Y:\City Hall\Community Development\FORMS\PERMIT APPS & HANDOUTS\Planned Zoning District Application\Planned Zoning District Application.doc Rev. 12.31.18
Planned Zoning District Application
Community Development/Planning Dept.
401 N. Madison St., Spring Hill, KS 66083
(913) 592-3657 ● (913) 592-5040 FAX
planning@springhillks.gov ● www.springhillks.gov
APPLICATION FEE (see schedule on back)
APPLICANT/OWNER (printed name)
Please refer to the attached documentation for details regarding the application submittal process.
click to sign
click to edit
Y:\City Hall\Community Development\FORMS\PERMIT APPS & HANDOUTS\Planned Zoning District Application\Planned Zoning District Application.doc Rev. 12.31.18
Planned Zoning District Application
Community Development/Planning Dept.
401 N. Madison St., Spring Hill, KS 66083
(913) 592-3657 ● (913) 592-5040 FAX
planning@springhillks.gov ● www.springhillks.gov
0 to 5 acres $ 350.00
5.1 to 10 acres $ 500.00
10.1 to 20 acres $ 600.00
20.1 or more acres $ 750.00
0 to 5 acres $ 700.00
5.1 to 15 acres $ 800.00
15.1 to 25 acres $ 950.00
25.1 or more acres $ 1,100.00
Planned Zoning District:
Base Cost: $ 500.00
1 to 10 lots $ 8.00 per lot
11 to 50 lots $ 6.00 per lot
51 to 150 lots $ 4.00 per lot
151 lots to 500 lots $ 2.00 per lot
501 lots or more $ 1.00 per lot
Preliminary Plat:
Base Cost: $ 300.00
1 to 10 lots $ 8.00 per lot
11 to 50 lots $ 6.00 per lot
51 to 150 lots $ 4.00 per lot
151 lots to 500 lots $ 2.00 per lot
501 lots or more $ 1.00 per lot
Final Plat:
Base Cost: $ 300.00
1 to 10 lots $ 8.00 per lot
11 to 50 lots $ 6.00 per lot
51 to 150 lots $ 4.00 per lot
151 lots to 500 lots $ 2.00 per lot
501 lots or more $ 1.00 per lot
Site Plan Review:
0 to 10,000 Sq. Ft. $ 600.00
10,001 to 25,000 Sq. Ft. $ 700.00
25,001 or more Sq. Ft. $ 800.00
Conditional Use Permit Fee: $ 600.00
Y:\City Hall\Community Development\FORMS\PERMIT APPS & HANDOUTS\Planned Zoning District Application\Planned Zoning District Application.doc Rev. 12.31.18
Planned Zoning District Application
Community Development/Planning Dept.
401 N. Madison St., Spring Hill, KS 66083
(913) 592-3657 ● (913) 592-5040 FAX
planning@springhillks.gov ● www.springhillks.gov
A. Pre-Development Meeting. The applicant is required to have a pre-development meeting with city staff to
review rules, regulations and proposed development. It is the applicant’s responsibility to make sure they have
the most recent copy of the Technical Specifications for Public Improvement Projects and the Design Criteria for Public
Improvement Projects.
B. Planned District Preliminary Development Plans Contents and Submission Requirements. When property is
zoned a planned district, the development plan shall be considered as preliminary and approved as part of the
rezoning application. Due to the nature of planned districts, the preliminary site development plan may be more
schematic and general in nature than a final plan that is more detailed in nature. The proponents of a planned district
shall prepare and submit to the Planning Commission 16 copies of the preliminary development plan and a digital
format approved by the Zoning Administrator, containing the following information:
1. A development plan showing the property to be included in the proposed development, plus the area within
200 feet thereof.
a. Existing topography with contours at two-foot intervals, and delineating any land areas subject to one
hundred-year flood, including those areas identified by flood studies prepared by the Johnson County
Storm Water Management Program.
b. Location of existing or proposed buildings and other structures, parking areas, drives, walks, screening,
drainage patterns and drainage controls, public streets, proposed utility connection layouts for water and
sewer, any existing easements, and areas of existing tree cover.
c. Sufficient dimensions to indicate relationship between buildings, property lines, parking areas, and other
elements of the plan.
d. General extent and character of proposed landscaping, including common names and planting size.
