A. Certified List of Property Owners. The applicant shall furnish a certified list of all owners of record of lands
located within at least 200 feet of the area proposed to be altered in the city limits; and the area of notification
shall be extended to at least 1,000 feet in the unincorporated area when properties proposed to be altered are
located adjacent to or outside of the city limits; or 1,000 feet in the growth area, of the area proposed to be
zoned. The list shall include title owners of such property, their mailing addresses, and a legal description of their
property. This information must be obtained through a title insurance company. Twenty days prior to the
hearing, the Zoning Administrator shall mail to all parties described, a copy of the published notice of the hearing.
B. Submission of Application. Complete submission of application, including signature by applicant on all
documents, is required prior to scheduling on Planning Commission Agenda.
C. Review Criteria. Criteria for review of a proposed amendment to the official zoning map or text to the Zoning
Code include the following:
a. Consistent with purposes of the regulations and intent and purpose of the proposed district
b. Character of the neighborhood
c. Zoning and uses of nearby parcels
d. Requested because of changing conditions
e. Suitability of parcel for uses restricted by the current zone
f. Detrimental effects on nearby parcels
g. Proposed amendment corrects an error
h. Length of time the property has been vacant
i. Adequacy of facilities
j. Conformity with the Comprehensive Plan
k. Hardship if application is denied
l. Any additional information
D. Posting of Sign. Upon application for rezoning, the applicant shall post a sign, as provided by the City Clerk, on
the property in question. The rezoning sign must be posted not less than 15 days prior to the date of the public
hearing to be held by the Planning Commission. The sign shall be placed within five feet of the street right-of-
way in a central position on the property to be rezoned. The bottom of the sign shall be raised a minimum of two
feet above the ground and the sign shall remain posted until after Governing Body action and shall be removed
by the owner.
E. Pre-application Meeting. (See flow chart) Prior to filing an application for rezoning a pre-application meeting
shall be held between the applicant and City staff, unless waived by the City Planner. At such a pre-application
meeting, the City Planner should determine if a neighborhood meeting is necessary.
F. Neighborhood Meetings. (See flow chart) The purpose of neighborhood meetings is to allow the proposed
development’s surrounding property owners the chance to meet with the applicant prior to the scheduled
public meeting before the Planning Commission and attempt to resolve issues that may impact the quality of
life in the area or the value of surrounding properties. (Refer to Resolution 612 dated March 8, 2007.)
When neighborhood meetings are required, notification of the meetings should be provided by applicants to
all property owners of record and all homes associations generally within 200 feet or 1,000 feet of the
boundaries depending on if inside the city limits. Such meeting should typically be held at least fifteen days
or more prior to the scheduled meeting before the Planning Commission in order to revise plans to address
neighborhood issues and to provide a summary of the meeting issues to City staff. Proof of notification is
required prior to consideration of the Planning Commission.