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First Tier Pro-forma
Project title
Participant DNOs
Project summary
Please provide a narrative which explains the Problem(s) which being addressed by the Project.
Registration Date
SPT1006 Smart Building Potential Within Heavily Utilised Networks
SP Distribution
SP Distribution
This project will explore the benefits of 'Smart' buildings in heavily utilised City Centres with
Glasgow City Council (GCC) who share the aspiration for a future 'Smart' grid to help reduce the
City's carbon footprint from the anticipated adoption of a wide range of low carbon technologies.
The project will take advantage of funding from the TSB future city project managed by GCC
which will pay for all Communication and Data management systems to ensure a potential for
legacy system. This project will be achieved through a dual approach,
1) Modelling current and future city centre energy infrastructure with a range of low carbon
scenarios with relevant smart grid interventions applied. Scenarios will include: building energy
efficiency improvements; penetration of distributed generation(DG) new electrical transport loads;
and different options for building heating and cooling through heat pumps and CHP. This will
include modelling on the impact of Demand Side Response and its potential use in supporting a
range of network issues.
2) Demonstration of the feasibility and cost saving potential of Demand Side Response (DSR)
interventions deployed in the buildings of a variety of GCC buildings. By establishing the levels of
base and peak load reduction that can be realised through DSR installed retrospectively in a
number of the City's public and office buildings, the use of DSR as a cost-effective tool to support
the rollout of low-carbon technologies and the load growth they represent can be assessed
against traditional reinforcement.
Networks within City centres are the most economically important to the country, the most
heavily utilised and the most expensive to reinforce. To this extent these networks will be at the
forefront of issues arising from the much anticipated low carbon technology loads and increased
penetration of DG. There is an expectation that network operators need to deliver the solutions to
these problems not just through traditional means but through the integration with existing
building management systems to help create minimum-cost low carbon energy systems.
Glasgow is Scotland's largest City and is undergoing dramatic change towards sustainable
regeneration driven by the City Council. With around 1.5 million square metres of office space in
the city centre, managing the peak load demand of this space could have major cost benefits to a
DNO through provision of ancillary services to the grid and the potential deferment of costly city
Scope and Objectives
Please describe the scope and objectives of the Project should be clearly defined including the benefits which should directly
accrue to the Distribution System.
Success Criteria
Please give details of how the DNO will evaluate whether the Project has been successful.
This section should set out the Method or Methods that will be trialled in order to solve the Problem. The type of Method
should be identified where possible e.g. technical or commercial.
Problem(s) continued
city centre grid infrastructure upgrades.
The UK and Europe are moving towards a common standard (EN15232) for energy performance
classification in buildings - this standard considers both energy efficiency and dynamic load
management (i.e. demand side response). The challenge is to explore the benefits to DNOs,
through the projected widespread adoption of the EN15232 standard within buildings, and
understand how the DNO can proactively engage with public and private building stock in Cities,
to leverage benefit for all of the City stakeholders.
1) Future low carbon energy systems modelling - Technical/Commercial. Building on
existing scenario and cost models (such as the WS3 Smart Grid Forum model) we will investigate
specific requirements for future low carbon city centre networks. Utilising real network and
stakeholder energy data, the benefits from Demand Side Response will be modelled and the cost
of each scenario estimated. This will result in a robust network model of a city centre
environment where the cost and network impact of smart grid interventions such as DSR can be
assessed against traditional reinforcement within a range of future low carbon scenarios.
2) DSR Intervention - Technical/Commercial. In partnership with GCC, a range of DSR
compliant buildings will be assessed for DSR energy management potential. These will be audited
to EN15232 to provide a baseline for load reduction measures. Energy control devices (with
comms) will be installed to trigger pre-arranged load shedding when requested by the DNO. The
audit will identify which loads can be controlled and which are suitable for peak load shedding.
Shedding of load at peak periods will be investigated, amongst others, for reduced network
loading at times of emergency N-1 requirement. Industry standard protocols will be used to
connect the energy management module to the existing BMS Systems. An enhanced centralised
management system will be provided through TSB project funding to manage the DSR Signal and
record the load reduction achieved and this data will be utilised for analysis and reporting by
SPEN and GCC within the LCNF and TSB project.
Key outcome will be the: 1) Development of a City centre network model where cost and impact
of smart grid interventions can be assesed. Physical DSR interventions will complement the
modelling by: 2) Gaining experience in the application of DSR measures to City Centre building
stock; 3) Achieving measurable results to peak load reduction; 4) Understanding and quantifying
the role DSR could play in cost-benefit analysis of future reinforcement; 5) Understanding the
resource DSR may represent in terms of ancillary services to the network; 6) Integrating the use
and monitoring of DSR into our systems. The net result for customers will be a potential increase
in low carbon technologies that can be deployed on the network, without the need for future
costly and potentially disruptive grid infrastructure reinforcements.
