Updated July 2020
6Board Certied-TeleMental Health Application Packet
Fees are nonrefundable and nontransferable.
Application fee: $150 U.S.
Annual maintenance fee: $45 U.S.
To maintain the BC-TMH, credential holders must:
Stay current in the eld: Telemental health is a dynamic eld. Therefore, BC-TMH credential holders should
stay current by obtaining four continuing education (CE) clock hours every year, with a minimum of 20 CE
clock hours specic to telemental health during every ve-year recredentialing period. CCE conducts random
audits yearly. To maintain a record, please download a continuing education log. You must also retain copies
of your certicates of completion (dates, titles, providers, hours awarded, approver required) or other approved
activity verication. For more information, please visit the continuing education section on our website.
Disclose: Each year with renewal, the credential holder attests to compliance with CCE policies and
procedures, including disclosure about any criminal, legal, or disciplinary related matters. However, if
something happens during the year, do not wait to disclose. CCE requires all applicants and credential holders
to disclose any criminal, legal, or disciplinary related matters within 60 days of the occurrence of any such
matter, unless otherwise specied to CCE in writing.
Update information and remit annual fees: Annual fees are $45 and due in your BC-TMH anniversary
month. In order to receive notications, please keep your contact information with CCE current, including
email. Payment indicates you agree to comply with CCE policies and procedures, including adherence to the
BC-TMH disclosure requirements.
Upgrade associate or equivalent licensure status: If you were under supervision for licensure at the time of
initial application, you must submit a copy of your active full licensure during your rst ve-year recredentialing
period. Alternatively, you can submit proof of an eligible current, active status credential as described under
the BC-TMH requirements. Failure to verify full licensure or eligible credential will result in the expiration of
your BC-TMH credential. To regain active status, you will be required to submit a reinstatement application and
meet all reinstatement requirements.
Recredential: At the end of each ve-year period, the recredentialing agreement must be reviewed, signed,
dated, and then submitted with the annual fee. CCE may select you for an audit and require you to submit
your CE documentation. Payment indicates you agree to comply with CCE policies and procedures, including
adherence to the BC-TMH disclosure requirements.
If your BC-TMH becomes inactive or expires, you will need to take the following steps:
1. Submit a completed BC-TMH Reinstatement Application
2. Pay the BC-TMH reinstatement fee ($50)
3. Pay any past-due fees
4. If inactive, document four continuing education clock hours per year of your credentialing period in
which you were inactive (if not taken during the inactive period, must be obtained prior to requesting
5. Review and sign the Applicant Agreement and Release Authorization