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Last updated 11/18/2016
Impact Fee Reduction for Affordable Housing
Applicant Name (printed): Company (if applicable):
Development Name: Total # of Affordable Housing Units:
Approved UZDP #:
Pursuant to Sammamish Municipal Code (SMC) 14A.15.030(3) and 14A.20.030(2), the City may provide
Street and Parks impact fee reductions for affordable housing units as follows:
Maximum Number of Affordable Housing
Units per Development
(between 31% and
50% of King County
Area Median Income
5 units or more (including the first 4) subject to
recommendation by the Director of
Community Development in consultation with
the Directors of Public Works (street impact
fees) and Parks and Recreation (parks impact
(between 51% and
80% of King County
5 units or more (including the first 4) subject to
recommendation by the Director of
Community Development in consultation with
the Directors of Public Works (street impact
fees) and Parks and Recreation (parks impact
*The % fee reduction is expressed as a maximum amount per unit.
The City requires the following be met prior to approving a request for reduced impact fees:
Provide a copy of the City-prepared lien, covenant, or other contractual provision recorded
against the property ensuring that the proposed housing unit or development will continue to
be used for low- or moderate-income housing and remain affordable to those
families/households for a period of not less than 30 years.
801 228
Avenue SE, Sammamish, Washington 98075-9509
Phone: 425-295-0500 ● Fax: 425-295-0600 ●