Creation of a 'LCT Energy Scenario Model', DSR intervention data and project reports that
contributes to 1) Understanding of the cost advantages that DSR as a smart grid intervention may
bring against traditional reinforcement in the context of City centres 2) Understanding of the real
levels of peak load reduction available from office buildings and establishment at city scale of the
potential these interventions can provide 3) Understanding of the expected vs. actual response
and reliability of DSR response and the impact of load reductions on potential network constraints
and assessment of deferment value of DSR.
The DNO should highlight any material, known risks that could impact the Project’s costs and/or programmes.
Scale of project
Please justify the scale of the Project. In particular, the DNO should explain why there would be less potential for new learning
if the Project were a smaller scale.
Geographical area
Details of where the Trial(s) will take place. If the Project is a collaboration, the DNO area(a) in which the Trial(s) take place
should be identified.
Potential for new learning
Detail what the parties hope to learn and how the learning will be disseminated.
This should be between 5-8 to be eligible for Tier 1 Funds.
Predicted start and end dates.
DNOs should provide an estimate of the expected project starting and completion dates.
Start Date: End Date:
Project partners and external funders
Please give details of actual or potential Project Partners and External Funding Support as appropriate
Glasgow City Council
University of Strathclyde, Energy Systems Research Unit (ESRU)
Glasgow City Council, through the TSB Smart City Project are contributing funding of £101k to
this project
1) Enhance the understanding of the DNO engagement requirement within wider 'Smart City'
ambitions; 2) Modelling of future low carbon network scenario and interventions required with
Cities; 3) Actual DSR experience of city centre buildings to provide the specific technology
learnings and quantify availability and level of peak energy savings.
Dissemination within the DNO, collaborators and wider 'Smart City' debate will be through a final
project report, city energy models and a cross DNO/City stakeholder workshop.
Stakeholder & Modelling: Insufficient stakeholder commitment; output of the model doesn't
achieve its goal. Mitigation: GCC have demonstrated high level of committment backed by
financial support from Smart City project.
DSR Intervention: Existing BMS systems may prove unsuitable for implementation of energy
management measures. Mitigation: Siemens can install interface equipment to control plant items
directly if necessary.
Stakeholder engagement is through participation from GCC. Modelling of the city centre
infrastructure will cover up to half of the relevant Primary and 11kV network in Glasgows dense
city centre shopping and commercial zone. Up to 10 buildings and potentially more will be
involved in the project, with a variety of uses, and it is felt that this will present sufficient variety
and complexity to test the effectiveness of the technology and peak load savings possible across a
range of different building types and uses. The sample represents a suitable range of buildings
that the results will be applicable to a great many buidings across Glasgow and many other
similar Cities. Additional TSB funding of £101k has been leveraged to help achieve this scale.
This project will be focussed in the heart of Glasgow City Centre Commercial and Shopping
centre. A coherent network topology within this area will be modelled. The chosen buildings for
DSR intervention trialling will be within or representative of buildings within this energy &
infrastructure dense City centre zone.
Please tick if the project conforms to the default IPR arrangements set out in
the LCN Fund Governance Document?
The DNO should indicate if the Project does not conform to the default IPR conditions. A justification for alternative arrangements and why the Project
should still be approved must be provided, in accordance with paragraph 2.18 of the Governance Document.
Please tick if you do not consent to the First tier pro-forma being published in
If you do not consent please identify any information in the completed First Tier LCN
Project Registration that you do not wish to be published.
The DNO must demonstrate that it (or its Project Partners) will face commercial harm from its disclosure and that
information is considered eligible for exemption under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 or the Environmental
Information Regulations 2004.
All information submitted within the First Tier LCN Project Registration Pro-forma will be made available on the Ofgem
website, unless Ofgem has agreed otherwise as part of the Registration process set out above.
Estimated Project funding
An indication of the revenue allowed for within the DPCR5
settlement that is likely to be saved as a result of the project.
An indication of the total Allowable First Tier Project
Expenditure that the DNO expects to reclaim the for the
whole project.
Revenue allowed for in
the DPCR5 Settlement (£)
Indicative total Allowable
First Tier Project
Expenditure (£)
Please tick if the project involves making payments to related undertakings
The DNO must set out all payments that it proposes to make to itself or any Related Undertaking. Further, if a payment is to
be made to any Related Undertaking that is a Distribution System User, the DNO must demonstrate that it has offered the
same terms to similar Distribution System Users on the part of the network that is within the Project boundary and has used
reasonable endeavours to identify such Users.