Thinking about possible student
misconceptions, which Pausing Point activities
do you anticipate having to complete? Why?
(e.g. Students often struggle with differentiating the /i/
and /e/ sounds, so I anticipate having to complete the
“Hear Medial Sounds” activity.)
How does this unit fit into the scope and
sequence of learning? What will students learn in
the unit before this unit? What will students learn
in the unit after?
(e.g. Students will learn long vowel sound-spelling
correspondences in the previous unit. In this unit, students
will learn vowel diagraphs, which are more complex pieces
of the code, and in the next unit, students will learn the
even more complex sound-spelling correspondences for r-
controlled vowels. In this unit students will learn how to
write fictional narratives. In the next unit students will build
their writing knowledge to learn the new genre of
descriptive writing. Etc.)