(To be given to your local association)
20 ____ - 20____
Excess policy to any valid and collectible
PO Box 18229 insurance. If there is no primary insurance
on insurance on a player, this policy
Greensboro, NC 27419 primary after the deductible.
Player First Name M Initial Last Name Full Association Name Jersey #
[ ] Academy [ ] Challenge [ ] Classic [ ] Recreation
[ ] M
[ ]
Birth Date Level Sex
Address of Player City State
Parent/Legal Guardian Full Name Home Phone Work Phone Cell Phone
Additional Person to Contact in an Emergency Address Home Phone Cell Phone
Date of Last Tetanus Shot Medications now being taken
Player is Allergic to these Medications and Substances
List any Unusual Health Information Email for soccer information
I (we), the undersigned, residing in the county of , state of _________, the parents/legal
guardian of the above Registrant, a minor, who resides with us, do hereby declare our intent to allow that child to practice, train, play and participate in all soccer-
related activities with the above-mentioned soccer team affiliated with the North Carolina Youth Soccer Association and the United States Youth Soccer
I (we) agree that we and the Registrant will abide by the rules of the USYS, its affiliated organizations and sponsors. Recognizing the possibility of
physical injury associated with soccer and in consideration for the USYS and NCYSA accepting the Registrant for their soccer programs and activities (the “
Programs”), we hereby jointly and severally release, discharge and/or otherwise indemnify the USYS, NCYSA, their affiliated organizations and sponsors, their
employees and associated personnel, including the owners of fields and facilities utilized by the Programs, against any claim by or on behalf of the Registrant as
a result of the Registrant’s participation in the Programs and/or being transported to or from the same, which transportation we hereby authorize.
I (we) further, jointly and severally, as parents and legal guardians of the Registrant, release, discharge, and agree to hold harmless and indemnify
the above-named individuals or any of the designated coaches of the above Team from any and all liability, claims or demands arising from the Registrant
participating in the Programs with the above Team specifically to include any and all claims for personal injuries sustained while present or participating in the
Programs or traveling to or from events in the Programs or while on trips sponsored by or in conjunction with the Programs.
In addition, I (we) do hereby authorize any one of the designated adults of the Team, if after a reasonable attempt has been made to reach a parent
or guardian to obtain consent or if sound medical practice decrees that there is not time to make such an attempt, to consent to any x-ray examination,
anesthetic, medical or surgical procedure, treatment, and/or hospital care, to be rendered to the Registrant under the general or special supervision of and/or on
the advice of any physician, surgeon or dentist duly licensed to practice.
The undersigned have read and fully understand and agree to the foregoing. In addition, NCYSA and the undersigned agree that this agreement
may be executed by electronic signatures as provided in Chapter 66 of the North Carolina General Statutes.
Insurance Information:
Name of Insurance Company: ___________
**Parent/Legal Guardian Signature
ID Number:
Confirmation Number: __________ ___________________________________
Charlotte Soccer Academy