e. Exterior Building Elevations. Preliminary sketches depicting the general style, size and exterior
construction materials of the buildings proposed. In the event of several buildings, a typical sketch may be
submitted. In case several building types, such as apartments and business buildings, are proposed on the
plan, a separate sketch shall be prepared for each type. Such sketches shall include elevation drawings and
a floor plan, but detailed drawings and perspectives are not required.
f. Schedules. A schedule shall be included indicating total floor area, dwelling units, land area, number of
required and proposed parking spaces, and other quantities relative to the submitted plan in order that
compliance with requirements of this title can be determined.
g. Amenities. Proposed development amenities shall be identified, including but not limited to pedestrian
walkways and trails, neighborhood parks, plazas, landscaped open spaces, recreational facilities, pools,
clubhouses or community buildings, and any other site amenities.
2. The following information shall be shown on the same drawing within the 200-foot adjacent area:
a. Any public streets, which are of record.
b. Any drives which exist or which are proposed to the degree that they appear on plans on file with the City
of Spring Hill, except those serving single-family houses.
Y:\City Hall\Community Development\FORMS\PERMIT APPS & HANDOUTS\Planned Zoning District Application\Planned Zoning District Application.doc Rev. 12.31.18
Planned Zoning District Application
Community Development/Planning Dept.
401 N. Madison St., Spring Hill, KS 66083
(913) 592-3657 ● (913) 592-5040 FAX
planning@springhillks.gov ● www.springhillks.gov
c. Any buildings, which exist or are proposed to the degree that their location and size are shown on plans on
file with the City of Spring Hill. Single and two family residential buildings may be shown in approximate
location and general size and shape.
d. The location and size of any drainage structure, such as culvert, paved or earthen ditches or storm water
sewers and inlets.
3. The following other relevant information including:
a. Name, address, telephone number, and fax number of the landowner, as well as the architect, landscape
architect, land planner, engineer, surveyor, or other person involved in the preparation of the plan,
technical studies, and documents submitted with the application.
b. Date of plan preparation.
c. The boundary lines of the area included in the development plan, including bearings, dimensions and
reference to a section corner, quarter corner, or point on a recorded plat.
d. Existing land uses and current zoning districts.
e. North arrow and small key map indicating the location of the property within the City.
f. Engineering scale for site plans and standard architectural scale for building elevations.
g. Proof of adequate public facilities as set forth by Section 17.370.F of the City of Spring Hill Subdivision
C. Studies. The applicant shall furnish a traffic impact study and a storm water runoff study pertaining to the planned
D. Certified List of Property Owners. The applicant shall furnish a certified list of all owners of record of lands located
within at least 200 feet of the area proposed to be altered in the city limits; and the area of notification shall be
extended to at least 1,000 feet in the unincorporated area when properties proposed to be altered are located
adjacent to or outside of the city limits; or 1,000 feet in the growth area, of the area proposed to be zoned. The list
shall include title owners of such property, their mailing addresses, and a legal description of their property. This
information must be obtained through a title insurance company. Twenty days prior to the hearing, the Zoning
Administrator shall mail to all parties described, a copy of the published notice of the hearing.
E. Procedure for Rezoning to a Planned District. The Planning Commission shall advertise and hold a public hearing on
the plan as provided by law and as set forth by Section 17.364. The review criteria set forth by Section 17.364.D
and the statement of objectives of planned zoning provided in Section 17.332.B shall apply to the approval of
planned districts and the associated preliminary development plan.
F. Recording of Approved Preliminary Development Plan.
1. After rezoning to a planned district and the associated preliminary development plan has been approved, the
landowner shall file with the Register of Deeds a statement that such a plan has been filed with the City of
Spring Hill and has been approved, and that such planned unit development is applicable to certain specific
legally described land and such statement recorded shall also specify the nature of the plan, the proposed
density or intensity of land uses and other pertinent information sufficient to notify any prospective purchaser
or users of land of the existence of such plan.
Y:\City Hall\Community Development\FORMS\PERMIT APPS & HANDOUTS\Planned Zoning District Application\Planned Zoning District Application.doc Rev. 12.31.18
Planned Zoning District Application
Community Development/Planning Dept.
