Engineer’s Drainage Report/Plans (Stormwater Manual Chapter 4 design documentation)
Watershed map with subwatersheds delineated and labeled (4.3.1)
Location map of the stormwater controls and outfalls (4.3.1)
Baseline and After Redevelopment drainage map (4.3.1)
Streams, wetlands, and other environmentally sensitive areas are shown on the plan (4.3.1)
Detention basin design calculations and schematics (4.3.2)
Detention/retention basins are on a single lot (1.5.6)
Baseline and After Redevelopment runoff hydrographs with supporting data and analysis (4.3.2)
Hydraulic analysis of the proposed storm sewers, inlets, culverts, and channels (4.3.2, 1.6.5)
Water quality volume and BMP design calculations and schematics (4.3.2)
Detailed design of control structures and embankments (4.3.2)
Erosion prevention measures are provided at pipe outfalls (Section 1.7.6)
Channel protection measures are provided to prevent bank erosion (1.7.7)
Manufacturer’s design and maintenance standards for stormwater manufactured treatment devices (4.3.2)
If detention is not proposed, a hydraulic analysis is provided of the downstream drainage system that
demonstrates sufficient capacity (1.6.2)
Projects In or Along a Stream/Floodplain
LFUCG's FEMA Floodplain Administrator has reviewed the plans
FEMA Effective Special Flood Hazard Area is shown on the plan (1.5.12)
For areas w/o SFHA, an H&H study has established the BFEs for projects > 5 acres or > 50 lots (1.4.3)
Flood Protection Elevations are shown for structures (1.6.6)
Structures are at least 25 feet from the floodplain (1.6.7)
Plans conform to Table 1-3 regarding allowable uses in the floodplain (1.10)
Mitigation plans proposed for construction in the waters of Fayette County (1.5.5)
Vegetative buffers are shown on the plan (1.10)
Greenways are shown on the plan (4.3.1)
Federal, State, and Local Permits related to proposed construction in a stream or floodplain
LFUCG Division of Engineering Stormwater Permitting Checklist
USACE 404 Permit
KYDOW 401 Water Quality Certification
KY Stream Construction Permit
Special Permit from LFUCG for construction in the floodplain
Adequate vehicle access provided to maintain BMPs (driving surface within 10 feet of the BMP)
Maintenance agreement for commercial projects
Related drainage studies that affect the stormwater management plan of this project
Narrative of known downstream flooding problems from LFUCG studies or Engineer’s downstream study
Copies of Waivers or Variances from LFUCG
Note: If a box is not checked, provide explanation in the Appendix