Boosting Motivation
1. Motivation is a fixed state (it always stays the same)
Everyone feels unmotivated at times. Your motivation will fluctuate
throughout this course. However, being motivated will help you to
practice the skills you learn, recover, and stay well in the long-term. So,
it's important to notice when your motivation is getting low so that you
can do something about it.
Motivation Myths
Our level of motivation changes all the time - expect it to fluctuate
throughout this course. Your motivation is likely to dip when you face
difficult tasks or experience setbacks, and increase when you have a
success. This is normal, so try not to feel down or self-critical if your
motivation dips at times.
2. Nothing can be done to improve my motivation
Many strategies can boost your motivation, including taking action or
taking the time to think through your reasons for changing and your
reasons for staying the same. These and other strategies will be
explained in more detail below.
3. I need to wait until I feel motivated to try an activity I've been
meaning to try
Waiting until you feel motivated is a recipe for disaster! You may never
feel motivated enough to try that activity you've been putting off. The
best way to become motivated is to take action. The more you do, the
more motivated you will feel and the less you do, the less motivated you
will feel.
4. Some people just aren't motivated people
This is a very common misconception, but the world isn't divided into
motivated and unmotivated people. Everyone has the capacity to
become motivated, but we are all motivated to do different things, by
different things. The challenge will be for you to discover what truly
motivates you (which is usually something that you truly value).
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