401 N. Madison St., Spring Hill, KS 66083
(913) 592-3657 ● (913) 592-5040 FAX
planning@springhillks.gov ● www.springhillks.gov
2. The statement shall contain the following information:
a. A legal description of the property.
b. A statement that copies of the plan are on file with the City of Spring Hill Zoning Administrator.
c. A statement as to the nature of the plan, the proposed density or intensity of land uses, and other
pertinent information determined necessary by the Zoning Administrator sufficient to notify any
prospective purchasers or users of land of the existence of such a plan.
d. A statement that the preliminary development plan and development regulations established by the
planned zoning district approval are binding upon all successors and assigns unless amended in
conformance with this Code, or amendments thereto.
G. Changes to the Development Plans in Planned Zoning Districts.
1. Once property has been rezoned to a planned zoning district, changes to the preliminary development plan
may be made only after approval of a revised preliminary development plan. Changes in the preliminary
development plan which are not substantial or significant may be approved by the Planning Commission, and
disapproval of such changes by the Planning Commission may be appealed to the Governing Body. Substantial
or significant changes in the preliminary development plan may only be approved after rehearing; such
rehearing shall be subject to the notice and protest provisions set forth in Section 17.364.
2. For purposes of this section, substantial or significant changes in the preliminary development plan shall
mean the following:
a. Increases density or intensity of residential uses more than five percent.
b. Increases the floor area of nonresidential buildings by more than 10 percent.
c. Increases the ground cover of buildings by more than five percent.
d. Increases the height of a building of more than 5 percent.
e. Involves changes in ownership patterns or stages construction that will lead to a different development
concept, lessens architectural harmony or quality or imposes substantially greater loads on streets and
neighborhood facilities.
f. Changes in architectural style and building materials which make the project less compatible with
surrounding uses.
g. Decreases in any peripheral setback of more than 5 percent.
h. Decreases of areas devoted to open space of more than 5 percent or the significant relocation of such
i. Modification of removal of conditions or stipulations to the planned zoning preliminary development plan
3. The criteria set forth in Section 17.364 shall be applied in determining whether to approve an application for
revised preliminary development plan. In the event the application for revised preliminary development plan is
denied, the previously approved preliminary development plan will remain in effect.
4. Upon approval of a revised preliminary development plan the plan shall be filed pursuant to Section 17.332.H.
H. Final Development Plans for Planned Zoning Districts, when required. Approval of a final development plan is
required any time a preliminary development plan is required and approved for zoning to a planned district. No
building permit shall be issued until a final development plan is approved and the property is platted.
Y:\City Hall\Community Development\FORMS\PERMIT APPS & HANDOUTS\Planned Zoning District Application\Planned Zoning District Application.doc Rev. 12.31.18
Planned Zoning District Application
Community Development/Planning Dept.
401 N. Madison St., Spring Hill, KS 66083
(913) 592-3657 ● (913) 592-5040 FAX
planning@springhillks.gov ● www.springhillks.gov
I. Final Development Plans Contents and Submission Requirements. All final development plans are to be drawn at
the same scale as the preliminary site development plan. Sixteen copies of the final development plan and a digital
format approved by the Zoning Administrator, containing the following information:
1. Contents required to be submitted with the preliminary development plan in Section 17.332.F. However, final
development plan applications for single-family and two-family developments may not require all information
as described in this section. Such applications must include information to address conditions established by
the preliminary development plan related to consideration of the final plan, as well as information including but
not limited to street tree plans, master landscape and fencing plans, and development amenities.
2. All information relevant to the proposed development including:
a. All existing and proposed adjacent public street rights-of-way with centerline location and surface type,
condition, and width. Location, size and radii of all existing and proposed median breaks and turning lanes.
All existing and proposed drive locations, widths, curb cuts and radii.
b. Finished grades showing 2 foot contours for the entire site.
c. Location, width, and limits of all existing and proposed sidewalks.
d. Location of all required building and parking setbacks.
e. Location, dimensions, number of stories, and area in square feet of all proposed buildings.
f.. Final drainage design. Limits, location, size and material to be used in all proposed drainage basins and
retaining walls.
g. Building elevations including the following:
i. Elevations of all sides of proposed buildings including notation indicating building materials to be used
on exteriors and roofs.
ii. Size, location, color, and materials of all signs to be attached building exteriors.
iii. Location, size, and materials to be used for screening of rooftop, wall-mounted, or ground-based
mechanical equipment and utility meters, fans, vents, or flues.
h. Final water and sanitary sewer plans and locations of existing and proposed fire hydrants.
i. Final landscape plans including detailed schedule of plant materials, planting size, and common and
botanical names.
j. Location, height, candle power, and type of outside lighting fixtures for buildings and parking lots.
