00pm Registration
6:00-7:00pm Hot Dogs & Chips
7:30pm 50/50 Drawing: Visit with old friends & make some new ones!!
Saturday, September 3, 2022
All day Card game 99, LCR dice game & Blackjack
9:00-11:00am Registration
9:30am Cornhole, Men’s Singles followed by Women’s Singles
2:30pm Pitch or Texas Hold-em
5:30-7:00pm Evening meal (Time Approximate)
50/50 drawing
White elephant Bingo
Sunday, September 4, 2022
7:00-9:00 am Breakfast: Pancakes & Biscuits & Gravy
8:00am Church Service at the basketball court
11:00am Cornhole, Men’s Doubles followed by Women’s Doubles
3:00pm Texas Hold-em
5:30pm Evening meal (Time Approximate)
7:00pm Business Meeting
50/50 Drawing
Drawing for door prize
Monday, September 5, 2022
7:00-8:30am Donuts & Coffee
Break Camp
Many other games and activities too!