5 ASRCC Club Forms
Section 2. Duties of officers
*Section 3. The club shall select a member to represent the club on the InterClub Council.
Section 4. To be eligible for office, candidates shall
(Example: be a member of the club, carry 10 units, have a 2.0 GPA, show an
interest in the club, etc.)
Section 5. Officers shall be elected/appointed (select one)
and shall take office (example: upon election, on
May 15, in the spring semester, etc.) Elected officers must receive
of votes to be elected (example: majority, plurality, 2/3 etc.)
Section 6. Vacancies in offices shall be filled (how)
(Example: by appointment, by election, etc.)
Section 1. Regular meetings shall be held
Section 2. Special meetings may be called by
(Example: request of two officers, vote of club members, president, etc.)
Section 3. A quorum of __________ (example: 2/3, 1/2, 2, etc.) of the members and
officers shall be necessary to conduct business. (A quorum is the minimum
number of voting members who must be present at a meeting to make official
binding decisions. Select a number which allows you to do business regularly
but which prevents a small number of members or officers from controlling the