PO Box 458 * Veneta, OR 97487 * 541-935-2191 * 541-935-1838 * www.VenetaOregon.gov
Type of Permit: New Alter Relocated Permit #:
Received Date:
Applicant Name (if not owner): Daytime Phone
Mailing Address:
Physical Address: Email:
Property Owner Name: Daytime Phone:
Mailing Address:
Submittal requirements: Plan and elevation drawn to scale including proposed location, sign material, color,
dimensions, shape and height above grade. The drawing shall show the structural elements of the proposed
sign and supporting structure(s) and any other information needed to show that the sign will not interfere
with traffic safety, public health, or general welfare. Building Signs: The diagram shall show where the sign will
be attached to the building, including the distance the sign will project from the wall to which it is attached and
the height above the finished ground surface over which it is mounted. Free‐standing Signs: In addition to the
diagram, a site plan shall be submitted which shows the placement of the sign on the property with dimensions
from property lines, driveways, sidewalks, parking areas and buildings.
Please circle/check the sign district that the sign is proposed to be located within:
Highway 126 Corridor
Note: Sign District depends on the zoning district of the property as described in Veneta Land Development
Ordinance No. 493. See Section 5.15(3) – Designated Sign Districts of the ordinance for description of each sign
district. Here is a web link to the Veneta Land Development Ordinance No. 493:
Note: You will need to identify the zone in which the sign is proposed in order to determine the applicable
sign district. The Veneta Zoning & Floodplain Map can be found here:
Area of Sign (square feet)
Vertical Dimension (feet)
Dimension (feet)