1. Currently enrolled in grade K-12
2. New (never attended any college)
3. New Transfer (attended college but not Cerritos)
4. Returning (attend Cerritos, but not last semester)
5. Returning Transfer (attend Cerritos but attended an
other college
6. Continuing (currently enrolled or attended Cerritos
last semester)
What is your highest level of education? (SB11)
Admissions Application
Correction Form
000. No longer in high school and not a high school graduate
200. Currently enrolled in Adult School
400. Passed the GED, or received high school certificate or equivalency
600. Received foreign secondary school diploma/certificate
800. Received a Bachelor’s Degree or higher
100 Currently enrolled in K-12
300 Received a high school diploma
500 Passed the C.H.S.P.E.
700 Received an Associate’s Degree
XXX None
What is your immediate educational goal? (SB14)
What is your enrollment Status?
9. Maintain certificate or license (e.g. nursing, real estate)
10. Educational development (intellectual, cultural)
11. Improve basic skills in English, reading or math
12. Maintain certificate or license (e.g. nursing, real estate)
13. Undecided
14. Non-Credit to Credit
15. 4 Yr College Student Requirements
1. Obtain an A.A. degree and transfer to a 4-year institution
2. Transfer to a 4-year institution without an A.A. degree
3. Obtain a 2-year Associate’s Degree without transfer
4. Obtain a 2-year vocational degree without transfer
5. Earn a vocational certificate without transfer
6. Discover/formulate career interests, plans, goals
7. Prepare for a new career (acquire job skills)
8. Advance in current job/career (update job skills)
Student Signature Date
A&R Sta Use Only:
Processed by: Date
Name (Last, First)
Student ID Term Applied For
Please answer the questions as they pertain to the beginning of the semester for which you are applying.
Student must be referred by a Faculty/ Sta member:
Department: __________________________________
Name: _______________________________________