3. The following shall be submitted in support of the application for final development plan approval:
a. Deeds of dedication for all rights-of-way or easements required as a result of preliminary development
plan approval, if conveyance thereof is not to be made by plat.
b. A copy of all covenants and restrictions applicable to the development.
c. Evidence of the establishment of the agency for the ownership and maintenance of any common open
space and all assurance of the financial and administrative ability of such agency required pursuant to
approval of the preliminary development plan, if required by the terms of the approved preliminary
development plan.
d. Evidence of satisfaction of any stipulations of the preliminary development plan approval which were
conditions precedent to consideration of the final development plan.
e. Assurances of adequate public facilities.
Y:\City Hall\Community Development\FORMS\PERMIT APPS & HANDOUTS\Planned Zoning District Application\Planned Zoning District Application.doc Rev. 12.31.18
Planned Zoning District Application
Community Development/Planning Dept.
401 N. Madison St., Spring Hill, KS 66083
(913) 592-3657 ● (913) 592-5040 FAX
planning@springhillks.gov ● www.springhillks.gov
J. Consideration of Final Development Plans for Planned Zoning Districts.
1. Final development Plan review shall be performed by the Zoning Administrator and presented to the Planning
Commission for approval. The Planning Commission shall forward the Plan to the City Council for
consideration with recommendation(s).
2. A final development plan which contains modifications from the approved preliminary development plan, but is
in substantial compliance with the preliminary plan, may be considered and approved by the Planning
Commission and Governing Body without a public hearing, provided the Planning Commission determines all
submission requirements have been satisfied and conforms with the recommendations of the Comprehensive
Plan including the Planning Principles and Design Guidelines. For purposes of this section, lack of “substantial
compliance” shall have the same meaning as “substantial or significant changes” as set forth in Section
In the event the Planning Commission determines the proposed final development plan is not in substantial
compliance with the approved preliminary site development and the recommendations of the Comprehensive
Plan including the Planning Principles and Design Guidelines, the application may not be considered except at a
public hearing, following publication notice to surrounding property owners and protest provisions set forth in
Section 17.364.
3. The applicant, in case of denial, may apply for a new hearing, with publication and posting as required in
Section 17.364 and the Planning Commission and Governing Body may approve or deny the final plans after
said hearing. All decisions of the Planning Commission may be appealed to the Governing Body who may
reverse or affirm the same.
4. Revisions to approved final development plans which are insignificant in nature may be approved
administratively by the Zoning Administrator. Provided, however, that in no event may revisions to approved
final development plans be approved administratively if the proposed revised final plan contains “substantial or
significant changes” as defined in Section 17.332.I.2.
K. Abandonment of Final Development Plan. In the event that a plan or a section thereof is given final approval and
thereafter the landowner abandons said plan or the section thereof, then the landowner shall so notify the City in
writing, or in the event the landowner fails to commence the planned development within 2 years after final approval
has been granted, then in either event such final approval shall terminate and shall be deemed null and void unless
such time period as extended by the approving authority upon written application by the landowner. Whenever a
final plan or section thereof has been abandoned as provided in this section, no development shall take place on the
property until a new final development plan has been approved.
L. Street Trees and Master Landscape Plan in accordance with Section 17.358.G and Section 17.358.H.
M. Submission of Application. Complete submission of application, including signature by applicant on all
documents, is required prior to scheduling on Planning Commission Agenda.
Y:\City Hall\Community Development\FORMS\PERMIT APPS & HANDOUTS\Planned Zoning District Application\Planned Zoning District Application.doc Rev. 12.31.18
Planned Zoning District Application
Community Development/Planning Dept.
401 N. Madison St., Spring Hill, KS 66083
(913) 592-3657 ● (913) 592-5040 FAX
planning@springhillks.gov ● www.springhillks.gov
Minimum time to complete review process = 60 days
Submission of
Planned Zoning
Dist. Application
Review by Staff
Planning Commission
(public hearing)
City Council
Approved or
Approved with
Applicant has
option to reapply