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Lexington Fayette Urban County Government
Instructions: Complete and sign this form, and the attached Consent Release form, then e-mail
OR mail it to the Lexington Fayette Urban County Government (LFUCG) Title VI Officer:
Isabel G. Taylor
1306 Versailles Rd, Suite 110
Lexington, KY 40504
Name: e-mail:
Cell: ( ) Work: ( )
Person(s) discriminated against, if different from above:
Name: e-mail:
Cell: ( ) Work: ( )
Please explain your relationship to this person(s).
Division, Department, program, or subcontractor agency or program that discriminated:
Cell: ( ) Work: ( )
Does your complaint concern discrimination in access to a program or the delivery of services or in
other discriminatory actions of the LFUCG department or subcontractor agency in its treatment of
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Lexington Fayette Urban County Government
you or others? If so, please indicate below the base(s) on which you believe these discriminatory
actions were taken.
National origin:
What is the most convenient time and place for us to contact you about this complaint?
On what date(s) did the discrimination take place?
If applicable, earliest date of discrimination:
Most recent date of discrimination:
Complaints of discrimination generally must be filed within 180 days of the alleged
discrimination. If the most recent date of discrimination, listed above, is more than 180 days ago, you
may request a waiver of the filing requirement. If y
ou wish to request a waiver, please explain why
you waited until now to file your complaint and Lexington Fayette Urban County Government
(LFUCG) will evaluate the explanation and decide if a waiver is appropriate.
Please explain, as clearly and neatly as possible, what happened, where and when it happened,
why you believe it happened, and how the discrimination occurred. Indicate who was involved. Be
sure to include how other persons were treated differently from you or those in question. (Please use
additional sheets if necessary and attach a copy of written materials pertaining to your case.)
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Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. §§ 2000d 2000d7 and the
nondiscrimination section of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, 28 U.S.C. §
3789d(c), prohibit recipients of federal funds from intimidating or retaliating against anyone
he or she has either taken action or participated in an action to secure rights protected by these laws.
If y
ou believe that you have been retaliated against (separate from the discrimination alleged in #10),
please explain, as clearly and neatly
as possible, the circumstances below. Be sure to explain what
actions you took which you believe were the basis for the alleged re
Please list below any persons (witnesses, fellow employees, supervisors, or others), if
known, whom we may contact for additional information to support or clarify your com
Name Address Area Code/Telephone
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Lexington Fayette Urban County Government
Do you have any other information that you think is relevant to our investigation
of your discrimination complaint?
What remedy are you suggesting?
Have you (or the person discriminated against) filed the same or any other complaints with other
offices of the Lexington Fayette Urban County Government or any Federal agencies?
Yes , No
If so, do you remember the Complaint Number?
What agency and department or program was it filed with?
Telephone: ( )
Date of Filing: Filed Against:
Name of person that took the complaint:
Briefly, what was the complaint about?
What was the result?
* We cannot accept an unsigned complaint. Please sign and date this Complaint
Form below.
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Lexington Fayette Urban County Government
(Signature) (Date)
Date Complaint Received: Case Number:
Sent by:
Dept., Div. and/or Program:
Referred to LFUCG: Date Referred:
Director of Grants ( )
Department Commissioner ( )
Human Resources ( )
Law Department ( )
Other: ( )
Recommendation attached, if any: Yes No
We will need your consent to disclose your name, if necessary, in the course of any investigation. Please
sign and date the Consent Form. (If you are filing this complaint for a person whom you allege has been
discriminated against, we will in most instances need a signed Consent Form from that person.) Please
mail or e-mail the completed, signed Discrimination Complaint Form and the signed Consent Form as
directed above (please make one copy of each for your records).
click to sign
click to edit
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How did you learn that you could file this complaint?
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Name of Complainant
E-mail: Address:
Complaint number(s): (if known)
Please read the information below, check the appropriate box, and sign the form.
I have read LFUCG’s Notice of Investigatory Uses of Personal Information. As a
complainant, I understand that in the course of an investigation it may become necessary for
LFUCG to reveal my identity to persons at the organization or institution under investigation. I
am also aware of the obligations of LFUCG to honor requests under the Freedom of
Information Act. I understand that it may be necessary to disclose information, including
personally identifying details that LFUCG has gathered as a part of its investigation of my
complaint. In addition, I understand that as a complainant I am protected by regulations from
intimidation or retaliation for having taken action or participated in action to secure rights
protected by nondiscrimination statues.
CONSENT I have read and understand the above information and authorize LFUCG to reveal my
identity to persons at the organization or institution under investigation. I hereby authorize
LFUCG to receive material and information about me pertinent to the investigation of my
complaint. I understand that the material and information will be used for authorized civil rights
compliance and enforcement activities. I further understand that I am not required to authorize this
release, and do so voluntarily
CONSENT DENIED I have read and understand the above information and do not want
LFUCG to reveal my identity to the organization or institution under investigation, or to review, receive
copies of, or discuss material and information about me, pertinent to the investigation of my complaint.
I understand this is likely to impede the investigation of my complaint and may result in the closure of
the investigation.
click to sign
click to edit