The Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive - Installer Metering Questions (IMQs)
D. Electricity, Gas and Oil Meters
Please provide the following information where relevant, if you have used one or more
electricity, gas or oil meters (in addition to the heat meters listed in gthe IMQs).
Table 1: Please provide the following specific details for any relevant meter.
Meter labels should take the following format: ‘EM1’ for an electricity meter, ‘GM1’ for a gas meter and ‘OM1’ for an oil meter.
MeterType Meter Label Manufacturer Model Serial Number
Eg: Electricity,
Gas, Oil etc
EM1, GM1, OM1 etc
Meter Label
Date of Meter Readings
Units Meter Reading
Example: HM1 14/05/2014 l/s 0087
3. Declarations
I declare that:
eligibility requirements.
Installer name: (Please print clearly)
Installer signature:
Date: (DD/MM/YYYY)
Table 2: Please provide baseline meter readings for each of the meters’ uses.