Revised 2020 Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston | Catholic Schools Office
Principals are responsible for maintaining an up-to-date Crisis Management Plan (CMP) for their schools and
ensuring that the following are met.
The Crisis Management Plan (CMP) is updated annually and a copy sent to the Catholic Schools Office.
The CMP is available in every classroom, office, and other school rooms.
The CMP is easily available to emergency crews. A campus map is provided with utility cut-offs, fire alarm
system, surveillance, fire extinguishers, fire pulls, classroom numbers, computer/science lab locations,
storage areas for flammable material, and access to campus clearly identified.
Schools maintain current pictorial and written inventories for insurance purposes (flash drive).
The checklist is a resource that can be used to guide the development and revision of school Crisis
Management Plans. In addition, the TCCB ED Guide to Quality Effectiveness, TCCB ED Health
Manual and the Archdiocesan Administrators Handbook of Policies and Procedures for Elementary
Schools should be utilized as resources. It is NOT necessary to submit this checklist to the Catholic
Schools Office.
General Information:
Standard Emergency Procedures:
_____ Staff Training Dates (beginning/through year)
_____ Blood Borne Pathogens
_____ Members of School Crisis Management Team
_____ Bomb Threat
_____ Emergency Numbers & Contact Persons (Fire,
_____ Child Abuse & Neglect (CPS Reporting)
Police, EMS, Red Cross, Transportation, etc.)
_____ Fire & Fire Drills
_____ 2
in Command when principal is off campus
_____ Lock Down Drills & Sheltering in Place
_____ Crisis Preventative Measures
_____ Evacuation Drills - On Campus & Plan for Off
_____ Standard School Crisis Alerts/Codes (Help
Campus (Confirmed off campus location)
needed in classroom, evacuation, lockdown,
_____ Inclement Weather/Tornado/Hurricane/Flood
safety drills, playground, etc.)
_____ Industrial IssuesGas Leaks, Spills or Explosion
_____ Emergency Call System for Parent & Staff
_____ Loss of Electricity
Notification (IRIS, Parent Alert, etc.)
_____ Pandemic
_____ Response to Media
_____ Fighting/Assault: Student or Employee
_____ Emergency Equipment/Supplies (for staff use)
_____ Hostage Situation
_____ AEDs (number, locations & list of trained staff)
_____ Injury/Accident/Transportation
_____ CPR/First Aid Training (list of trained staff)
_____ Intruder or Active Shooter on Campus
_____ Communication on Campus (walkie-talkie,
_____ Missing Student or Student Left at School
cell phones, IPads, email, text, etc.)
_____ Death of a Student or Staff Member
_____ Crisis Response Box (principal/office use)
_____ Suicide on/off CampusStudent, Parent, Staff
_____ Equipment for Overnight
_____ Terrorism
_____ Weapon on Campus or Shooting Threat
Off Campus Evacuations:
_____ Building Check After Emergencies
_____ *Student Rosters
_____ *Staff Roster
Flood Control Devices/Measures:
_____ Disposition Form (Parent/ER Staff sign when a
_____ Outer doors
student is released to them)
_____ Inner doors
_____ Nametags for Students (name, parent name,
contact numbers, email)
*Rosters should include name, contact information,
doctor, medical needs, & copy of photo ID.
_____ Nametags for Staff (name, contact numbers)
_____ First Aid Kit(s)