Y:\City Hall\Community Development\FORMS\PERMIT APPS & HANDOUTS\NSF HOME - Building Permit Package\2019 Building Requirement Revision\New Construction Permit
Requirements.rtf Revised 1.3.20
All applications for new construction permits are subject to the following site plan requirements:
1. Submit plans prior to issuance of a permit. Plans will have been prepared in accordance with
applicable City building codes.
Plans need to include the following:
a) Four elevations.
b) Location of furnaces, hot water heaters, sump pumps, floor drains, size of beams, columns,
footings, flue sizes and locations and types. Show sizes, spacing and lumber species to meet
City codes.
c) One-hour fire rating required between garages and living quarters.
d) Exterior elevations will show materials to be used and approximate finished grades.
e) Foundation plan will show footing sizes, height of concrete walls and special footings, such as
for fireplaces, basement emergency escape and rescue window or exterior door.
2. One set of all documents needs to be submitted to the City. Digital submittals will include:
a. All documents shall be in PDF format, with a graphic scale, and rotated so that the pages read
b. Verify you have unlocked and flattened all the drawings and reports. The markups list & layers
should be cleared and empty (you can also control this in your print settings).
c. Vector content only. Scanned images are prohibited.
d. Drawing Export Tips:
i. Maintain output Scale – avoid “Fit to Page”
ii. Keep hatch patterns to a minimum as best practice as these can quickly increase file sizes
and slow the files down
e. Documents shall be created with True Type Fonts
f. Sheet title block sizes shall remain consistent on each page of the plan set including
g. Files should only be saved in black and white
i. The exception to the black and white submittals will be elevation and rendering views for
Current Planning Design Review requirements.
h. File naming conventions should be as follows: Address-Lot #-Subdivision-Plan ID (name)
i. Example: (401 N. Madison St.-Lot 1-SUBDIVISION- The Premier) Application with files not
named consistent with these requirements may be rejected.
i. Name each page with a page label that matches the sheet.
i. Example: Page label C2 Grading Plan
j. Each Plan Sheet must be clearly bookmarked to clearly identify the content of the page.
i. Example: Page A1.0 Architectural Site Plan
k. Reserve a location on all plan sheets for City stamps. The size shall be a minimum of 3”x2” and
be in the same location on every sheet.
l. Drawings, reports and other documents must be submitted as a separate PDF for each document
type. (e.g. calculations, specifications, reports, studies, etc.)
m. Truss plans must be submitted on each building permit application at the time of applying or
three (3) days before a Rough-In inspection.
n. The plot plan must include fully dimensioned plot plans, showing walks, drives, patios, porches,
retaining walls (if any), existing and final grades at corners of building and side property lines,
upstream and downstream sewer top of manhole elevations and flow line elevations, storm
water inlets, existing trees to remain, sewer stub location or taps with distance from side
property line. Also show grades at each lot corner and curbs and grades of top of curbs at