Accommodations Tax Grant
Application Guidelines
Accommodations Tax Grants are provided to eligible projects through revenue received by the
City for its share of the 2% lodging tax levied by the State of South Carolina. City
Accommodations Tax Grants are awarded to eligible projects that physically take place within
the limits of the City of Folly Beach.
As you prepare your application, please be mindful of the following requirements per City
Ordinance 33.090:
Accommodations Tax Funds must be used to attract and provide for tourists, and must be
spent on tourism-related expenditures. These funds are for the purpose of developing and
increasing tourist attendance through the generation of publicity. If an expenditure cannot be
directly related to tourism, then accommodations tax revenue may not be used to fund the
expenditure. See attached ordinance for specific guidelines.
“Travel” and “tourism” mean the action and activities of people outside of the home
community. Data tracking can and should support and qualify any event that brings in
tourists to a region (50 miles or more) and boosts the local economy.
In order to determine the “tourism” potential/exposure, the application requires applicant to
provide an overall budget, percentage of tourists generated, a description of the event/project,
and total attendance to the event/project.
If this is a new project/event, then you must estimate this type of data in order to validate the
“tourism” expenditures, and track it for the event/project.
In order to qualify, applicants must provide a 25% match in funds. In-kind labor and
contributions can be used towards the match. Proof of the match must be submitted at the
time of the submission of the application.
For profit entities are not eligible to apply for funds.
Applicants must provide a list of other projects in which they have been involved.
Applicants must submit a closing report with actual revenues and expenditures from funds
received the prior year including receipts for how funds were spent, if any, before new funds
can be released.
An Accommodations Tax Advisory Board, mandated by the State, reviews applications and
makes recommendations to the City Council for the award of these funds.
Questions should be directed to Kat Eich at 843-513-1833, or
(D) Guidelines for distribution of funds.
(1) Sixty-five percent of the accommodations taxes received from the state, plus any interest
earned, shall be placed in a special designated account until the time as the funds are distributed.
Any funds not distributed for the fiscal year shall be earned over for redirection by ATAX, in
addition to the next fiscal year's funds for distribution. If the funds have not been redirected by
ATAX 30 days prior to their extinction dates, City Council shall expeditiously direct appropriate
expenditure of these funds without ATAX recommendation.
(2) Entities or individuals applying for discretionary funds must either be a nonprofit
organization or representing a nonprofit organization. It is not necessary for the applicant to have a
401(3)(c) Internal Revenue status to receive funds, but must be able to prove to the Board, if
requested, that it is not a for-profit business.
(3) All requests for funding shall be tourism-related which include the following:
(a) Advertising and promotion of tourism so as to develop and increase tourist attendance
through the generation of publicity;
(b) Promotion of the arts and culture;
(c) Construction, maintenance and operation of facilities for civic and cultural activities
including construction and maintenance of access and the nearby roads and utilities for the
(d) Funding for the criminal justice system, law enforcement, fire protection, solid waste
collection and health facilities when required to serve tourists and tourist facilities. The expenditure
under this section must be for items that would normally not be provided if the city had no tourist
activity and the amount of the expenditure must be based on the estimated percentage of costs
attributable to tourism.
(e) Public facilities such as restrooms, dressing rooms parks, and parking lots;
(f) Tourist shuttle transportation;
(g) Control and repair of waterfront erosion; and
(h) The operating of visitor information centers.
(4) Under the state statute, in order to qualify as a "tourism-related expenditure" an
expenditure must be used to attract or provide for tourists and cannot be used for an item that
would normally be provided by the city.
(5) In order to qualify, applicants must provide a 25% match in funds. In-kind labor and
contributions can be used toward the match. Proof of the match must be submitted at the time of
the submission of the application.
(6) When submitting applications, applicants must provide:
(a) A budget showing revenues and expenditures when submitting their application;
(b) The names of all members of their board, commission or committee when submitting
their applications;
(c) A list of other projects in which they have been involved, i.e., Sea and Sand Festival, Art
Show and Competition and the like;
(d) A closing report with actual revenues and expenditures before July 1 of the following
(7) Any violation of the guidelines by the applicant shall result in forfeiture of any funds
received and the applicant shall be prohibited from applying for future discretionary funds.
(Ord. 25-17, passed 9-26-17)
Accommodations Tax Grant
Application Instructions
The Accommodations Tax Application form and prior year reporting form (if you received funds
the previous year) must be filled out completely. Supplemental information may be attached to
the application, but may not replace it.
Applications must be received by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, August 7, 2020 Applications received
after this time and date will not be accepted. (Note: This is not a postmark date.)
One (1) original plus eight (8) stapled copies of pages 1-3 with receipts should be mailed to:
City of Folly Beach
Attn: Kat Eich
PO Box 48
Folly Beach, SC 29439
OR hand delivered to City Hall – Attn: Kat Eich
21 Center Street
Folly Beach, SC 29439
Following the August 7th deadline the City of Folly Beach Accommodations Tax Advisory
Board will schedule presentations, an email will be sent to you with a schedule date
(8/10-8/31). The committee will meet again to make recommendations for funding to City
Council. Applicants will be notified following the City Council’s funding decision on
September 10.
Questions should be directed to Kat Eich at 843-513-1833, or
Accommodations Tax Grant Application
Amount Requested:
Organization Status:
(Non Profit, Public, etc.)
Funds to be used for:
One-time event
Other (please list)
What specifically will these requested funds be used for?
Date(s) of event:
Contact Name &
Street or PO Box
roject Description:
Estimated Total Attendance:
Of this total attendance, what is the estimated number of tourists attending the event?
For Office Use Only
Date Received:
Prior Year Report: Yes No
Page 1
How does this project attract visitors (50 miles or more) to the area and promote tourism?
Requested Amount:
25% Match:
Total Project Budget:
List revenue sources and amounts for this event: (Attach a copy of budget)
Names of Board, Commission, or Committee Members:
Other Projects:
I hereby certify
that the above information and statements are true according to my best information
and that all Accommodations Tax Funds that may be received from the City of Folly Beach will be
solely used for the purposes set forth in this application and will comply w
ith all laws and statutes.
Page 2
FY 2019/2020 (Prior Year)
Accommodations Tax Funding
Final Report
You may record information directly on this form or create a separate document for more detailed responses.
Organization Name:
Project Name:
Contact Name: Phone:
Were you able to complete the project as stated in your original application?
If no, state any problems you encountered.
Please share any additional comments regarding the project. (e.g., lessons learned, successes, problems
encountered, etc.)
Record numbers in table below, as requested by the Tourism Expenditure Review Committee. Numbers are to
reflect attendance and funds received for projects for current and previous years.
* Tourists are generally defined as those who travel at least 50 miles to attend; however, the Committee
considers every project/event on a case by cases basis.
Please describe the methods used to capture the attendance data listed above (license plates, surveys,
Attach report indicating detailed project expenses and providing receipts to document costs and
payments of Accommodations Tax FY19/20 grant.
Provide signature of official within organization, verifying accuracy of above statements.
Name Title
2018/2019 2019/2020
Total budget of event/project
Amount funded by A-tax
Amount funded by A-tax from all sources
Total attendance
Total tourists*
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